AFFECTO PLC               INTERIM REPORT              4 AUGUST 2010 at 9.30



MEUR                             4-6/10   4-6/09    1-6/10   1-6/09       2009
Net sales                          28.4     26.2      54.2     53.7      103.0
Operational segment result          0.6      2.0       0.7      1.8        4.7
% of net sales                      2.2      7.8       1.3      3.4        4.6
Operating profit/loss               0.1      1.5      -0.3     -5.4       -3.6
% of net sales                      0.4      5.7      -0.5    -10.1       -3.5
Profit/loss before taxes           -0.3      1.2      -1.4     -7.4       -6.3
Profit/loss for the period         -0.1      0.8      -1.1     -7.2       -7.1
Equity ratio, %                    44.1     41.7      44.1     41.7       42.9
Net gearing, %                     45.5     50.7      45.5     50.7       39.1
Earnings per share, eur           -0.01     0.04     -0.05    -0.33      -0.33
Earnings per share (diluted),     -0.01     0.04     -0.05    -0.33      -0.33
Equity per share, eur              2.50     2.37      2.50     2.37       2.49

CEO Pekka Eloholma comments:

"Second  quarter  returned the net sales to growth path.  Net  sales  grew  9%
during  the quarter, and grew in all areas except Sweden. We managed to offset
the effects of the low first quarter and thus the total net sales of the first
half-year grew."

"The  profitability  improved  compared to the first  quarter,  although  non-
recurring  expenses of 0.6 MEUR related to changes in personnel  burdened  the
result.  Finland, Norway and Denmark were profitable, but we made  a  loss  in
Sweden where development actions are ongoing. Profitability as a whole was not
yet  on  a  satisfactory level, and we seek a clearly better outcome  for  the
remaining part of the year."

"Affecto's  order backlog grew to 45.4 MEUR, which is higher than  in  Q2/2009
(38.1 MEUR) or Q1/2010 (43.1 MEUR). It is the highest level since Q2/2008. The
improved order backlog and the good level of customer activity strengthen  our
belief in continuing improvement in business conditions."

"The  net  sales  are estimated to grow in year 2010. The year  2010  will  be
clearly profitable and the profitability (EBIT margin) is estimated to improve
during the year."

Additional information:
CEO Pekka Eloholma, +358 205 777 737
CFO Satu Kankare, +358 205 777 202
SVP, M&A, IR, Hannu Nyman, +358 205 777 761

This  release is unaudited. The amounts in this report have been rounded  from
exact numbers.


Affecto  builds IT solutions that enable organisations to integrate  strategic
targets  with  their business management. Our business intelligence  solutions
utilise  information  generated by ERP and other IT  systems  and  process  it
further.  Affecto  also  delivers  operational  solutions  for  improving  and
simplifying   processes  at  customer  organizations  and  offers   geographic
information services.

Affecto is headquartered in Helsinki, Finland. The company has subsidiaries in
Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Poland.


Affecto's  net  sales in 1-6/2010 were 54.2 MEUR (1-6/2009:  53.7  MEUR).  Net
sales  in Finland were 22.8 MEUR (23.2 MEUR), in Norway 12.1 MEUR (10.3 MEUR),
in  Sweden  7.6 MEUR (8.3 MEUR), in Denmark 5.9 MEUR (6.2 MEUR) and  7.0  MEUR
(6.9 MEUR) in Baltic.

During  the  second quarter the net sales increased in all other areas  except
Sweden,  and the effects of the weak first quarter were offset. For the  whole
six  months,  net sales increased in Norway, were about flat  on  Finland  and
Baltic and decreased somewhat in Sweden and Denmark.

In  the  Nordic  countries the business developed normally during  the  second
quarter,  and  the  market situation improved along the  developments  in  the
general economy. The Nordic BI market strengthened during the period.

The  economic situation in the Baltic countries is stabilizing after the crash
year 2009. The weakening of the Baltic economies combined with public sector's
cost saving programs has clearly decreased the demand for IT services, and the
local IT market has not yet recovered.

Net sales by reportable segments

Net sales, MEUR          4-6/10      4-6/09      1-6/10    1-6/09       2009
Finland                    11.8        11.4        22.8      23.2       45.0
Norway                      6.2         5.1        12.1      10.3       20.2
Sweden                      4.1         4.2         7.6       8.3       15.8
Denmark                     3.2         3.0         5.9       6.2       11.5
Baltic                      3.8         3.0         7.0       6.9       12.2
Eliminations               -0.8        -0.6        -1.3      -1.2       -1.6
Group total                28.4        26.2        54.2      53.7      103.0

Net  sales  of  Information Management Solutions business (previously  BI  and
Operational solutions) in 1-6/2010 were 48.9 MEUR (49.5 MEUR) and net sales of
Geographic Information Services were 5.5 MEUR (4.9 MEUR).


Affecto's  EBIT  in  1-6/2010 was -0.3 MEUR (-5.4 MEUR)  and  the  operational
segment  result  was 0.7 MEUR (1.8 MEUR). Operational segment  result  was  in
Finland  1.6  MEUR (3.0 MEUR), in Norway 0.8 MEUR (1.1 MEUR), in  Sweden  -0.5
MEUR  (0.7 MEUR), in Denmark 0.4 MEUR (0.5 MEUR) and in Baltic -0.1 MEUR (-2.6

The  businesses in Finland, Norway and Denmark made profit, but  profitability
was not satisfactory enough. Resource utilization was not quite optimal, which
lowered  profitability. Some ongoing projects progressed slower than  planned,
which  had negative impact on net sales and profitability. Business in  Sweden
remained loss-making.

