Elanders restructures in Sweden

As part of the planned restructuring that was communicated in the interim report
for January-June 2010 Elanders has now given 55 employees notice in Sweden.
This, together with previous redundancies and employees who have left the
company for other reasons during the year, will lead to a reduction of full-time
positions in the Swedish operations by some 80 employees on a full year basis
compared to 2009.

Elanders AB (publ)

For further information please contact:
Magnus Nilsson, President and CEO telephone: +46 31-750 00 00

Elanders is required under the Securities Market Act to make the information in
this press release public. The information was submitted for publication on 29
September 2010 at 01:45 pm.



20100929_Pressrelease_Elanders_Elanders restructures in Sweden.pdf