Terms for Nykredit and Totalkredit's fixed bullet auctions

The total bond offering in connection with the interest rate adjustment 
of Nykredit and Totalkredit's ARMs (Tilpasningslån and BoligXlån) at 
the Nykredit Group's refinancing auctions in September amounts to DKK 47bn 
in DKK-denominated fixedrate bullet bonds.

The amount offered and the distribution between the individual bonds 
offered may change as the borrowers may alter the terms of their loans 
until the end of August.The expected offering will be updated on a continuous 
basis at nykredit.com/ir.

In the auction period, Nykredit will announce the individual ISINs offered 
on that day at nykredit.com/ir.

Terms of the auctions with a list of the bonds offered, expected amounts 
offered, auction schedule and other terms of the individual auctions are 
laid down in Appendices 1 and 2.

Questions regarding the bond sale as well as technical matters may be 
addressed to Nykredit Realkredit A/S, Group Treasury, Lars Mossing Madsen, 
tel +45 44 55 11 66, Christian Mauritzen, tel +45 44 55 10 14, 
Pernille Bach Ladevig, tel +45 44 55 10 63 or Theis Ingerslev, 
tel +45 44 55 20 21.

Other enquiries may be addressed to Henrik Hjortshøj-Nielsen, Executive 
Vice President, Group Treasury, tel +45 44 55 10 40, or Nels Petersen, 
Head of Corporate Communications, tel +45 44 55 14 70/+45 20 22 22 72.

