New Board of Directors

The following have been elected to the Board of Directors of Icelandair Group:

Auður Finnbogadóttir, id: 200767 3739
No.of votes: 466.559.586
Finnbogi Jónsson, id: 180150-2429
No.of votes: 466.559.586
Katrín Olga Jóhannesdóttir, id: 010862-7369
No.of votes:466.542.492
Sigurður Helgason, id: 010546-2069
No.of votes:466.709.586
Úlfar Steindórsson, id: 030756-2829
No.of votes: 597.754.244

Alternate Board members, chosen without election:

Herdís Dröfn Fjeldsted, id: 210971-4329
Magnús Magnússon, id: 160965-4799
Vilborg Lofts, id: 121256-3129

The Board of Directors has met and chosen Sigurdur Helgason as Chairman of the
Board and Finnbogi Jónsson as Deputy Chairman. 

Information about Board Members:

Audur Finnbogadóttir is an independent consultant.  She as 15 years work-and
board member experience in Iceland.  She was temporarily the CEO of the Pension
Fund of Kopavogur Employees from fall 2009 until the spring of 2010.  Audur
holds a degree in business and an MBA from Reykjavik University. 

Finnbogi Jónsson is the CEO of the Icelandic Enterprise Fund.  He was the CEO
of the The New Business Venture Fund from 2006.  Finnbogi was the CEO of
SR-Mjöl froma 2003-2006.  Finnbogi has for the past 25 years held various
managerial and positions within the Icelandic fishing industry.  Finnbogi has
also held various board positions, mainly in the fishing industry and related
businesses. He holds a degree in engineering and business from the university
of Lund in Sweden. 

Katrin Olga Johannesdóttir is the Chief Strategy Officer of Skipti hf.  She has
held various managerial positions with Siminn, and before that she was the
Managing Director of Navision.  Mrs. Johannesdottir is currently a board member
of the Central Bank of Iceland,Sirius IT and SkjáMiðlar. She holds a Cand.Oecon
degree, from the University of Iceland and a MSc in Business Economics from
Odense University in 1989. 

Sigurdur Helgason has been a Member of Board of Directors at Finnair since. He
was President & CEO of Flugleidir/FL-Group/Icelandair 1985 - 2005.  Sigurður
var an employee of Flugleidir from 1974.  He has been a board member  of
Calidris ehf, Vildarborn and IATA.   Sigurdur holds a Cand.Oecon  from the
University of Iceland from  and a MBA from Chapel Hill. 

Úlfar Steindórsson is the CEO of Toyota in Iceland.  He was the CEO of Primex
ehf in Siglufjordur from 2002-2004, and the CEO of the New Business Venture
Fund from 1999-2002.  Úlfar has held various board positions in the Icelandic
Business environment in the past years.  Úlfar holds a Cand.Oecon from the
University of Iceland and a MBA from Virgina Commonwealth University.