Information about leading employees' and their closely related parties' transactions with TK Development A/S shares and related securities

Information about leading employees' and their closely related parties'
transactions with TK Development A/S shares and related securities 

In accordance with The Danish Securities Trading Act, Section 28a, TK
Development shall give the following information about leading employees' and
their closely related parties' transactions with TK Development A/S shares and
related securities: 

Name: Robert Andersen
Cause: Executive Vice President
Issuer: TK Development A/S - New shares
ISIN code: DK 0060238277 (temporary code)
Description: Shares
Transaction: Purchase
Trading date: 23 August 2010
Market: NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen
Number: 12,500 shares
Share price: DKK 233,750

Further information is available from Frede Clausen, President and CEO, TK
Development A/S on tel. +45 8896 1010.

