Regarding Approval of New Shares Issue Prospectus of Joint-stock Company LIETUVOS ENERGIJA

On August 12, 2010 the Securities Commission of the Republic of Lithuania
approved a prospectus of shares issue of the joint-stock company LIETUVOS
ENERGIJA for current shareholders and inclusion of the signed shares into the
trade at the regulated market (hereinafter - the Prospectus). The number of the
ordinary registered shares to be issued is 315 457 609, general nominal value
of the issue is LTL 315 457 609, nominal value of one share is LTL 1. The price
of one share emission is LTL 2.07. The approved prospectus and links to the
included documents are available at Nasdaq OMX Vilnius AB website, central storage facility (, branch of
Swedbank AB, representing the joint-stock company LIETUVOS ENERGIJA (in which
the signing will be performed, address - Konstitucijos pr. 20 A, Vilnius) or
the company website 

Daiva Navickienė
Treasury Manager
Division of Financial Planning and Treasury
AB "Lietuvos energija"
A. Juozapavičiaus g.13
LT-09311 Vilnius
T. +370 5 278 2359