The California Law and Order Independent Expenditure Committee Endorses Whitman for Governor

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 10, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- After listening to both California Gubernatorial candidates' visions for the state and their ideas for dealing with the current budget crisis, the California Law & Order (CA L&O), which represents rank-and-file police officers throughout Los Angeles, overwhelmingly endorse Meg Whitman.

"Meg's message is one of hope and prosperity and she has shown strong support for law enforcement and the men and women who enforce the law. Meg has a plan to turn California around. On the other hand, Jerry Brown told Silicon Valley business leaders 'I have a plan, I'll tell you after the election.' California's financial crisis requires leadership now and Meg Whitman understands jobs, the economy, and budgets. We cannot afford a rerun of Jerry Brown's previous leadership where he blew a surplus budget. Tough times call for a Chief Executive that is suited for the economic challenges facing California," said Scott Rate, of CA L&O and a Director with the Los Angeles Police Protective League.

"Meg Whitman will fully fund public safety, strongly supports the enforcement of the death penalty and she views more closely match the needs of the state and police officers.   On the other hand, Jerry Brown recently said, 'I will do things that labor doesn't like,' including cutting benefits for employees. In Meg Whitman's interview with the Law and Order IEC, she stated 'as Governor, I will pass budgets that provide appropriate and consistent funding to public safety, and I will appoint a public safety liaison who reports directly to me, so I can keep pace with the day-to-day issues and challenges in California. Ultimately, though, the responsibility is mine. You can be assured that I will always reach out to every level of law enforcement. Line public safety officers will always have a voice in my administration," said Paul Weber, of CA L&O and President of the Los Angeles Police Protective League. 

While both candidates spoke strongly about supporting law enforcement, when both candidates were asked about budget solutions, and fixing California's ailing economy, Whitman gave a detailed answer while Jerry Brown told the IEC to check his campaign website. "We wish Mr. Brown was as fully engaged as Ms. Whitman in 21st century technology as it relates to bringing our Golden State back onto the Global stage. California cannot afford a 20th century mindset like Mr. Brown. Remember when Mr. Brown was Governor, roads, schools, water, and bridges were excluded from the infrastructure development that the state so vitally needed. California needs to build a bridge to the future economy, not go down a broken road of the past," added Rate.

"This is the organization's first endorsement in a gubernatorial race. We believe Meg Whitman's background and experience are better suited for effectively dealing with the challenges our state faces in these difficult times," concluded Weber.

About California Law & Order

California Law & Order (CA L&O) is an Independent Expenditure Committee (IEC) whose mission is to ensure a strong and viable public safety force to protect the residents of California. CA L&O is sponsored by the Los Angeles Police Protective League (LAPPL).


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