Company release no. 42 / 2010 - Introduction of electronic communication

The proposal set forth at the extraordinary general meeting 22nd March 2010
regarding the use of electronic means were approved, and the articles of
association were changed accordingly. 

The board now uses the mandate given and introduces the use of electronic means.

The change means that the shareholder of the company in the future will receive
information via e-mail, i.e. notice for general assembly. 

We recommend that you as a shareholder of the company sign up and update your
contact information with e-mail address at the company's website under
InvestorPortalen. Instructions for registration is attached. 

In case the company does not receive your e-mail address, you will not receive
any information from the company in the future, i.e. notice for general
assembly and company releases, however you are welcome to visit our website to
stay updated. 

Yours sincerely
Tower Group A/S

Jens Erik Christensen
Chairman of the Board

Questions regarding this release can be directed to Jens Erik Christensen on
phone: +45 40 61 90 90.


fbm no 42 - introduction of electronic comm.pdf