IT - Genium INET Nordic Launch Preparations Update [150/10]


IT Notice


Genium INET Nordic Launch Preparations Update

This IT notice contains an overview of next week's launch preparation           
activities. For an overview of all launch preparation activities, see IT notice 
from September 29th:                                                     

See also  
more launch documents.                                                          

From Monday October 11, production configuration will be active in the Genium   
INET pre- production environment.                                               

All test reference data and IDs will be cleaned out.

Only production MPIDs, FIX-ports and configurations will from this date be valid
for testing in Genium INET Pre-production. Your upcoming Genium INET Clearing   
Workstation production server and admin user passwords will be mailed out       
individually on Friday October 8th.                                             

From Monday October 11th Nasdaq OMX will follow the trading schedules, system   
hours and operations routines applicable to the current CLICK production. There 
will not be any further simulated test events from Nasdaq OMX side in           
pre-production. Genium INET test environment 1, 2 and 3 will be open as normal  
up until launch weekend. During Launch weekend , no environments will be open   
except Genium INET Pre-production according to the Launch schedule.             

Additional testing available: To extend the possibilities to test, we will open 
the Genium INET External test environment 3 during the coming two weekends.     
During the 9/10, 10/10, 16/10 and 17/10 the environment will be open from 08:00 
until 23:00 CET. (Please note that that we do not have normal support during    
these weekends.)                                                                

As we enter production configuration state on the 11th of October, node         
validation will be active. This means that you will only be able to reach the   
pre-production environment from the same Server source IP-address you today are 
reaching the CLICK production environment from. If you are replacing your       
current CLICK production with a new Genium INET server with a different source  
IP address, please contact with any new IP address

Some production reference data in CLICK will still need to be changed per normal
operations (e.g new series). The new reference data will be updated after       
CLICK/SECUR closes on the evening Friday October 22nd , launch weekend.         

Final release of the Genium INET Trading Workstation and Genium INET Clearing   
Workstation software can be found on Monday morning 10:00 CET October 11th at: 

Latest Wednesday Oct 20th members should verify that their production           
connectivity and configuration have been successful. For details see:   
y_info rmation.pdf                                                              

F or further info rmation co ncerning this IT No tice please contact :

Per Fröling     
Telephone +46 8 405 6434 

Martin Granlund     
Telephone +46 8 405 71 34    



it_exchange_notice_15010 october 11.pdf