The  second  quarter  EBIT includes an approx. 0.6 MEUR non-recurring  expense
related  to  some  changes  in personnel. The EBIT of  the  comparison  period
Q2/2009  included  +0.3 MEUR effect from reversal of the Baltic  restructuring

Operational segment result by reportable segments

Operational segment          4-6/10    4-6/09    1-6/10    1-6/09       2009
result, MEUR
Finland                         1.0       1.3       1.6       3.0        5.1
Norway                          0.3       0.3       0.8       1.1        2.3
Sweden                         -0.2       0.4      -0.5       0.7        0.9
Denmark                         0.3       0.2       0.4       0.5        0.9
Baltic                         -0.0       0.1      -0.1      -2.6       -2.7
Other                          -0.8      -0.3      -1.4      -0.8       -1.8
Operational segment result      0.6       2.0       0.7       1.8        4.7
IFRS3 Amortization             -0.5      -0.5      -1.0      -1.0       -2.1
Impairment of Goodwill            -         -         -      -6.2       -6.2
Operating profit/loss           0.1       1.5      -0.3      -5.4       -3.6

According to IFRS3 requirements, 1-6/2010 EBIT includes 1.0 MEUR (1.0 MEUR) of
amortization  of intangible assets related to acquisitions. In year  2010  the
IFRS3  amortization  is estimated to total 1.9 MEUR and in  2011  approx.  1.9

R&D costs 1-6/2010 totaled 0.5 MEUR (0.1 MEUR), i.e. 1.0% of net sales (0.3%).
The costs have been recognized as an expense in the income statement.

Taxes  corresponding to the result for the review period have been entered  as
tax  expense. Net profit for the period was -1.1 MEUR, while it was -7.2  MEUR
last year.

The  order  backlog was approx. 45 MEUR at the end of the period, which  is  2
MEUR higher than the previous quarter's backlog of 43 MEUR. Affecto has a well
diversified customer base. The ten largest customers generated approx. 20%  of
group  revenue  in 2009 and the largest customer corresponded  to  4%  of  net


At the end of the reporting period, Affecto's balance sheet totaled 131.2 MEUR
(12/2009: 136.3 MEUR). Equity ratio was 44.1% (12/2009: 42.9%) and net gearing
was  45.5%  (12/2009:  39.1%).  Translation  differences  have  increased  the
consolidated  equity by 2.4 MEUR during 1-6/2010 due to the  strengthening  of
the Norwegian and Swedish currencies.

The  financial  loans  were  38.5 MEUR (12/2009: 40.4  MEUR)  at  the  end  of
reporting  period.  The  company's  cash and  liquid  assets  were  14.0  MEUR
(12/2009:  19.5  MEUR). The interest-bearing net debt was 24.4 MEUR  (12/2009:
20.9  MEUR). Affecto's bank loan has covenants based on net debt,  result  and
cash flow. In June Affecto agreed with the bank about changes to the covenants
for  the  period of year 2010 and fulfilled the changed covenants on  30  June

Cash  flow from operating activities for the reported period was -2.2 MEUR  (-
2.2  MEUR)  and  cash  flow  from  investments  was  -0.5  MEUR  (-0.5  MEUR).
Investments  in non-current assets excluding acquisitions were 0.6  MEUR  (0.6

Based on decision by the Annual General Meeting held on 25 March 2010, Affecto
has  distributed dividends of 1.3 MEUR (previous year 3.0 MEUR). Dividend  was
paid on 13 April 2010.


The  number  of  employees was 907 persons at the end of the reporting  period
(944). 381 employees were based in Finland, 118 in Norway, 96 in Sweden, 54 in
Denmark  and  258  in  the Baltic countries. The average number  of  employees
during the period was 909 (1023).

Fredrik Prien was appointed as the country manager in Sweden and he started in
March.  Member  of  the executive management team, COO Åge  Lönning  left  the
company  at the end of April. The Nordic country managers and the Baltic  area
manager  joined  the management team. The executive team comprises  now  Pekka
Eloholma,  Satu  Kankare,  Jukka  Nortio, Hilkka  Remes-Hyvärinen,  Stig-Göran
Sandberg, Ray Byman, Håvard Ellefsen, Claus Kruse, Rene Lykkeskov and  Fredrik


The  group's business is managed through five country units. Finland,  Norway,
Sweden, Denmark and Baltic are also the reportable segments.


In  4-6/2010  net  sales  in Finland were 11.8 MEUR (11.4  MEUR).  Operational
segment  result  was  1.0  MEUR  (1.3 MEUR).  The  business  developed  rather
uneventfully ja net sales grew by 4% compared to previous year. The profit was
below  last  year, mostly due to the ECM solutions business area.  During  the
period  new  orders were received e.g. from VR, DNA, Neste  Oil  and  Bank  of

The  growth of IT services market in Finland is forecast to be approx.  2%  in
2010  (Marketvisio's estimate, April 2010). However, Affecto's focus  segments
are expected to experience a higher growth in software sales (BI 7%, ECM 6%).


