On amendments in prospectuses

13 October 2010 

On amendments in prospectuses, short prospectuses and regulations of open-ended
investment funds “AB.LV Emerging Markets Bond Fund”, “AB.LV Global ETF Fund”
and “AB.LV High Yield CIS Bond Fund” managed by IPAS “AB.LV Asset Management” 

Starting from 1 October 2010, changes in Prospectuses, Short Prospectuses, and
Regulations of open-end investment funds managed by AB.LV Asset Management have
become effective. The following amendments have been introduced: 
-	in AB.LV Emerging Markets Bond Fund Prospectus, Georgia and Belize have been
added to the list of countries (are included in EMBIG Div index); 
-	in AB.LV Global ETF Fund Prospectus, Indonesia has been added to the list of
developing countries, and Finland, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, and Ireland - to
the list of developed countries. All those countries are included in MSCI AC ex
USA index, which has been selected to be a benchmark index for EUR subfund; 
-	in all funds' Prospectuses and Regulations, the procedures for sale and
repurchase of the funds' investment certificates have been changed, as well as
procedures for paying remuneration to auditors and to acting Fund Manager that
substitutes the Fund Manager while the latter is absent; 
-	changes in “Taxes and duties applicable to the fund's investors” section of
the funds' Prospectuses have been made due to legislation amendments; 
-	pursuant to requirements set forth in the Law on Investment Companies, the
Prospectuses and Short Prospectuses have been supplemented with appendixes
“Description of the Fund's previous performance and comparison table of
financial performance during the previous three years”, which have been
compiled in accordance with the funds' reporting principles. 

Detailed information on open-end investment funds managed by AB.LV Asset
Management is available on our homepage at http://www.ab.lv/en/private/docs. 

For additional information, please contact specialists of AB.LV Asset
Management Sales and Customer Service Support Department: 
-	Head of the Department Vadim Burtsev, tel. +371 6700 2772;
-	Investment Specialist Armen Mirzoyan, tel. +371 6700 2787;
-	Customer Service Manager Viola Kalnina, tel. +371 6700 2778.


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