New reporting date for half-year report

Stockholm, August 4, 2010                                                       

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according to Swedish law or conflicts with applicable regulations     
The reporting date for the Interim Report January - June 2010 has been brought  
forward to August 11, 2010                                                      

NAXS' Interim Report for the first half of 2010 will be published on August 11, 
2010, instead of August 30, 2010, as previously communicated.                   

Contact information                                                             
Jeff Bork, CEO                                                                  
Telephone: +46 (0)761-000 000                                                   

    This press release and further information is available on the Company's    
         NAXS Nordic Access Buyout Fund AB (publ), Reg. No. 556712-2972         
                      Grev Turegatan 10, 114 46 Stockholm                       
              Telephone: + 46 (0)8-611 33 25, E-mail:              


press release naxs 2010-08-04 new reportingdate for half-year report.pdf