The Arbitration Tribunal is expected to render an award in the DPTG/TPSA case on Friday September 3, 2010

With reference to rumors in the market regarding the DPTG/TPSA arbitration
proceedings, GN hereby confirms that the Arbitration Tribunal in Vienna has
orally declared that it will deliver its decision in the case at the end of the
day on September 3, 2010. 

GN Store Nord will issue a stock exchange announcement to the market
immediately after receiving a decision from the Arbitration Tribunal. 

GN Store Nord continues to be involved in an arbitration case against
Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. (TPSA) through its 75% share of DPTG I/S. The
dispute concerns determination of traffic volumes carried over the NSL fiber
optical telecommunication system in Poland. 

DPTG is entitled to 14.8% of net profits from NSL during the period 1994-2009.
The seat of the Arbitration Tribunal is Vienna, Austria. On August 28, 2009,
DPTG submitted a claim of DKK 5.0 billion, including accrued interest, for the
period 1994 to mid-2004 (phase 1) based on directions issued by the Arbitration
Tribunal on how to calculate the claim. 

After a thorough analysis of the ruling for phase 1, DPTG will calculate and
submit a claim for the remaining contract period from mid-2004 to 2009 (phase
2) using the same rationale as for phase 1. 

For further information, please contact:

Mikkel Danvold
Director, IR & Communications

GN Store Nord A/S
Tel: +45 45 75 02 71


medd 26 - the arbitration tribunal is expected to render an award in the dptgtpsa case on friday september 3 2010.pdf