The  net  sales  in 4-6/2010 were 6.2 MEUR (5.1 MEUR) and operational  segment
result  was 0.3 MEUR (0.3 MEUR). The business developed rather well in  Norway
and  grew by 23%. The growth in Euros was helped by the strengthening  of  the
Norwegian  krone  (NOK), but also the organic growth was  good.  The  business
conditions  in  Norway have continued to develop positively. Due  to  expected
growth  in demand, the company has been active in hiring new employees,  which
has  lowered  profitability. New contracts were received e.g. from  Santander,
Statoil and Telenor.


In  4-6/2010  the net sales in Sweden were 4.1 MEUR (4.2 MEUR) and operational
segment  result -0.2 MEUR (0.4 MEUR). Fredrik Prien started as the new country
manager  in  March  and  the local organization has  been  under  development.
Especially the sales organization is being strengthened. The business was loss-
making e.g. due to changes in personnel, and is estimated to continue at  loss
in the second half of the year.


The  net  sales  in 4-6/2010 were 3.2 MEUR (3.0 MEUR) and operational  segment
result  was 0.3 MEUR (0.2 MEUR). In Denmark, the net sales grew by 6% and  the
profitability remained at last year's level. The customers' activity  remained
on  a good level and the market is expected to continue developing positively.
New orders were received e.g. from Novo Nordisk, SDC and VKR.

Baltic (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland)

The  Baltic  business mostly consists of projects related to  large  customer-
specific systems. Public sector entities in the Baltic countries and insurance
companies also outside Baltic area are significant customer segments.

In 4-6/2010 the Baltic net sales were 3.8 MEUR (3.0 MEUR). Operational segment
result was -0.0 MEUR (0.1 MEUR). The growth of 26% is to some extent caused by
some  relatively  large  license deals. The local  IT  market  in  the  Baltic
countries  has  not  recovered much from the effects of the financial  crisis,
yet. The price competition is tight. The IT investments from the public sector
have decreased due to government cost saving programs. The development of  the
local  business environment is uncertain, and the EU has great  importance  in
financing  both  public  and also private investments.  GDP  is  estimated  to
slightly grow in most of the Baltic countries in 2010.

During  the  period  an agreement was signed with Mutual &  Federal  Insurance
Company of South Africa for the implementation of next phase of their TIA ERP.
The  customer is going to order the project in phases. The size of the current
first  phase  is  estimated to be approx. 2 million  euro  and  the  estimated
duration is slightly over one year.

Some  new projects were received during the period, mostly from public  sector
entities,  including Estonian Ministry of Justice and Lithuanian Environmental
Protection Agency.

Review by business lines

Information  management solutions business contains the previously  separately
reported  Business  intelligence  (BI) and Operational  Solutions  businesses.
Reporting was changed in 2010 to match the current management model.  The  net
sales  of  Information management solutions in 4-6/2010 were 25.6  MEUR  (24.2
MEUR). The business developed steadily during the period.

The demand for Business intelligence (BI) solutions develops along the general
economy.  Customers'  general  activity  level  has  improved  and  they   are
restarting  investments put on hold last year. Gartner has  estimated  the  BI
solutions continue to be one of the key IT investment areas and average annual
global growth of BI and analytics software license markets to exceed 8%  until
year  2013.  Gartner has also forecast that the Nordic BI/DW  services  market
would annually grow 6-8% in 2010-2013.

The  demand  for  ECM solutions in Finland was good, but some of  the  ongoing
projects progressed slowly and lowered profitability. The net sales in  Baltic
increased  clearly,  as  the business is recovering from  the  crisis  in  the
previous year.

Net sales of the Geographic Information Services business in 4-6/2010 were 3.0
MEUR (2.6 MEUR). The GIS services business continued to develop favorably. The
order  intake grew and the demand for GIS solutions seems to have  grown.  The
customers  are  also  interested  in  consulting  services  related  to   e.g.
developing GIS strategies.


The  Annual  General Meeting of Affecto Plc, which was held on 25 March  2010,
adopted  the  financial  statements  for 1.1.-31.12.2009  and  discharged  the
members of the Board of Directors and the CEO from liability. Approximately 49
percent  of  Affecto's shares and votes were represented in the  Meeting.  The
Annual  General Meeting decided that a dividend of EUR 0.06 per share will  be
distributed for the year 2009.

In addition, the Meeting decided to amend Section "9 Notice of Meeting" of the
Articles of Association, and decided to lower the share premium reserve of the
parent company Affecto Plc by transferring the entire capital into the reserve
of invested unrestricted equity.

Aaro  Cantell, Pyry Lautsuo, Heikki Lehmusto, Esko Rytkönen and Haakon Skaarer
were  re-elected  as members of the Board of Directors, and Jukka  Ruuska  was
elected  as  a  new member. Immediately after the Annual General  Meeting  the
organization meeting of the Board of Directors was held and Aaro  Cantell  was
re-elected  Chairman of the Board and Jukka Ruuska as Vice-Chairman.  The  APA
firm KPMG Oy Ab was elected auditor of the company.

According  to the Articles of Association, the General Meeting of Shareholders
annually  elects the Board of Directors by a majority decision.  The  term  of
office  of  the  board members expires at the end of the next  Annual  General
Meeting of Shareholders following their election. The Board appoints the  CEO.
The  Articles of Association do not contain any special rules for changing the
Articles of Association or for issuing new shares.


