Wall Street Journal CEO Council Annual Meeting to Convene World's Top Chief Executives

Participants Include U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner; U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates; Council of Economic Advisers Chairman Austan Goolsbee; and More Than 100 CEOs

NEW YORK, Oct. 27, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Wall Street Journal will again bring together more than 100 of the world's leading chief executives and most senior policymakers to address urgent business and policy issues at The Wall Street Journal CEO Council annual meeting (http://ceocouncil.wsj.com). The meeting will take place November 15-16 at the Four Seasons Hotel in Washington D.C.

The Wall Street Journal CEO Council will occur two weeks after the U.S. midterm elections and against a backdrop of frayed ties between business and government. Through open debate and discussion, the members of the CEO Council will create an action plan for businesses to forge a new partnership with government, to address pressing economic and social problems, and to restore public confidence.

Power Shifts

The 2010 meeting of the CEO Council takes place in the midst of two great power shifts. The first is a shift of economic power, away from the developed nations of the West and toward the newly industrialized nations of the East and South. The second is a shift of political power in the United States, away from Democrats and incumbents in general, and toward Republicans and an insurgent Tea Party movement.

In the collaborative spirit that characterizes the CEO Council, participants will address both of these changes and their effects on business, with a wide open discussion involving members of the Council as well as a select group of outside guests, including:

  • Senator Evan Bayh (D., Ind.);
  • Representative Jim Cooper (D., Tenn.);
  • Senator John McCain (R., Ariz.);
  • Peter Orszag, former director, Office of Management and Budget;
  • Senator John Thune (R., S.D.);
  • Ernesto Zedillo, former President of Mexico and Director, Yale Center for the Study of Globalization.

This year's meeting will feature an on-stage interview with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg as well as a session on education with U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan.

Among the members and guests attending this year's CEO Council are:

  • Timothy Geithner, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury;
  • Robert Gates, U.S. Secretary of Defense;
  • Representative Eric Cantor (R., Va.);
  • Austan Goolsbee, chairman, Council of Economic Advisers;
  • Tom Albanese, chief executive officer, Rio Tinto Group;
  • Jeffrey Bewkes, chairman and chief executive officer, Time Warner, Inc.;
  • Angela Braly, chair, president and chief executive officer, Wellpoint, Inc.;
  • Gary Butler, president and chief executive officer, Automatic Data Processing, Inc.;
  • Natarajan Chandrasekaran, managing director and chief executive officer, Tata Consultancy Services;
  • Robert Diamond, president and deputy group chief executive, Barclays PLC:
  • Lynn Elsenhans, chairman and chief executive officer, Sunoco, Inc.;
  • Roger W. Ferguson, Jr., president and chief executive officer, TIAA-CREF;
  • Carlos Ghosn, chairman and chief executive officer,Renault-Nissan Alliance;
  • Hugh Grant, chairman, president and chief executive officer, Monsanto Company;
  • Robert Greifeld, chief executive officer, NADAQ OMX Group, Inc.;
  • Muhtar Kent, chairman, president and chief executive officer, The Coca-Cola Company;
  • Alan Mulally, president and chief executive officer, Ford Motor Company;
  • Rupert Murdoch, chairman and chief executive officer, News Corporation;
  • Frederick W. Smith, chairman, president and chief executive officer, FedEx Corporation;
  • Myron E. Ullman III, chairman and chief executive officer, J.C. Penney Company, Inc.;
  • Gregory Wasson, president and chief executive officer, