African mobile market growth stimulates throughput in Seamless' ERS 360°'s, license expansions forthcoming

Millions of subscribers keep topping up small denominations several times per
week and as a result throughput of the ERS 360°'s has grown beyond
expectations. Seamless' customers have deployed the ERS 360° to enhance
distribution of prepaid e-Top Up and two customers in Western Africa have
decided to issue license expansion orders. 
“It is very satisfying to see that our customer have gained great benefits of
rolling out their ERS 360°'s” says Rohit Bhatia, CEO at Seamless. “Our business
model with expansion licenses that correlates with usage is much appreciated as
our customers can start with a small system at a low price and expand in steps
according to success. These two customers have, besides taking their share of
new subscribers, also increased their market share. This shows how important
presence of distribution is and how vital it is on these markets to have street
resellers in every corner” finishes Rohit Bhatia. 

The increased transactions also mean that a lot of people have been able to get
an income as a reseller. In the two countries the resellers were initially a few
thousands but in a short time they have tripled. 

For more information, please contact:
Joakim Nordblom, Communications Manager
Direct +468 5648 7819 
Mobile +4670 541 3000

Certified Advisor: Evli Bank Plc Stockholm, +468 407 8000

About Seamless: 
Seamless is a software company specialized in solutions for Mobile Money,
prepaid e-Top Up and Value Added Services. Seamless has deployed e-Top Up and
M-commerce solutions for more than 40 mobile operators in 19 countries, across
three continents. Seamless was founded in 2001 and the share is traded at
NASDAQ OMX First North. The company headquarter is in Stockholm, Sweden, with
offices in India and South Africa.


expansions forthcoming.pdf