The  Board did not use the authorizations given by the previous Annual General
Meeting. Those authorizations ended on 25 March 2010.

The  complete  contents of the new authorizations given by the Annual  General
Meeting  held  on  25  March 2010 have been published in  the  stock  exchange
release regarding the Meetings' decisions.

The  Annual  General Meeting decided to authorize the Board  of  Directors  to
decide to issue new shares and to convey the company's own shares held by  the
company in one or more tranches. The share issue may be carried out as a share
issue  against  payment or without consideration on terms to be determined  by
the  Board of Directors and in relation to a share issue against payment at  a
price  to be determined by the Board of Directors. A maximum of 4 200 000  new
shares  may  be issued. A maximum of 2 100 000 own shares held by the  company
may  be  conveyed. In addition, the authorization includes the right to decide
on  a  share  issue without consideration to the company itself  so  that  the
amount of own shares held by the company after the share issue is a maximum of
one-tenth (1/10) of all shares in the company. The authorization shall  be  in
force  until  the  next  Annual General Meeting. The Board  did  not  use  the
authorization by the end of the review period.

The  Annual  General Meeting decided to authorize the Board  of  Directors  to
decide to acquire the company's own shares with distributable funds. A maximum
of 2 100 000 shares may be acquired. The authorization shall be in force until
the  next  Annual General Meeting. Based on the authorization the company  has
acquired 26 474 own shares by 30 June 2010.


The company has only one share series, and all shares have similar rights.  As
at  30  June 2010, Affecto Plc's share capital consisted of 21 516 468  shares
including treasury shares and the shares owned by Affecto Management  Oy.  The
company  owns  63 212 treasury shares, excluding the shares owned  by  Affecto
Management Oy, which corresponds to 0.3% of all shares.

In  1-6/2010, the highest share price was 2.70 euro, lowest price  2.02  euro,
average  price 2.41 euro and closing price 2.31 euro. Trading volume was  5.15
million  shares, corresponding to 48% (annualized) of the number of shares  at
the  end of period. The market value of shares was 49.6 MEUR at the end of the
period excluding the treasury shares.


The  company  had  a  total of 2131 owners on 30 June  2010  and  the  foreign
ownership  was  34%.  The list of the largest owners  can  be  viewed  in  the
company's web site. Information about ownership structure and option  programs
is  included as a separate section in the financial statements. The  ownership
of  board members, CEO and their controlled corporations totaled approx. 10.3%
(9.7% shares and 0.6% options).


The  Board  of Directors of Affecto decided in June to establish a new  share-
based  incentive plan, when the company's management invests in Affecto shares
through  Affecto Management Oy, owned by the management. The  purpose  of  the
plan  is  to  commit  the Participants to the Company by encouraging  them  to
acquire  and  hold the Company's shares, and this way increase  the  Company's
shareholder  value in the long run. The number of shares to be acquired  is  a
maximum  total  of  870 000 shares. Affecto Management  Oy  will  finance  the
acquisition  by the managers' own capital investments and by a max.  1.6  MEUR
interest-bearing loan provided by Affecto. The plan will be  valid  until  the
announcement of the Affecto's Q3/2013 interim report. By 30 June 2010, Affecto
Management  Oy  has  acquired 86 844 shares. Affecto Management  Oy  has  been
consolidated to the group balance sheet.


The  changes in the general economic conditions and the operating environments
of  its customers have direct impact in Affecto's markets. The competition  in
the  markets also tightens continuously. This could have a negative effect  on
the business, operating results and financial condition of Affecto.

The  general  economic downturn may decrease the overall customer  demand  for
services,  increase price pressure from customers and lengthen offer processes
at  customers.  Also  the  competitors' eagerness  to  complain  about  public
procurement  decisions  may increase, which may cause delays  in  projects  or
interrupt  the  project delivery work. The continuing downturn may  lead  into
decrease in utilization rate of consultants.

The  economic  downturn may weaken customers' liquidity, also  in  the  public
sector. The risks related to receivables have remained high especially in  the
Baltic countries.

Affecto's  balance sheet includes a material amount of goodwill. Goodwill  has
been  allocated  to  cash generating units. Cash generating  units,  to  which
goodwill  has  been  allocated, are tested for impairment  both  annually  and
whenever  there  is  an  indication that the unit may be  impaired.  Potential
impairment  losses may have material effect on reported profit  and  value  of

Affecto's  bank  loan has covenants based on net debt, result and  cash  flow.
Breach  of covenant may lead to higher financing costs or even the termination
of  the  loan.  Affecto needs to refinance the loan latest in 2012,  when  the
current  loan  comes due. It is not certain that a new loan  facility  can  be
received with the same or better conditions than the current loan.

Affecto's success depends also on good customer relationships. Affecto  has  a
well  diversified customer base. Although none of the customers is  critically
large for the whole group, there are large customers in various countries  who
are significant for local business in the country.

Affecto's  order backlog has traditionally been only for a few  months,  which
decreases the reliability of longer-term forecasts. Slower investment decision
making,  postponing  or  cancellation of customers' IT  investments  may  have
negative impact on Affecto's profitability.

Approximately a half of Affecto's business is in Sweden, Norway  and  Denmark,
thus  the development of the currencies of these countries (SEK, NOK and  DKK)
may have impact on Affecto's profitability.

Affecto's continued success is very much dependent on its management team  and
personnel. The loss of the services of any member of its senior management  or
other key employee could have a negative impact on Affecto's business and  the
ability  of  the  company  to implement its strategy. In  addition,  Affecto's
success  depends on its ability to hire, develop, train, motivate  and  retain
skilled professionals on its staff.

Affecto  sells  third party software licenses as part of  its  solutions.  The
license  sales  have  most  impact  on the last  month  of  each  quarter  and
especially  in  the  fourth quarter. This increases the fluctuation  in  sales
between  quarters and increases the difficulty of accurately  forecasting  the
quarters. Affecto had license sales of approx. 8 MEUR in 2009.

Currently,  corporate tax rates in Latvia and Lithuania  are  below  those  of
several  other member states of the European Union, and therefore  Latvia  and
Lithuania   provide  a  favorable  environment  for  commercial   enterprises.
Furthermore, the income tax regulation of Latvia and Lithuania allow for local
businesses to structure their operations in a cost-efficient way. For example,
certain  software  development activities are treated  as  so-called  creative
activities,  which is cost beneficial for the enterprises.  When  joining  the
European  Union on 1 May 2004, Latvia and Lithuania committed to  the  ongoing
harmonization  of the laws and regulations of the member states.  At  present,
the European Union leaves regulation relating to taxation to the discretion of
its member states. However, there can be no assurances that the European Union
will  not impose requirements on its member states to harmonize their taxation
system which, in the case of Latvia and Lithuania, could result in an increase
in corporate tax rates and restrictions on the opportunities of local business
to  structure  their operations to the extent currently possible. Furthermore,
there  can  be  no assurances that Latvia and Lithuania will not independently
decide to implement tax reforms or that the interpretation of current tax laws
by courts or fiscal authorities will not be changed retroactively with similar
effects.  Harmonization imposed by the European Union or domestic tax  reforms
or  changes  in  the interpretation of current tax laws by  courts  or  fiscal
authorities  in Latvia and Lithuania could have a material adverse  effect  on
the business, operating results and financial condition of Affecto.

In  seeking  future  growth, the strategy of Affecto  is  partially  based  on
expansion  through acquisitions of other operators in the IT services  market.
The  inability  to  find  new  target companies or  the  lower  than  expected
profitability  of acquisitions made, could have a material adverse  effect  on
the business, operating results and financial condition of Affecto.


The decision of the Annual General Meeting on 25 March 2010 to lower the share
premium  reserve  was implemented on 27 July 2010 by transferring  the  entire
capital into the reserve of invested unrestricted equity.


The  net  sales  are  estimated to grow in year 2010. The year  2010  will  be
clearly profitable and the profitability (EBIT margin) is estimated to improve
during the year.

As a normal seasonality effect, the summer vacations will weaken the net sales
and the profitability in the third quarter.

The company does not provide exact guidance for net sales or EBIT development,
as  single  projects  and timing of license sales may  have  large  impact  on
quarterly sales and profit.

Affecto Plc
Board of Directors

It is possible to order Affecto's stock exchange releases to be delivered
automatically by e-mail. Please visit the Investors section of the company

A briefing for analysts and media will be arranged at 11.30 at Restaurant
Savoy, Eteläesplanadi 14, Helsinki.

Financial information:
1. Consolidated income statement, consolidated comprehensive income statement,
balance sheet, cash flow statement and statement of changes in shareholders'
2. Notes
3. Key figures

1. Consolidated income statement, consolidated comprehensive income statement,
balance sheet, cash flow statement and statement of changes in shareholders'

(1 000 EUR)                       4-6/10    4-6/09   1-6/10   1-6/09      2009
Net sales                         28 423    26 174   54 155   53 700   103 006
Other operating income                 0        10       14       15        27
Changes in inventories of            -98       -81      -47      -89      -351
finished goods and work in
Materials and services            -5 978    -4 657  -10 462   -9 389   -19 775
Personnel expenses               -16 946   -14 940  -33 696  -32 582   -59 660
Other operating expenses          -4 440    -4 093   -8 570   -9 055   -16 983
Other depreciation and              -341      -382     -694     -768    -1 466
IFRS3 amortisation                  -499      -527     -990   -1 044    -2 081
Impairment                             -         -        -   -6 208    -6 304
Operating profit/loss                122     1 504     -290   -5 421    -3 587
Finance costs (net)                 -398      -285   -1 062   -2 005    -2 684
Profit/loss before income tax       -276     1 219   -1 352   -7 425    -6 271
Income tax                           161      -374      295      257      -868
Profit/loss for the period          -115       845   -1 057   -7 168    -7 139
Profit/loss for the period                                                    
attributable to:
Equity holders of the Company       -114       845   -1 056   -7 168    -7 139
Minority interest                     -1         -       -1        -         -
Earnings per share                                                            
(EUR per share):
Basic                              -0.01      0.04    -0.05    -0.33     -0.33
Diluted                            -0.01      0.04    -0.05    -0.33     -0.33
CONSOLIDATED COMPREHENSIVE                                                    
(1 000 EUR)                       4-6/10    4-6/09   1-6/10   1-6/09      2009
Profit/loss for the period          -115       845   -1 057   -7 168    -7 139
Other comprehensive income:                                                   
Translation difference               541       291    2 393    2 305     5 001
Total Comprehensive income for       426     1 136    1 336   -4 863    -2 138
the period
Total Comprehensive income                                                    
attributable to:
Equity holders of the Company        427     1 136    1 337   -4 863    -2 138
Minority interest                     -1         -       -1        -         -


