COMPTEL      Stock exchange release 26 October 2010 at 8.05 am 

INTERIM REPORT OF COMPTEL CORPORATION                                           
1 JANUARY - 30 SEPTEMBER 2010                                                   

Third quarter net sales and result decreased, order backlog at the previous     
year's level.                                                                   

Key figures for the third quarter:                                              
Net sales EUR 15.3 million (Q3 2009: 18.2)                                      
Operating result EUR 0.0 million (1.0)                                          
Earnings per share EUR -0.01 (0.00)                                             
Order backlog EUR 29.8 million (29.6)                                           

Key figures for January - September:                                            
Net sales EUR 54.3 million (Q1-Q3 2009: 53.3)                                   
Operating result EUR 4.0 million (-2.1)                                         
Earnings per share EUR 0.01 (-0.03)                                             

Comptel's net sales are estimated to grow slightly in 2010. The full year       
operating profit is estimated to grow and operating profit margin is forecast to
be 10 - 14 per cent.                                                            

Business Review for the Third Quarter and January - September 2010              

In the third quarter, Comptel's net sales decreased 15.7 per cent compared to   
the previous year and were EUR 15.3 million (18.2). The decrease of Group net   
sales was mainly due to reduced revenue in the Middle East. In January -        
September, net sales increased 2.0 per cent compared to the previous year and   
were EUR 54.3 million (53.3).                                                   

In the third quarter, operating result was EUR 0.0 million (1.0) due to the low 
net sales. In January - September, operating profit was EUR 4.0 million         
(operating loss of EUR 2.1 million including one-off items) and operating profit
margin was 7.4 (-4.0).                                                          

The tax expense for January - September was EUR 1.8 million (1.1), including a  
repayment of withholding taxes. There were new withholding taxes of EUR 0.7     
million (0.9) during the review period. In June, the Finnish tax authority      
credited a total of EUR 0.8 million for the withholding taxes Comptel has paid  
in Brazil and China and which had been collected again in Finland. The          
cumulative amount of outstanding double withholding taxes payment since 2004 is 
EUR 6.2 million.                                                                

The net result for January - September was EUR 1.6 million (-3.7) and the       
earnings per share was EUR 0.01 (-0.03).                                        

The Group's order backlog remained at the previous year's level and was EUR 29.8
million (29.6) at the end of the period. Maintenance agreements represent EUR   
14.4 million (12.5) and other order backlog EUR 15.4 million (17.1) of the      

The customer service centre in Bulgaria and its 26 employees were transferred to
Comptel Group as of 1 April.                                                    

In June, Comptel Corporation and Telenor Norway concluded a five year long      
agreement on the license upgrades and maintenance of Comptel's major OSS        
products. At the same time, the maintenance of Telenor Norway's old IT systems  
was removed from Comptel. As part of the arrangement, 16 of Comptel's employees 
were transferred to Telenor as of 1 July.                                       

Business Areas                                                                  

| Net sales, EUR     |   7-9 |   7-9 | Chang |   1-9 |   1-9 | Change |   2009 |
| million            |  2010 |  2009 |   e % |  2010 |  2009 |      % |        |
| Europe             |   7.8 |   7.9 |  -1.5 |  26.4 |  24.1 |    9.2 |   33.3 |
| Asia-Pacific       |   4.7 |   5.3 | -12.2 |  16.0 |  14.4 |   10.6 |   20.5 |
| Middle East and    |   1.9 |   4.0 | -54.0 |   6.7 |  11.1 |  -39.5 |   16.1 |
| Africa             |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| Americas           |   1.0 |   0.9 |  12.5 |   5.3 |   3.6 |   48.5 |    5.1 |
| Total              |  15.3 |  18.2 | -15.7 |  54.3 |  53.3 |    2.0 |   74.9 |
| Operating profit   |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| by area,           |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| EUR million        |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| Europe             |   3.9 |   4.0 |  -2.2 |  13.6 |  10.6 |   28.2 |   15.4 |
| Asia-Pacific       |   2.5 |   3.0 | -16.5 |   8.2 |   8.3 |   -0.5 |   11.5 |
| Middle East and    |   0.0 |   2.0 | -99.7 |   0.9 |   6.0 |  -85.3 |    8.3 |
| Africa             |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| Americas           |  -0.1 |  -0.2 | -48.5 |   2.4 |   0.1 | 1930.1 |    0.3 |
| Unallocated costs  |  -6.3 |  -7.8 | -20.1 | -21.1 | -27.1 |  -22.2 |  -34.4 |
| Total              |   0.0 |   1.0 | -97.0 |   4.0 |  -2.1 |  289.5 |    1.0 |
| Operating profit,  |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| % of net sales     |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| Europe             |  49.8 |  50.2 |     - |  51.7 |  44.0 |      - |   46.1 |
| Asia-Pacific       |  53.3 |  56.1 |     - |  51.5 |  57.2 |      - |   56.3 |
| Middle East and    |   0.4 |  50.1 |     - |  13.1 |  54.0 |      - |   51.6 |
| Africa             |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| Americas           | -10.5 | -22.9 |     - |  45.0 |   3.3 |      - |    5.4 |
| Total              |   0.2 |   5.3 |     - |   7.4 |  -4.0 |      - |    1.4 |

In January - September, net sales grew compared to the previous year in Europe, 
Asia-Pacific and in the Americas. In the Middle East, the deliveries agreed     
during the first half of the year are expected to start and to generate revenue 
during the rest of the year. Low net sales and delayed delivery projects        
impaired profitability significantly in the Middle East and Africa.             

