Decisions of the Extraordinary General meeting of Shareholders of JSC "Talsu mežrūpniecība" dated 30 July 2010.

Resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of JSC „Talsu 
                       mežrūpniecība” dated 30 July 2010                        
                                  The agenda:                                   
1.Election of the Supervisory Board.                                            

Possible candidate of members of Council:                                       

Oskars Dērings                                                                  
Alda Kiore                                                                      
Eva Emerberga                                                                   
Dace Štāka                                                                      
Ivo Šneiders. 
2. Election of the members of  audit committee.                                 

Possible candidate of members of  audit committee:                              
Ivo Šneiders                                                                    
Eva Emerberga                                                                   
Oskars Dērings.                                                                 

JSC „Talsu mežrūpniecība”                                                       
Chairmen of the Board			G.Štāks