(1 000 EUR)                                  6/2010     6/2009    12/2009
Non-current assets                                                       
Property, plant and equipment                 2 016      2 503      2 102
Goodwill                                     71 340     67 413     69 415
Other intangible assets                       8 931     10 269      9 585
Deferred tax assets                           1 994      2 260      1 648
Available-for-sale financial assets              19         54         54
Derivative financial instruments                  -         16         11
Trade and other receivables                     116        162        175
                                             84 416     82 677     82 992
Current assets                                                           
Inventories                                     634      1 034        685
Trade and other receivables                  30 994     28 318     32 049
Current income tax receivables                1 145      1 069      1 047
Available-for-sale financial assets               -         92          -
Restricted cash and cash equivalents              -        325          -
Cash and cash equivalents                    14 021     16 660     19 525
                                             46 794     47 499     53 306
Total assets                                131 210    130 176    136 298
Equity attributable to equity holders                                    
of the Company
Share capital                                 5 105      5 105      5 105
Share premium                                25 404     25 404     25 404
Reserve of invested non-restricted           21 188     21 188     21 188
Other reserves                                  346        243        264
Treasury shares                                -365       -106       -106
Translation differences                      -2 849     -7 938     -5 242
Retained earnings                             4 611      6 926      6 955
                                             53 439     50 822     53 568
Minority interest                               204          -          -
Total shareholders' equity                   53 643     50 822     53 568
Non-current liabilities                                                  
Borrowings                                   34 453     38 434     36 444
Derivative financial instruments                973        852        252
Deferred tax liabilities                      2 875      3 082      3 011
Trade and other payables                        786        629        733
                                             39 086     42 997     40 440
Current liabilities                                                      
Borrowings                                    4 000      4 000      4 000
Trade and other payables                     33 308     30 551     37 058
Current income tax liabilities                  875      1 184        487
Derivative financial instruments                  -        177        408
Provisions                                      298        446        337
                                             38 481     36 358     42 290
Total liabilities                            77 567     79 354     82 730
Total shareholders' equity and              131 210    130 176    136 298


(1 000 EUR)                                   1-6/2010  1-6/2009       2009
Cash flows from operating activities                                       
Result for the period                           -1 057    -7 168     -7 139
Adjustments to profit for the period             2 548    10 142     13 390
                                                 1 491     2 975      6 251
Change in working capital                       -2 932    -2 770        937
Interest and other finance cost paid              -774    -1 170     -2 160
Interest and other finance income received          67       223        251
Income taxes paid                                  -20    -1 420     -2 770
Net cash generated from operating               -2 168    -2 163      2 509
Cash flows from investing activities                                       
Purchases of tangible and intangible assets       -586      -623       -971
Proceeds from sale of tangible and                   6        77         87
intangible assets
Proceeds from sale of Available-for-sale            41         -          -
financial assets
Net cash used in investing activities             -539      -546       -884
Cash flow from financing activities                                        
Share issue of Affecto Management Oy*              203         -          -
Repayments of borrowings                        -2 000    -1 500     -3 500
Purchase of treasury shares**                      -83         -          -
Dividends paid to the company's                 -1 289    -3 007     -3 007
Net cash generated in financing activities      -3 169    -4 507     -6 507
(Decrease)/increase in cash and cash            -5 876    -7 216     -4 883
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning      19 525    23 554     23 554
of the period
Foreign exchange effect on cash                    372       322        854
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the     14 021    16 660     19 525

*  Affecto Group management's investment to incentive arrangement
** Includes shares in Affecto Plc acquired by Affecto Management Oy.


                  Equity attributable to equity holders of the             
(1 000 EUR)    Share  Share  ReserveOther   Trea-   Trans- Ret.   Minor  Total
               capi- premium   of   reserv  sury    lat.   earn-    ity equity
                tal          investe  es   shares   diff.  ings   inter
                             d non-                                 est
Shareholders'  5 105  25 404 21 188    264    -106 -5 242   6 955     - 53 568
equity 1
January 2010
Total compre-                                       2 393  -1 056    -1  1 336
Share options                           82                                  82
Purchase of                                    -60                         -60
Dividends                                                  -1 289       -1 289
Management                                    -199                  205      6
Shareholders'  5 105  25 404 21 188    346    -365 -2 849   4 611   204 53 643
equity 30
June 2010

                  Equity attributable to equity holders of the             
(1 000 EUR)    Share  Share  Reserv  Other  Trea-   Trans- Ret.   Minor  Total
               capi- premium  e of  reserv  sury    lat.   earn-    ity equity
                tal          invest   es   shares   diff.  ings   inter
                             ed non-                                est
Shareholders'  5 105  25 404 21 188    176    -106 -10 243  17 101     - 58 625
equity 1
January 2009
Total compre-                                       2 305  -7 168       -4 863
Share options                           66                                  66
Dividends                                                  -3 007       -3 007
Shareholders'  5 105  25 404 21 188    243    -106 -7 938   6 926     - 50 822
equity 30
June 2009

* Group management's incentive plan (Affecto Management Oy).

