Final terms for the prospectus for bonds issued in pursuance of section 33 e of the Danish Mortgage-Credit Loans and Mortgage-Credit Bonds etc. Act (junior covered bonds)

Amendment to “Final terms for the prospectus for bonds issued in
pursuance of section 33 e of the Danish Mortgage-Credit Loans and
Mortgage-Credit Bonds etc. Act (junior covered bonds) (issued in the
period from 1 March 2010 to 28 February 2011)”

In connection with the opening of new ISINs by Nykredit Realkredit A/S,
amendments have been made to the “Final terms for the Prospectus for 
bonds issued in pursuance of section 33 e of the Danish Mortgage-Credit 
Loans and Mortgage-Credit Bonds etc. Act (junior covered bonds) (issued 
in the period from 1 March 2010 to 28 February 2011)”.

Amendments to the final terms appear from Appendix 1.

The prospectus for bonds issued in pursuance of section 33 e of the 
Danish Mortgage-Credit Loans and Mortgage-Credit Bonds etc. Act 
(junior covered bonds) (issued in the period from 1 March 2010 to 28 
February 2011) and the related final terms are available at Nykredit's 

Questions may be addressed to Henrik Hjortshøj-Nielsen, Executive Vice 
President, tel +45 44 55 10 40, or Nels Petersen, Head of Corporate 
Communications, tel + 45 44 55 14 70.

