Nordicom A/S - rights issue, admission to trading and official listing of subscription rights

|                                      |          Copenhagen, 7 September 2010 |
Nordicom A/S - rights issue, admission to trading and official listing of       
subscription rights                                                             

Subscription rights in Nordicom will be admitted to trading and official listing
on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen as per 9 September 2010. As at the same date,          
DK0010158500 (NRDC) will be traded exclusive of subscription rights.            

| ISIN:                                 | DK0060252187                         |
| Name:                                 | Nordicom, T-ret                      |
| Proportion:                           | 19:4                                 |
|                                       | Shareholders in Nordicom will have   |
|                                       | the right to subscribe for 19 new    |
|                                       | shares per 4 existing shares         |
| Trade in subscription rights (both    | 9 September to 22 September 2010     |
| days included):                       |                                      |
| Orderbook ID:                         | 77629                                |
| Short name:                           | NRDC T                               |

Nordicom makes a rights issue of minimum 6,450,000 and maximum 14,857,325 new   
shares, at a price of DKK 10. Subscription period: 14 September to 27 September 
2010, both days inclusive.                                                      

Please note:                                                                    
Subscription of new shares will take place in a temporary ISIN (DK0060252260)   
which will not be admitted to trading and official listing on NASDAQ OMX        
Copenhagen. The new shares will be traded in the existing ISIN DK0010158500     
after the registration of the new shares with the Danish Commerce and Companies 
Agency. The changes are expected to be implemented on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen per 
1 October 2010.                                                                 

For further information, please see the prospectus and announcements published  
by the company.                                                                 

For further information, please contact: Helene Gaustad Jeppesen, Surveillance, 
tel. +45 33 93 33 66


nordicom - t-retter - uk.pdf