2. Notes

2.1. Basis of preparation

This  condensed interim financial information has been prepared in  accordance
with  IAS  34,  Interim financial reporting. The condensed  interim  financial
report should be read in conjunction with the annual financial statements  for
the year ended 31 December 2009.

The group has adopted the following new and revised standards starting from  1
January  2010:  Revised  IFRS  3  Business Combinations  and  amended  IAS  27
Consolidated  and  Separate Financial Statements. In other material  respects,
the  same  accounting  policies  have been  applied  as  in  the  2009  annual
consolidated financial statements.

2.2. Segment information

Affecto's  reporting  segments  are based on geographical  locations  and  are
Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Baltic.

Segment sales and result
(1 000 EUR)                     4-6/10    4-6/09    1-6/10    1-6/09     2009
Total sales                                                                  
  Finland                       11 840    11 411    22 824    23 167   45 003
  Norway                         6 217     5 075    12 129    10 331   20 152
  Sweden                         4 069     4 198     7 617     8 281   15 823
  Denmark                        3 217     3 028     5 891     6 203   11 494
  Baltic                         3 833     3 038     6 969     6 874   12 163
  Eliminations                    -753      -576    -1 275    -1 156   -1 628
  Group total                   28 423    26 174    54 155    53 700  103 006
Operational segment result                                                   
  Finland                        1 035     1 323     1 585     3 005    5 096
  Norway                           344       298       769     1 061    2 286
  Sweden                          -183       384      -549       697      887
  Denmark                          268       243       430       518      886
  Baltic                            -8        76      -109    -2 623   -2 699
  Other                           -836      -291    -1 425      -828   -1 754
  Total operational segment        620     2 031       700     1 830    4 702
IFRS amortisation                 -499      -527      -990    -1 043   -2 081
Impairment of Goodwill               -         -         -    -6 207   -6 207
Operating profit/loss              122     1 504      -290    -5 421   -3 587

The impairment of Goodwill in 2009 was allocated to the assets of Baltic
segment. The operational segment result of Baltic segment for period 1-6/2009
included a restructuring provision amounting to 1.4 MEUR. The result for year
2009 included 1.2 MEUR realized restructuring costs.

Business Intelligence and Operation Solutions business lines, previously
reported as separate business lines, have been combined to a Information
Management Solutions business line in the beginning of year 2010. Updated
reportable business lines are in line with the current management model of
Affecto Group.

Sales by business lines
(1 000 EUR)                         4-6/10  4-6/09   1-6/10  1-6/09     2009
Information Management Solutions    25 578  24 190   48 913  49 458   93 147
Geographic Information Services      2 967   2 615    5 465   4 940   10 168
Eliminations                          -122    -631     -222    -699     -308
 Group total                        28 423  26 174   54 155  53 700  103 006

2.3. Changes in intangible and tangible assets

(1 000 EUR)                                     1-6/10     1-6/09    1-12/09
Carrying amount at the beginning of period      81 104     86 422     86 422
Additions                                          589        623        971
Disposals                                           -1       -113       -156
Impairments                                          -     -6 208     -6 304
Depreciation and amortization for the period    -1 687     -1 810     -3 548
Exchange rate differences                        2 283      1 271      3 716
Carrying amount at the end of period            82 286     80 185     81 102

2.4. Share capital, share premium, reserve of invested non-restricted equity
and treasury shares

(1 000 EUR)             Number of   Share    Share   Reserve of  Treasury
                         shares    capital  premium   invested    shares
                       outstanding                      non-
1 January 2009          21 479 730    5 105   25 404      21 188      -106
30 June 2009            21 479 730    5 105   25 404      21 188      -106
1 January 2010          21 479 730    5 105   25 404      21 188      -106
Purchase of treasury      -113 318        -        -           -      -259
30 June 2010            21 366 412    5 105   25 404      21 188      -365

At the end of reporting period Affecto Plc owned 63 212 treasury shares. In
addition to that Affeto Management Oy, included in consolidated accounts,
owned 86 844 shares in Affecto Plc. The amount of registered shares was 21 516

2.5. Interest-bearing liabilities

1 000 EUR                                           30.6.2010   31.12.2009
Interest-bearing non-current liabilities                      
Loans from financial institutions, non-current         34 453       36 444
Loans from financial institutions, current              4 000        4 000
                                                       38 453       40 444

The  facility agreement of the group includes financial covenants based on net
debt,  result and cash flow. Breach of covenants might lead to an increase  in
cost of debt or cancellation of the facility agreement. In June Affecto agreed
with  the bank about changes to the covenants for the period of year 2010  and
fulfilled  the changed covenants on 30 June 2010. Based on this, the  maturity
of the loan has been reported based on the facility agreement.

2.6. Earnings per share

Calculation of earnings per share and diluted earnings per share is based on
the figures below.

