No. 18 The result of the investigations in Solar Deutschland GmbH

During the first half of 2010, the Solar Group has performed replacements in the
management of the German subsidiary.                                            

In connection with the preparation of the quarterly report for Q2 2010, it was  
established that the accounts in Solar Deutschland GmbH were not presented in   
accordance with the accounting policies of the Solar Group. The error relates to
the statement of an estimated bonus from suppliers in 2007 and affects the      
equity of the Solar Group negatively by € 1.4m, with an increase of the trade   
payables by a similar amount.                                                   

On Thursday 19 August, the Solar Group will publish its Quarterly report Q2 2010
where the necessary adjustments have been incorporated in the figures from the  
previous year.                                                                  

Yours faithfully,                                                               
Solar A/S                                                                       

Flemming H. Tomdrup

