Announcement to major shareholders in accordance with the Danish Securities Trading Act

Announcement to major shareholders in accordance with the Danish Securities  
Trading Act 
Referring to section 29 of the Danish Securities Trading Act, we state that ID -
Sparinvest A/S, on behalf of the investment fund, Sparinvest Europæiske         
Finansielle Aktier, has informed Max Bank that the ownership share of the Bank  
has been changed from 5.54% to 3.31%.                                           
Sparinvest Europæiske Finansielle Aktier still holds 114,620 shares in Max Bank,
and the change is a result of Max Bank's capital increase in connection with the
merger and thereby the replacement of shares with shares in Skælskør Bank.      

Stock Exchange Announcement No. 35/2010


35announcement to major shareholders in accordance with the danish securities trading act.pdf