Eniro launches Sweden's largest search- and purchase directory

Eniro launches Sweden's largest search- and purchase directory

Eniro launches its new improved website in Sweden, eniro.se, and takes
an important step in reaching its vision - to be everyone's first choice
in local search. In addition to better functionality and a new design,
the most important change is that users now easier can find companies
that sell a specific product or service. For Eniro's customers this
leads to improved searchability, which in turn generates an increased
number of leads and business transactions.

-   This is one of the biggest changes in Eniro's history. We have now
taken an important step towards also becoming Sweden's best purchase
directory. No other online service enables users to find points of
purchase for a broad range of products and services as easy as Eniro. We
are convinced that the trend of increased product searches will lead to
better business for both users and customers, says Eniro's Senior Vice
President of Products and Services, Mathias Hedlund.

 Eniro's database has now been complemented with product information
collected from company websites and includes a substantially larger
number of Swedish companies and points of purchase than before. This
implies that relevant hits for the users´ searches will multiply in
numbers. Consequently eniro.se becomes considerably better for both
users and customers. At the same time the quality, magnitude and depth
of the database will also be continuously improved through users´
ability to provide feedback and ideas on possible improvements.


-   The new eniro.se obviously still provides good results when
searching for specific names and telephone numbers to specific
companies, companies within a certain business, private individuals or
using Eniro's map functions. But it has now also become easier to find
exactly where you can buy a specific product or service. You can also,
as before, book a hotel-room or table at a restaurant directly on the
website, as well as order quotes from companies for a particular job,
says Mathias Hedlund. 

In connection to the launch of the new service, Eniro will change its
graphic profile in order to signal the online transformation and the
dynamics Eniro creates between sellers and buyers.


-   Today's launch is an important step in the ongoing transformation of
Eniro. The new site eniro.se opens up for new opportunities for our
customers to improve their visibility in an efficient way, since ranking
and presentation will be important tools to reach out to the users. To
meet this we will launch new advertising formats to generate leads and
improved sales for our customers, starting from January 2011, comments
the new CEO Johan Lindgren. 

A video presentation/demo with Mathias Hedlund is available through
following link: 

http://player.creomediagroup.se/eniro_ir_presentation_29okt (http://play

For more information:
Mathias Hedlund, SVP of Products and Services +46 706-663 758
Johan Lindgren, President and CEO +46 8 553 310 01
Christine Kullgren, Media Relations +46 730 494 837