                                       4-6/10  4-6/09  1-6/10   1-6/09 1-12/09
Profit attributable to equity holders    -114     845  -1 056   -7 168  -7 139
of the company (1 000 EUR)
Weighted average number of shares                                             
(1 000):
In calculation of earnings per share   21 472  21 480  21 476   21 480  21 480
Dilution effect of share options            0       0       0        0       0
In calculation of diluted earnings     21 472  21 480  21 476   21 480  21 480
per share
Earnings per share (EUR per share)                                            
Basic                                   -0.01    0.04   -0.05    -0.33   -0.33
Diluted                                 -0.01    0.04   -0.05    -0.33   -0.33

2.7. Contingencies and commitments

The future aggregate minimum lease payments under non-cancelable operating

1 000 EUR                                          30.6.2010   31.12.2009
Not later than one (1) year                            2 927        3 013
Later than one (1) year, but not later than            2 025        2 310
five (5) years
Total                                                  4 952        5 323


1 000 EUR                                          30.6.2010   31.12.2009
Debt secured by a mortgage                                               
 Financial loans                                      38 500       40 500

The  above-mentioned debts are secured by bearer bonds with capital  value  of
52.5  million euro. The bonds are held by Nordea Pankki Suomi Oyj and  secured
by  a  mortgage  on  company assets of the group companies. In  addition,  the
shares in Affecto Finland Oy and Affecto Norway AS have been pledged to secure
the financial loans above.

Other securities given on own behalf:              30.6.2010   31.12.2009
  Pledges                                                 69          241
  Other guarantees                                     1 378           67

Pledges consist of current receivables.

Other guarantees are mostly securities issued for customer projects. These
guarantees include both bank guarantees secured by parent company of the group
and guarantees issued by the parent company directly to the customer.

2.8. Derivative contracts

1 000 EUR                                          30.6.2010   31.12.2009
Interest rate swaps:                                                     
Nominal value                                         20 250       17 000
Fair value                                              -973         -659
Interest rate cap:                                                       
Nominal value                                              -        8 000
Fair value                                                 -           11

2.9. Related party transactions

Key management compensation and remunerations to the board of directors

(1 000 EUR)                                     1-6/10    1-6/09   1-12/09
Salaries and other short-term employee           1 506     1 463     2 407
Post-employment benefits                           220       156       364
Termination benefits                               604         -        47
Share-based payments                                23        23        34
Total                                            2 353     1 642     2 852

3. Key figures

                                   4-6/10  4-6/09    1-6/10   1-6/09     2009
Net sales, 1 000 eur               28 423  26 174    54 155   53 700  103 006
EBITDA, 1 000 eur                     962   2 413     1 394    2 599    6 265
Operational segment result,           621   2 031       700    1 830    4 702
1 000 eur
Operating result, 1 000 eur           122   1 504      -290   -5 421   -3 587
Result before taxes, 1 000 eur       -276   1 219    -1 352   -7 425   -6 271
Net income for equity holders of     -114     845    -1 056   -7 168   -7 139
the parent company,
1 000 eur
EBITDA, %                           3.4 %   9.2 %     2.6 %    4.8 %    6.1 %
Operational segment result, %       2.2 %   7.8 %     1.3 %    3.4 %    4.6 %
Operating result, %                 0.4 %   5.7 %    -0.5 %  -10.1 %   -3.5 %
Result before taxes, %             -1.0 %   4.7 %    -2.5 %  -13.8 %   -6.1 %
Net income for equity holders of   -0.4 %   3.2 %    -1.9 %  -13.3 %   -6.9 %
the parent company, %
Equity ratio, %                    44.1 %  41.7 %    44.1 %   41.7 %   42.9 %
Net gearing, %                     45.5 %  50.7 %    45.5 %   50.7 %   39.1 %
Interest-bearing net debt,         24 432  25 774    24 432   25 774   20 919
1 000 eur
Gross investment in non-current       236     233       586      623      971
assets (excl. acquisitions),
1 000 eur
Gross investments, % of sales       0.8 %   0.9 %     1.1 %    1.2 %    0.9 %
Research and development costs,       273      58       537      134      433
1 000 eur
R&D -costs, % of sales              1.0 %   0.2 %     1.0 %    0.3 %    0.4 %
Order backlog, 1 000 eur           45 422  38 090    45 422   38 090   41 108
Average number of employees           906     989       909    1 023      974
Earnings per share, eur             -0.01    0.04     -0.05    -0.33    -0.33
Earnings per share (diluted), eur   -0.01    0.04     -0.05    -0.33    -0.33
Equity per share, eur                2.50    2.37      2.50     2.37     2.49
Average number of shares,          21 472  21 480    21 476   21 480   21 480
1 000 shares
Number of shares at the end of     21 366  21 480    21 366   21 480   21 480
period, 1 000 shares

Calculation of key figures

EBITDA                         =  Earnings before interest, taxes,
                                  depreciation, amortization and impairment
Operational segment result     =  Operating profit before amortisations on
                                  fair value adjustments due to business
                                  combinations (IFRS3) and Goodwill
Equity ratio, %                =  Shareholders' equity                *100
                                  Total assets - advances received    
Gearing, %                     =  Interest-bearing liabilities -      *100
                                  cash, bank receivables and
                                  securities held as financial asset
                                  Shareholders' equity
Interest-bearing net debt      =  Interest-bearing liabilities - cash
                                  and bank receivables
Earnings per share (EPS)       =  Result for the period to equity holders
                                  of the Company
                                  Adjusted average number of shares
                                  during the period
Equity per share               =  Shareholders' equity
                                  Adjusted number of shares at the end of
                                  the period
Market capitalization          =  Number of shares at the end of period
                                  (excluding treasury shares) x share
                                  price at closing date



affecto q2 2010 eng.pdf