Comptel did not close new core license agreements during the third quarter. In  
January - September, Comptel closed ten (13) new core licenses: two Comptel     
Fulfillment Solutions, two Comptel Provisioning and Activation Solutions, two   
Comptel Convergent Mediation Solutions, two Comptel Interconnect Billing        
Solutions, one Comptel Policy Control Solution and one Comptel Dynamic SIM      
Management Solution. Comptel reports as new core licenses the software license  
deliveries which value exceeds EUR 100,000.                                     

| Net sales      |   7-9 |   7-9 | Change |    1-9 |    1-9 |  Change |   2009 |
| breakdown      |  2010 |  2009 |      % |   2010 |   2009 |       % |        |
| by type, EUR   |       |       |        |        |        |         |        |
| million        |       |       |        |        |        |         |        |
| Licenses       |   4.2 |   4.7 |  -11.4 |   15.5 |   11.6 |    33.3 |   19.7 |
| Services       |   3.5 |   5.2 |  -33.2 |   14.0 |   17.4 |   -19.5 |   22.8 |
| Maintenance    |   7.7 |   8.2 |   -6.9 |   24.9 |   24.3 |     2.5 |   32.4 |
| agreements     |       |       |        |        |        |         |        |
| Total          |  15.3 |  18.2 |  -15.7 |   54.3 |   53.3 |     2.0 |   74.9 |

A low amount of larger system deliveries decreased the share of service revenue.
Maintenance revenue consists of maintenance and support of the delivered        

| Net sales by sales |  7-9 |  7-9 |  Change |   1-9 |   1-9 |  Change |  2009 |
| channel,           | 2010 | 2009 |       % |  2010 |  2009 |       % |       |
| EUR million        |      |      |         |       |       |         |       |
| Direct sales       | 10.4 | 12.2 |   -14.6 |  36.6 |  37.5 |    -2.4 |  51.7 |
| Partner sales      |  4.9 |  6.0 |   -17.9 |  17.8 |  15.8 |    12.5 |  23.1 |
| Total              | 15.3 | 18.2 |   -15.7 |  54.3 |  53.3 |     2.0 |  74.9 |

There were no significant changes in the split of net sales by sales channel    
during the third quarter. In January - September, however, the share of partner 
sales increased.                                                                

Financial Position                                                              

| EUR million            |  30 Sep |    31 Dec |  Change |   30 Sep |   Chance |
|                        |    2010 |      2009 |       % |     2009 |        % |
| Statement of financial |    71.6 |      82.6 |   -13.3 |     74.9 |     -4.4 |
| position total         |         |           |         |          |          |
| Liquid assets          |     8.3 |       6.7 |    24.0 |      6.9 |     20.2 |
| Trade receivables,     |    18.0 |      25.0 |   -28.1 |     20.0 |    -10.1 |
| gross                  |         |           |         |          |          |
| Bad debt provision     |    -1.0 |      -1.4 |   -28.2 |     -1.0 |      2.1 |
| Trade receivables, net |    17.0 |      23.6 |   -28.1 |     19.0 |    -10.7 |
| Accrued income         |    10.4 |      13.5 |   -22.6 |     11.3 |     -7.5 |
| Deferred income        |     1.3 |       1.6 |   -15.2 |      0.7 |     86.8 |
| related to partial     |         |           |         |          |          |
| debiting               |         |           |         |          |          |
| Interest-bearing debt  |     2.0 |       8.0 |   -75.0 |      8.0 |    -75.1 |
| Equity ratio, per cent |    71.3 |      62.6 |    14.0 |     64.7 |     10.3 |

Statement of financial position total on 30 September 2010 was EUR 71.6 million,
of which liquid assets amounted to EUR 8.3 million (30 Sep 2009: 6.9). The      
dividends of EUR 3.2 million (4.3) were paid this year.                         

Operating cash flow was EUR 4.3 million (1.4) in the third quarter, and EUR 14.9
million (4.9) during January - September.                                       

The trade receivables decreased and were EUR 17.0 million (19.0) at the end of  
the period. Accrued income was EUR 10.4 million (11.3). The deferred income     
related to partial debiting was EUR 1.3 million (0.7).                          

The Group had EUR 2.0 million of interest-bearing debt at the end of the period 
(8.0). During January - September, the Group amortised interest-bearing debt by 
EUR 6.0 million. Comptel Corporation has in force a revolving credit facility of
EUR 15.0 million maturing in the year 2013, of which EUR 13.0 million remains   
available for withdrawal. Equity ratio rose to 71.3 per cent (64.7) and the     
gearing ratio was 13.9 per cent negative (2.4).                                 

Research and Development (R&D)                                                  

| EUR million       |  7-9 |   7-9 | Change |    1-9 |   1-9 |  Change |  2009 |
|                   | 2010 |  2009 |      % |   2010 |  2009 |       % |       |
| Direct R&D        |  3.4 |   3.3 |    1.7 |    9.7 |  11.8 |   -17.9 |  14.0 |
| expenditure       |      |       |        |        |       |         |       |
| Capitalisation of | -0.9 |  -0.7 |   22.1 |   -3.0 |  -2.5 |    17.3 |  -3.9 |
| R&D expenditure   |      |       |        |        |       |         |       |
| according to IAS  |      |       |        |        |       |         |       |
| 38                |      |       |        |        |       |         |       |
| R&D depreciation  |  0.8 |   0.9 |  -14.5 |    2.6 |   2.1 |    25.2 |   3.0 |
| and impairment    |      |       |        |        |       |         |       |
| charges           |      |       |        |        |       |         |       |
| R&D expenditure,  |  3.3 |   3.5 |   -6.6 |    9.4 |  11.4 |   -17.8 |  13.2 |
| net               |      |       |        |        |       |         |       |

In January - September, the number of R&D personnel has been lower than in the  
previous year and in addition the R&D personnel has supported customer projects 
more than in the previous year, which resulted as a decreased R&D expenditure.  
Comptel's R&D expenditure was mainly targeted at developing new dynamic         
end-to-end solutions, which enable service providers to shorten time-to-market  
for new services and to charge for them. The company is especially focusing on  
development of fulfillment solutions in IP-based environment, in which area the 
demand is expected to grow significantly in the future.                         


