Nomination of a new member to the Board of Satair A/S

Satair's Board of Directors recommends the election of William (Bill) E. Hoover
as new member of the Board at the upcoming Annual Shareholders Meeting to be
held on October 25, 2010. 

Born in 1949, Bill Hoover is a retired senior director of McKinsey & Company in
Scandinavia. He is an American citizen, married to a Dane and has been living
in Denmark for the past 30 years. 

Bill Hoover has wide and in-depth experience gleaned from his time with
management consulting firm McKinsey & Company, where he worked for approx. 30
years ending in 2007. He is particularly knowledgeable in relation to
operations-based companies, and his expertise covers logistics, process
optimization and efficiency enhancement. 

Current directorships: Board member of Danfoss A/S, Sauer-Danfoss Inc., GN
Store Nord A/S, NorthStar Battery, Skycon A/S and Lego Foundation. 

Bill Hoover complies with the definition of independence issued by the Danish
Committee on Corporate Governance. 

"We are extremely pleased that Bill Hoover has accepted the nomination as board
member. His strong competencies will help secure strong and profitable growth
based on an effective business model”, says Board Chairman Niels Erik Nielsen.


fond-184 gb nomination of a new member to the board.pdf