IT - INET Nordic - Launch date update on NASDAQ OMX Vilnius to change its currency on traded equities to Euro and tick size tables change in NASDAQ OMX Tallinn, Riga and Vilnius (156/10)

As of November 22, 2010 NASDAQ OMX Vilnius will change currency to Euro on all
its traded equities. Due to updated members readiness status previously
announced preliminary production launch date has been changed from November 8th
to November 22nd, 2010, which is final and official launch date. 

The following data in INET Nordic trading system will be affected by this
•	Market segments are OMX VSE Equities (Seq-ID:90) and First North Vilnius 
•	The total list of which order books to change currency from LTL to EUR.

For full details please see the attachment.

Best regards,
Nasdaq OMX Nordic


it_exchange_notice_156-10_baltic_eur postpoment.pdf