| EUR million        |  7-9 |  7-9 | Change |   1-9 |    1-9 |  Change |  2009 |
|                    | 2010 | 2009 |      % |  2010 |   2009 |       % |       |
| Gross investments  |  0.1 |  0.1 |  -20.8 |   0.9 |    0.6 |    46.6 |   0.7 |
| in property, plant |      |      |        |       |        |         |       |
| and equipment and  |      |      |        |       |        |         |       |
| intangible assets  |      |      |        |       |        |         |       |

Gross investments in the period under review comprised of investments in        
devices, software and furnishings. The investments were funded through cash flow
from operations.                                                                


|                        |     30 Sep  |     30 Sep |  Change, % | 31 Dec 2009 |
|                        |        2010 |       2009 |            |             |
| Number of employees at |         576 |        597 |      -3.5  |         587 |
| the end of period      |             |            |            |             |

|                        |    1-9 2010 |   1-9 2009 |  Change, % |        2009 |
| Average number of      |         586 |        620 |       -5.5 |         613 |
| personnel during the   |             |            |            |             |
| period                 |             |            |            |             |

During the third quarter, the number of employees decreased due to the removal  
of the maintenance of Telenor Norway's old IT systems from Comptel.             

In the third quarter, the personnel expenses were 53.4 per cent of net sales    
(47.1% including one-off items). In January - September, the personnel expenses 
were 48.6 per cent of net sales (55.2% including one-off items).                

At the end of the period 39.4 per cent (41.4) of the personnel were located in  
Finland, 22.0 per cent (19.9) in Malaysia, 7.5 per cent (11.9) in Norway, 9.4   
per cent (9.7) in the United Kingdom, and 21.7 per cent (17.1) in other         
countries where Comptel operates.                                               

Comptel Share                                                                   

The closing share price of the period was EUR 0.83 (0.81). Comptel's market     
value at the end of the period was EUR 88.4 million (86.6).                     

| Comptel share     |  7-9 |   7-9 | Change |    1-9 |   1-9 |  Change |  2009 |
|                   | 2010 |  2009 |      % |   2010 |  2009 |       % |       |
| Shares traded,    |  5.1 |   9.4 |  -45.9 |   12.2 |  31.9 |   -61.8 |  35.8 |
| million           |      |       |        |        |       |         |       |
| Shares traded,    |  4.3 |   6.8 |  -36.5 |   10.1 |  21.2 |   -52.4 |  24.3 |
| EUR million       |      |       |        |        |       |         |       |
| Highest price,    | 0.90 |  0.84 |    7.1 |   0.95 |  0.96 |    -1.0 |  0.96 |
| EUR               |      |       |        |        |       |         |       |
| Lowest price, EUR | 0.72 |  0.62 |   16.1 |   0.72 |  0.57 |    26.3 |  0.57 |

Of Comptel's outstanding shares, 6.6 per cent (6.6) were nominee registered or  
held by foreign shareholders at the end of the review period.                   

In January - September, Comptel Corporation allotted 202,042 shares as part of  
share-based incentives to persons involved in the program and 84,447 shares to  
the members of the Board of Directors as part of their annual compensation.     

In April, the company completed its share buy-back programme during which a     
number of 791,081 own shares were purchased through public trading on NASDAQ OMX
Helsinki. The average price per share was approximately EUR 0.79 and the total  
purchase price approximately EUR 627,885.                                       

The company held 599,905 of its own shares at the end of the period under       
review, which is 0.56 per cent of the total number of its shares. The total     
counter-book value of the shares held by the company was EUR 11,998.            

During the review period, a total of 1,250,000 share options 2009B have been    
distributed to the key personnel of Comptel Group. The current share            
subscription price for option 2009B is EUR 0.87, which corresponds to the trade 
volume weighted average quotation of the Comptel share on the NASDAQ OMX        
Helsinki during 1 April - 30 April 2010.                                        

Corporate Governance                                                            

The Annual General Meeting (AGM), held on 22 March 2010, elected the following  
members for the Board of Directors: Mr Olli Riikkala (M.Sc. Eng., MBA), Mr Hannu
Vaajoensuu (Chairman of the Board, Basware Corporation), Mr Timo Kotilainen     
(Managing Director, Nixu Oy), Mr Juhani Lassila (Managing Director, Agros Oy),  
Mr Petteri Walldén (M.Sc. Eng.) and Mr Henri Österlund (CEO, Accendo Capital    
Partners Oy).                                                                   

The AGM approved the proposal of Board of Directors that a dividend of EUR 0.03 
per share be paid for 2009. The dividend was paid on 14 April 2010. The AGM     
authorised the Board of Directors to decide on share issues amounting to a      
maximum of 21,400,000 new shares and on repurchase of the company's own shares  
up to a maximum number of 10,700,000 shares. The authorisations are valid until 
30 June 2011. A separate stock exchange release about the authorisations given  
and other decisions made by the Annual General Meeting was published on 22 March

Subsequent Events                                                               

The Board of Directors of Comptel Corporation has today appointed Mr Juhani     
Hintikka, M.Sc. (Eng.), as the new President and CEO of Comptel. He will assume 
his new position on 3 January 2011.                                             

Juhani Hintikka (b. 1966) is currently the global Head of Operations Support    
Solutions Business Line at Nokia Siemens Networks.                              

At Nokia and Nokia Siemens Networks, Mr Hintikka has since 1999 held several    
general management and executive positions in research and development,         
operations and sales, leading global organisations with sites in India, China   
and several European countries. Prior to joining Nokia Siemens Networks, he     
worked in Konecranes Group during 1994 - 1999 (located in France 1994 - 1998)   
and in KONE Group during 1992 - 1994. Mr Hintikka was a member of the Board of  
Directors of Comptel Corporation during 2007 - 2008.                            

Sami Erviö will leave his current position as President and CEO of the Company  
with immediate effect. He will continue for the time being to work with         
assignments from the Board of Directors. Mr Simo Sääskilahti, Senior Vice       
President, Products and Solutions and Deputy CEO has been appointed Acting      
President and CEO starting 26 October 26 2010 until Juhani Hintikka assumes his 
new position.                                                                   

Near-term Risks and Uncertainties                                               

Comptel develops dynamic end-to-end solutions for leading operators globally in 
the telecom field. This requires Comptel to understand correctly the trends     
taking place in its business environment and the needs of its customers and     
resellers by each region. Failure to identify market conditions, address        
customers' needs and develop its products in a timely way may significantly     
undermine the growth of Comptel's business and its profitability.               

Comptel operates globally so it is exposed to risks arising from different      
currency positions. Exchange rate changes between the Euro, which is the        
company's reporting currency, and the US Dollar, UK Pound Sterling and Norwegian
Krone affect the company's net sales, expenses and net profit.                  

The application process to prevent Comptel's double taxation is still partly    
pending with the Ministry of Finance in Finland. The company believes the       
treatment of its withholding taxation will be changed also concerning the       
countries where the issue is still unsolved.                                    

The risks and uncertainties of Comptel are described more in detail in the      
company's Annual Report 2009.                                                   


Comptel's net sales are estimated to grow slightly in 2010. The full year       
operating profit is estimated to grow and operating profit margin is forecast to
be 10 - 14 per cent.                                                            

TABLE PART                                                                      

The interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34,  
Interim Financial Reporting, as adopted by the EU. The accounting policies and  
methods of computation adopted in the financial statements are consistent with  
those of the annual financial statements for the year ended 2009 except for the 
application of new or amended standards and interpretations as set forth in note

All figures in the financial report have been rounded and consequently the sum  
of the individual figures can deviate from the sum figure. The interim report is

| Consolidated Statement of      |  1 Jan - | 1 Jan -  |  1 Jul -  |  1 Jul -  |
| Comprehensive Income (EUR      |   30 Sep |  30 Sep  |    30 Sep |   30 Sep  |
| 1,000)                         |     2010 |     2009 |      2010 |      2009 |
| Net sales                      |   54,344 |   53,277 |    15,321 |    18,165 |
| Other operating income         |      421 |       87 |       401 |         3 |
| Materials and services         |   -1,776 |   -4,420 |      -147 |    -1,649 |
| Employee benefits              |  -26,434 |  -29,397 |    -8,178 |    -8,551 |
| Depreciation, amortisation and |   -4,499 |   -4,107 |    -1,367 |    -1,508 |
| impairment charges             |          |          |           |           |
| Other operating expenses       |  -18,049 |  -17,554 |    -6,001 |    -5,504 |
|                                |  -50,757 |  -55,479 |   -15,693 |   -17,212 |
| Operating profit/loss          |    4,008 |   -2,115 |        29 |       955 |
| Financial income               |      726 |      870 |      -435 |      -101 |
| Financial expenses             |   -1,326 |   -1,371 |       240 |      -586 |
| Profit/Loss before income      |    3,407 |   -2,617 |      -166 |       268 |
| taxes                          |          |          |           |           |
| Income taxes                   |   -1,826 |   -1,105 |      -730 |      -431 |
| Profit/Loss for the period     |    1,581 |   -3,722 |      -897 |      -163 |
| Other comprehensive income     |          |          |           |           |
| Cash flow hedges               |      250 |     -105 |     1,062 |      -253 |
| Translation differences        |      720 |      449 |      -279 |      -253 |
| Income tax relating to         |      -65 |       27 |      -276 |        66 |
| components of other            |          |          |           |           |
| comprehensive income           |          |          |           |           |
| Total comprehensive income for |    2,486 |   -3,350 |      -389 |      -603 |
| the period                     |          |          |           |           |
| Profit/Loss attributable to:   |          |          |           |           |
| Equity holders of the parent   |    1,581 |   -3,722 |      -897 |      -163 |
| company                        |          |          |           |           |
| Minority interests             |        - |        - |         - |         - |
| Total comprehensive income     |          |          |           |           |
| attributable to:               |          |          |           |           |
| Equity holders of the parent   |    2,486 |   -3,350 |      -389 |      -603 |
| company                        |          |          |           |           |
| Minority interests             |        - |        - |         - |         - |
| Shareholders of the parent     |          |          |           |           |
| company:                       |          |          |           |           |
| Earnings per share, EUR        |     0.01 |    -0.03 |     -0.01 |      0.00 |
| Earnings per share, diluted,   |     0.01 |    -0.03 |     -0.01 |      0.00 |
| EUR                            |          |          |           |           |

| Consolidated Statement of Financial   |      30 Sep 2010 |       31 Dec 2009 |
| Position (EUR 1,000)                  |                  |                   |
| Assets                                |                  |                   |
| Non-current assets                    |                  |                   |
| Goodwill                              |           19,634 |            19,355 |
| Other intangible assets               |           11,178 |            11,806 |
| Tangible assets                       |            1,726 |             1,589 |
| Investments in associates             |              689 |               689 |
| Available-for sale financial assets   |               87 |                87 |
| Deferred tax assets                   |              805 |             1,243 |
| Other non-current receivables         |              374 |               346 |
|                                       |           34,493 |            35,116 |
| Current assets                        |                  |                   |
| Trade and other receivables           |           28,785 |            40,761 |
| Cash and cash equivalents             |            8,345 |             6,730 |
|                                       |           37,130 |            47,491 |
| Total assets                          |           71,623 |            82,607 |
| Equity and liabilities                |                  |                   |
| Equity attributable to equity holders |                  |                   |
| of the parent company                 |                  |                   |
| Share capital                         |            2,141 |             2,141 |
| Fund of invested non-restricted       |            7,575 |             7,499 |
| equity                                |                  |                   |
| Translation difference                |           -1,037 |            -1,757 |
| Retained earnings                     |           37,106 |            38,416 |
|                                       |           45,785 |            46,299 |
| Total equity                          |           45,785 |            46,299 |
| Non-current liabilities               |                  |                   |
| Deferred tax liabilities              |            6,007 |             5,458 |
| Provisions                            |            2,472 |             2,541 |
| Non-current financial liabilities     |                1 |                 1 |
|                                       |            8,479 |             8,000 |
| Current liabilities                   |                  |                   |
| Trade and other current liabilities   |           15,359 |            20,296 |
| Current financial liabilities         |            2,000 |             8,012 |
|                                       |           17,359 |            28,308 |
| Total liabilities                     |           25,838 |            36,308 |
| Total equity and liabilities          |           71,623 |            82,607 |

| Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows  |          1 Jan - |           1 Jan - |
| (EUR 1,000)                           |      30 Sep 2010 |       30 Sep 2009 |
|                                       |                  |                   |
| Cash flows from operating activities  |                  |                   |
| Profit/Loss for the period            |            1,581 |            -3,722 |
| Adjustments:                          |                  |                   |
| Non-cash transactions or items that   |            5,687 |             5,032 |
| are not part of cash flows from       |                  |                   |
| operating activities                  |                  |                   |
| Interest and other financial expenses |              115 |               248 |
| Interest income                       |              -16 |               -51 |
| Income taxes                          |            1,826 |             1,105 |
| Change in working capital:            |                  |                   |
| Change in trade and other receivables |           11,270 |             8,902 |
| Change in trade and other current     |           -5,263 |            -4,907 |
| liabilities                           |                  |                   |
| Change in provisions                  |              -70 |              -261 |
| Interest paid                         |             -139 |              -172 |
| Interest received                     |               11 |                95 |
| Income taxes paid and tax returns     |             -147 |            -1,399 |
| received                              |                  |                   |
| Net cash from operating activities    |           14,855 |             4,870 |
|                                       |                  |                   |
| Cash flows from investing activities  |                  |                   |
| Purchase price adjustments            |                - |               268 |
| Investments in tangible assets        |             -842 |              -389 |
| Investments in intangible assets      |              -36 |              -210 |
| Investments in development projects   |           -2,970 |            -2,532 |
| Change in other non-current           |              -14 |               341 |
| receivables                           |                  |                   |
| Net cash used in investing activities |           -3,862 |            -2,522 |
| Cash flows from financing activities  |                  |                   |
| Dividends paid                        |           -3,191 |            -4,278 |
| Acquisition of Corporation's own      |             -468 |              -174 |
| shares                                |                  |                   |
| Proceeds from borrowings              |            6,000 |             8,000 |
| Repayment of borrowings               |          -12,000 |            -5,000 |
| Change in other non-current           |                - |               -11 |
| liabilities                           |                  |                   |
| Net cash used in financing activities |           -9,659 |            -1,464 |
| Net change in cash and cash           |            1,334 |               884 |
| equivalents                           |                  |                   |
| Cash and cash equivalents at the      |            6,730 |           6,135   |
| beginning of the period               |                  |                   |
| Effects of changes in foreign         |              282 |               -74 |
| exchange rates                        |                  |                   |
| Cash and cash equivalents at the end  |            8,345 |             6,945 |
| of the period                         |                  |                   |
| Change                                |            1,615 |              810  |
|                                       |                  |                   |

| Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity        |            |            |
| Equity attributable to equity holders  |           |            |            |
| of the parent company                  |           |            |            |
| EUR 1,000       |   Share |      Other | Translati | Fair value |            |
|                 | capital |   reserves |       on  |    reserve |            |
|                 |         |            | differenc |            |            |
|                 |         |            |        es |            |            |
| Equity at 31    |   2,141 |      7,433 |    -2,500 |         85 |            |
| Dec 2008        |         |            |           |            |            |
| Dividends       |         |            |           |            |            |
| Acquisition of  |         |            |           |            |            |
| Corporation's   |         |            |           |            |            |
| own shares      |         |            |           |            |            |
| Transfer of     |         |         67 |           |            |            |
| treasury shares |         |            |           |            |            |
| Share-based     |         |            |           |            |            |
| compensation    |         |            |           |            |            |
| Total           |         |            |       449 |        -78 |            |
| comprehensive   |         |            |           |            |            |
| income for the  |         |            |           |            |            |
| period          |         |            |           |            |            |
| Equity at 30    |   2,141 |      7,499 |   -2,051  |          7 |            |
| Sep 2009        |         |            |           |            |            |
|                 |         |            |           |   Minority |     Equity |
|                 |         |            |           |   interest |      total |
| EUR 1,000       | Treasur |   Retained |     Total |            |            |
|                 |       y |   earnings |           |            |            |
|                 |  shares |            |           |            |            |
| Equity at 31    |    -125 |     44,541 |    51,576 |          - |     51,576 |
| Dec 2008        |         |            |           |            |            |
| Dividends       |         |     -4,278 |    -4,278 |            |     -4,278 |
| Acquisition of  |    -174 |            |      -174 |            |       -174 |
| Corporation's   |         |            |           |            |            |
| own shares      |         |            |           |            |            |
| Transfer of     |     174 |       -174 |        67 |            |         67 |
| treasury shares |         |            |           |            |            |
| Share-based     |         |        574 |       574 |            |        574 |
| compensation    |         |            |           |            |            |
| Total           |         |     -3,722 |    -3,350 |            |     -3,350 |
| comprehensive   |         |            |           |            |            |
| income for the  |         |            |           |            |            |
| period          |         |            |           |            |            |
| Equity at 30    |    -125 |     36,941 |    44,413 |          - |     44,413 |
| Sep 2009        |         |            |           |            |            |

| Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity        |            |            |
| Equity attributable to equity holders  |           |            |            |
| of the parent company                  |           |            |            |
| EUR 1,000       |   Share |      Other | Translati | Fair value |            |
|                 | capital |   reserves |       on  |    reserve |            |
|                 |         |            | differenc |            |            |
|                 |         |            |        es |            |            |
| Equity at 31    |   2,141 |      7,499 |    -1,757 |        -45 |            |
| Dec 2009        |         |            |           |            |            |
| Dividends       |         |            |           |            |            |
| Acquisition of  |         |            |           |            |            |
| Corporation's   |         |            |           |            |            |
| own shares      |         |            |           |            |            |
| Transfer of     |         |         76 |           |            |            |
| treasury shares |         |            |           |            |            |
| Share-based     |         |            |           |            |            |
| compensation    |         |            |           |            |            |
| Total           |         |            |       720 |        185 |            |
| comprehensive   |         |            |           |            |            |
| income for the  |         |            |           |            |            |
| period          |         |            |           |            |            |
| Equity at 30    |   2,141 |      7,575 |   -1,037  |        140 |            |
| Sep 2010        |         |            |           |            |            |
|                 |         |            |           |   Minority |     Equity |
|                 |         |            |           |   interest |      total |
| EUR 1,000       | Treasur |   Retained |     Total |            |            |
|                 |       y |   earnings |           |            |            |
|                 |  shares |            |           |            |            |
| Equity at 31    |    -287 |     38,748 |    46,299 |          - |     46,299 |
| Dec 2009        |         |            |           |            |            |
| Dividends       |         |     -3,191 |    -3,191 |            |     -3,191 |
| Acquisition of  |    -468 |            |      -468 |            |       -468 |
| Corporation's   |         |            |           |            |            |
| own shares      |         |            |           |            |            |
| Transfer of     |     155 |       -155 |        76 |            |         76 |
| treasury shares |         |            |           |            |            |
| Share-based     |         |        583 |       583 |            |        583 |
| compensation    |         |            |           |            |            |
| Total           |         |      1,581 |     2,486 |            |      2,486 |
| comprehensive   |         |            |           |            |            |
| income for the  |         |            |           |            |            |
| period          |         |            |           |            |            |
| Equity at 30    |    -600 |     37,566 |    45,785 |          - |     45,785 |
| Sep 2010        |         |            |           |            |            |


1. Application of new or amended standards and interpretations                  

On 1 January 2010 the Group adopted the following new and amended standards and 
interpretations endorsed by the EU and that are applicable to Comptel:          

Revised IFRS 3 Business Combinations. The scope of the revised IFRS 3 is broader
than before. In respect of Comptel several significant amendments have been made
to the standard. The amendments impact the amount of goodwill to be recognised  
on business combinations and sales results of businesses. The amendments also   
have an effect on the amounts to be recognised in profit or loss both on the    
financial year when the business combination is effected and in those financial 
years when contingent consideration is paid or further acquisitions are made.   
Under the transitional provisions of the standard those business combinations   
where control is transferred prior to the effective date of the revised standard
are not adjusted to comply with the new rules.                                  

Amended IAS 27 Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements. If the parent    
company retains control, the amended standard requires impacts from changes in  
ownership in a subsidiary be recognised directly in Group's equity. When control
is lost, the remaining interest is measured at fair value through profit or     
loss. A similar accounting treatment will be extended to investments in         
associated companies (IAS 28) and interests in joint ventures (IAS 31) in the   
future. Resulting from the amendments losses of a subsidiary may be allocated to
non-controlling interest (minority) also when they exceed the value of the      
minority shareholders' investment.                                              

Amendment to IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement (Eligible
Hedged Items). The amendment deals with hedge accounting and relate to          
designation of a one-sided risk in a hedged item and designation of inflation in
a financial hedged item.                                                        

IFRIC 17 Distributions of Non-Cash Assets to Owners. The interpretation gives   
guidelines to a situation when owners receive dividends in other forms than cash
or the owners have the possibility to select whether they will receive non-cash 
assets or cash.                                                                 

Improvements to IFRSs (April 2009) (mainly effective for financial periods      
beginning on or after 1 January 2010). Under this procedure minor and non-urgent
amendments are grouped together and carried out through a single document       
annually. The related amendments deal with 12 standards. Impacts vary by        
standard but the amendments are not significant for the Group.                  

2. Segment information                                                          

Net sales by segment                                                            

| EUR 1,000            |    1 Jan -  |    1 Jan -  |    1 Jul -  |    1 Jul -  |
|                      | 30 Sep 2010 | 30 Sep 2009 | 30 Sep 2010 | 30 Sep 2009 |
| Europe               |      26,351 |      24,141 |       7,810 |       7,930 |
| Asia-Pacific         |      15,971 |      14,446 |       4,694 |       5,345 |
| Middle East and      |       6,727 |      11,124 |       1,854 |       4,032 |
| Africa               |             |             |             |             |
| Americas             |       5,296 |       3,566 |         964 |         857 |
| Group total          |      54,344 |      53,277 |      15,321 |      18,165 |

Operating profit/loss by segment                                                

| EUR 1,000           |    1 Jan -  |    1 Jan -  |     1 Jul -  |    1 Jul -  |
|                     | 30 Sep 2010 | 30 Sep 2009 |  30 Sep 2010 | 30 Sep 2009 |
| Europe              |      13,617 |      10,625 |        3,889 |       3,977 |
| Asia-Pacific        |       8,229 |       8,268 |        2,501 |       2,996 |
| Middle East and     |         884 |       6,008 |            7 |       2,022 |
| Africa              |             |             |              |             |
| Americas            |       2,383 |         117 |         -101 |        -196 |
| Group unallocated   |     -21,105 |     -27,132 |       -6,266 |      -7,844 |
| expenses            |             |             |              |             |
| Group operating     |       4,008 |      -2,115 |           29 |         955 |
| profit/loss total   |             |             |              |             |
| Financial income    |        -600 |        -502 |         -195 |        -687 |
| and expenses        |             |             |              |             |
| Group profit/loss   |       3,407 |      -2,617 |         -166 |         268 |
| before income taxes |             |             |              |             |

3. Income tax expense                                                           

The tax expense according to the statement of comprehensive income for the      
period was EUR 1,826 thousand (EUR 1,105 thousand 2009).                        

In 2006, Adjustment of the Tax Office for Major Corporations refused to accept  
the crediting of taxes withheld at source in taxation of 2004 and 2005.         

The Ministry of Finance has come to an agreement with Greece and Romania.       
Relating to these countries, Comptel has booked EUR 595 thousand tax receivables
for taxes withheld in 2004 -2008. The refund process pertaining to these        
countries is still pending with the relevant tax authorities. Comptel is        
pursuing the negotiations with the Ministry of Finance and other countries that 
have withheld tax at source to avoid double taxation. Comptel believes the      
treatment of its withholding taxation will be changed.                          

According to the Board of Adjustment's decision currently in force, Comptel     
Corporation has expensed taxes withheld at source amounting to EUR 713 thousand 
in January - September 2010(EUR 904 thousand).                                  

In June 2010, the Finnish tax authority credited a total of EUR 844 thousand for
the withholding taxes Comptel has paid in Brazil and China and which had been   
collected again in Finland.                                                     

4. Tangible assets                                                              

| EUR 1,000                        |      1 Jan - 30 Sep  |     1 Jan - 30 Sep |
|                                  |                 2010 |               2009 |
| Additions                        |                  842 |                389 |
| Disposals                        |                  -31 |               -341 |

5. Related party transactions                                                   

The Comptel Group has a related party relationship with its associates, the     
Board of Directors, the Corporate Executives and also with people and companies 
under Comptel management's influence.                                           

Transactions, which have been entered into with related parties are as follows: 

| EUR 1,000                        |      1 Jan - 30 Sep  |     1 Jan - 30 Sep |
|                                  |                 2010 |               2009 |
| Associates                       |                      |                    |
| Purchases of goods and services  |                  100 |                411 |
| Interest income                  |                    6 |                  3 |
| Companies under management's     |                      |                    |
| influence                        |                      |                    |
| Purchases of goods and services  |                   35 |                 27 |

| EUR 1,000                        |          30 Sep 2010 |        31 Dec 2009 |
| Associates                       |                      |                    |
| Trade and other current          |                   81 |                 76 |
| receivables                      |                      |                    |
| Companies under management's     |                      |                    |
| influence                        |                      |                    |
| Trade and other current          |                    5 |                  1 |
| liabilities                      |                      |                    |

Remuneration to key management                                                  

The key management personnel compensation includes the employee benefits of the 
members of the Board of Directors and the Corporate Executives.                 

| EUR 1,000                        |        1 Jan-30 Sep  |  1 Jan-30 Sep 2009 |
|                                  |                 2010 |                    |
| Salaries and other short-term    |                1,751 |              1,816 |
| employee benefits                |                      |                    |
| Share-based payments             |                  314 |                325 |
| Total                            |                2,064 |              2,140 |

6. Commitments                                                                  

Minimum lease payments on non-cancellable office facilities and other operating 
leases are payable as follows:                                                  

| EUR 1,000                        |          30 Sep 2010 |        31 Dec 2009 |
| Less than one year               |                4,102 |              3,904 |
| Between one and five years       |               11,723 |             12,783 |
| More than five years             |                1,124 |              2,248 |
| Total                            |               16,949 |             18,935 |

The group had no material capital commitments for the purchase of tangible      
assets at 30 September 2010 and 30 September 2009.                              

7. Contingent liabilities                                                       

| EUR 1,000                        |          30 Sep 2010 |        31 Dec 2009 |
| Bank guarantees                  |                1,998 |              1,616 |

8. Subsequent events                                                            

The Board of Directors of Comptel Corporation has today appointed Mr Juhani     
Hintikka, M.Sc. (Eng.), as the new President and CEO of Comptel. He will assume 
his new position on 3 January 2011.                                             

Juhani Hintikka (b. 1966) is currently the global Head of Operations Support    
Solutions Business Line at Nokia Siemens Networks.                              

At Nokia and Nokia Siemens Networks, Mr Hintikka has since 1999 held several    
general management and executive positions in research and development,         
operations and sales, leading global organisations with sites in India, China   
and several European countries. Prior to joining Nokia Siemens Networks, he     
worked in Konecranes Group during 1994 - 1999 (located in France 1994 - 1998)   
and in KONE Group during 1992 - 1994. Mr Hintikka was a member of the Board of  
Directors of Comptel Corporation during 2007 - 2008.                            

Sami Erviö will leave his current position as President and CEO of the Company  
with immediate effect. He will continue for the time being to work with         
assignments from the Board of Directors. Mr Simo Sääskilahti, Senior Vice       
President, Products and Solutions and Deputy CEO has been appointed Acting      
President and CEO starting 26 October 26 2010 until Juhani Hintikka assumes his 
new position.                                                                   

9. Key figures                                                                  

| Financial summary               |    1 Jan -  |     1 Jan -  |      1 Jan -  |
|                                 | 30 Sep 2010 |  30 Sep 2009 |   31 Dec 2009 |
| Net sales, EUR 1,000            |      54,344 |       53,277 |        74,896 |
|      Net sales, change %        |         2.0 |        -13.6 |         -11.7 |
| Operating profit/loss, EUR      |       4,008 |       -2,115 |         1,018 |
| 1,000                           |             |              |               |
| Operating profit/loss, change % |       289,5 |       -124,8 |         -91.1 |
| Operating profit/loss, as % of  |         7.4 |         -4.0 |           1.4 |
| net sales                       |             |              |               |
| Profit/loss before taxes, EUR   |       3,407 |       -2,617 |           388 |
| 1,000                           |             |              |               |
| Profit/loss before taxes, as %  |         6.3 |         -4.9 |           0.5 |
| of net sales                    |             |              |               |
| Return on equity, %             |           - |            - |          -4.4 |
| Return on investment, %         |           - |            - |           1.5 |
| Equity ratio, %                 |        71.3 |         64.7 |          62.6 |
| Gross investments in tangible   |         878 |          599 |           686 |
| and intangible assets, EUR      |             |              |               |
| 1,000                           |             |              |               |
| Gross investments in tangible   |         1.6 |          1.1 |           0.9 |
| and intangible assets, as % of  |             |              |               |
| net sales                       |             |              |               |
| Capitalisations according to    |       2,970 |        2,450 |         3,906 |
| IAS 38 to intangible assets     |             |              |               |
| Research and development        |       9,723 |       11,849 |        14,046 |
| expenditure, EUR 1,000          |             |              |               |
| Research and development        |        17.9 |         22.2 |          18.8 |
| expenditure, as % of net sales  |             |              |               |
| Order backlog, EUR 1,000 1)     |      29,819 |       29,630 |        37,554 |
| Average number of employees     |         586 |          620 |           613 |
| during the period               |             |              |               |
| Interest-bearing net            |      -6,345 |      1,078   |         1,282 |
| liabilities, EUR 1,000          |             |              |               |
| Gearing ratio, %                |       -13.9 |          2.4 |           2.8 |
| 1) The order book may vary significantly      |                              |
| during the financial period.                  |                              |

| Per share data                 |   1 Jan - 30 |   1 Jan - 30 |    1 Jan - 31 |
|                                |     Sep 2010 |     Sep 2009 |      Dec 2009 |
| Earnings per share (EPS), EUR  |         0.01 |        -0.03 |         -0.02 |
| EPS diluted, EUR               |         0.01 |        -0.03 |         -0.02 |
| Equity per share, EUR          |         0.43 |        0.42  |          0.43 |
| Dividend per share, EUR        |            - |            - |          0.03 |
| Dividend per earnings, %       |            - |            - |        -150.1 |
| Effective dividend yield, %    |            - |            - |           3.8 |
| P/E ratio                      |            - |            - |         -39.0 |
| Adjusted number of shares at   |  107,054,810 |  107,054,810 |   107,054,810 |
| the end of the period          |              |              |               |
| - of which the number of       |      599,905 |       92,654 |       304,004 |
| treasury shares                |              |              |               |
| Outstanding shares             |  106,454,905 |  106,962,156 |   106,750,806 |
| Adjusted average number of     |  106,484,597 |  106,962,156 |   106,953,918 |
| shares during the period       |              |              |               |
| Average number of shares,      |  106,764,963 |  107,088,326 |   107,078,252 |
| dilution included              |              |              |               |

10. Definition of key figures                                                   

| Operating margin %        | =  | Operating profit/loss             | x 100   |
|                           |    | Net sales                         |         |
| Profit margin (before     | =  | Profit/loss before taxes          | x 100   |
| income taxes) %           |    |                                   |         |
|                           |    | Net sales                         |         |
| Return on equity % (ROE)  | =  | Profit/loss                       | x 100   |
|                           |    | Total equity (average during      |         |
|                           |    | year)                             |         |
| Return on investment %    | =  | Profit/loss before taxes +        | x 100   |
| (ROI)                     |    | financial expenses                |         |
|                           |    | Total equity + interest bearing   |         |
|                           |    | liabilities                       |         |
|                           |    | (average during the year)         |         |
| Equity ratio %            | =  | Total equity                      | x 100   |
|                           |    | Statement of financial position   |         |
|                           |    | total - advances received         |         |
| Gross investments in      | =  | Gross investments in tangible and | x 100   |
| tangible and intangible   |    | intangible assets                 |         |
| assets, as %  of net      |    |                                   |         |
| sales                     |    |                                   |         |
|                           |    | Net sales                         |         |
| Research and development  | =  | Research and development          | x 100   |
| expenditure, as % of net  |    | expenditure                       |         |
| sales                     |    |                                   |         |
|                           |    | Net sales                         |         |
| Gearing ratio %           | =  | Interest-bearing liabilities -    | x 100   |
|                           |    | cash and cash equivalents         |         |
|                           |    | Total equity                      |         |
| Earnings per share (EPS)  | =  | Profit/loss for the financial     |         |
|                           |    | year attributable to equity       |         |
|                           |    | shareholders                      |         |
|                           |    | Average number of outstanding     |         |
|                           |    | shares for the financial year     |         |
| Equity per share          | =  | Equity attributable to the equity |         |
|                           |    | holders of the parent company     |         |
|                           |    | Adjusted number of shares at end  |         |
|                           |    | of period                         |         |
| Dividend per share        | =  | Dividend                          |         |
|                           |    | Adjusted number of shares at end  |         |
|                           |    | of period                         |         |
| Dividend per earnings %   | =  | Dividend per share                | x 100   |
|                           |    | Earnings per share (EPS)          |         |
| Effective dividend yield  | =  | Dividend per share                | x 100   |
| %                         |    |                                   |         |
|                           |    | Share closing price at end of     |         |
|                           |    | period                            |         |
| P/E ratio                 | =  | Share closing price at end of     |         |
|                           |    | period                            |         |
|                           |    | Earnings per share (EPS)          |         |

Comptel Corporation will announce its financial statements bulletin for 2010 on 
10 February 2011.                                                               

COMPTEL CORPORATION                                                             
Board of Directors                                                              

Additional information:                                                         
Mr Simo Sääskilahti, Acting CEO, tel. +358 9 700 1131                           
Mr Markku Pirskanen, CFO, tel. +358 40 517 4606                                 
Mr Samppa Seppälä, Director, IR and Corporate Communications, tel. +358 50 568  

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