The Group of Sparekassen Faaborg fírst to third quarter report 2010

•	Pre-tax profit amounts to DKK 25,7m. 
•	Expected annual results unchanged DKK 140-160m before market value
adjustments, loan impairment losses and tax. 
•	Loan impairment losses reduced by DKK 71,2m to DKK 106,4m.
•	Staff costs and administration expenses roughly the same. 
•	Market value adjustments positive by DKK 25,0m.
•	Following the strategy for lending, loans and advances down by DKK 501,3m.
•	Deposits inclusive of pools up by DKK 53,0m.
•	Liquidity surplus amounts to 239.6 percent. 
•	Solvency ratio calculated at 17.5. 
•	Solvency surplus ratio is 8.4. 
•	Expenses to the Financial Stability Company total DKK 27,8m inclusive of
impairment losses of DKK 4.1m.
•	Opening of a new branch in Årslev near Odense on 1 September 2010.
•	Establishment of a new branch in Kerteminde in first quarter 2011.

