YIT CORPORATION        PRESS RELEASE     October 15, 2010 at 09:00              


In December of 2007, YIT and Finnair Facilities Management concluded a four-year
energy management contract with the purpose of improving the energy efficiency  
of Finnair's properties. This contract covers over 200,000 sq. m of building    
floor space. The contract is part of the property and facilities management     
service agreement concluded earlier by Finnair and YIT, whereby YIT was         
allocated overall responsibility for the maintenance and management of Finnair's

Following the detailed examination and assessment of the buildings' automation  
systems, the drawing up of energy consumption reports, and the optimisation of  
the indoor temperatures in the buildings, Finnair has achieved savings in energy
consumption. Moreover, control mode changes by means of motion detectors,       
especially in regard to lighting, have been proposed and implemented.           

Hangar no. 7 is the subject of a separate, on-going development project looking 
into energy-saving investment possibilities. This is the single biggest building
included in the energy-management contract. Finnair Facilities Management and   
YIT have together instructed and guided the users of Finnair's buildings and    
facilities in adopting more energy-efficient practices regarding the use of the 
premises, and the expertise of YIT's own service staff has been developed with  
the aim of improving the energy efficiency of the properties. In addition,      
energy reviews are being conducted of properties for which there are believed to
be possibilities for improvement.                                               

All of the energy-efficient solutions implemented on the properties are based on
measurements and monitoring. The energy-management contract is such that the    
properties have been connected to a control room, thus enabling real-time       
monitoring. This long-term service contract enables the customer to set         
energy-efficiency targets. The cost estimates and savings calculations as well  
as the simulation of energy consumption and savings potential are being carried 
out using state-of-the-art simulation models. The energy-management agreement   
concluded between YIT and Finnair is such that the costs of the services will be
paid for by the savings achieved.                                               

Finnair's energy savings in 2008 when compared to the consumption in 2007       
Heat, savings 5.0%                                                              
Electricity, savings 3.6%                                                       
Water, savings 4.4%                                                             

Finnair's energy savings in 2009 when compared to the consumption in 2007       
Heat, savings 0.5%                                                              
Electricity, savings 5.3%                                                       
Water, savings 3.2%                                                             

YIT develops and creates EnergyGenius solutions and services for homes and      
business premises as well as for industry and infrastructure.                   

Additional information:                                                         

Additional information                                                          
Juha Juutinen, Unit Manager, tel. +358 40 828 4072, YIT Building Systems Ltd.   
Olavi Haapanen, Assistant Manager, tel. + 358 400 405 656, Finnair Facilities   
Management Oy                                                                   

YIT CORPORATION                                                                 

Virva Salmivaara                                                                
Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications                                 

Distribution: Principal media, www.yitgroup.com                                 

Finnair is one of the world's oldest operating airlines. Its operations focus on
transporting passengers  between Europe and Asia, via Helsinki. During the 2009 
calendar year, Finnair carried a total of 7,433,000 passengers.                 

YIT is a leading European service company in building systems, construction     
services and services for industry. We build, develop and maintain quality      
living environments in the Nordic countries, Central Europe, Russia and the     
Baltic countries. In 2009, YIT's revenue amounted to EUR 3.5 billion. The Group 
employs more than 25,500 people. YIT's share is listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki.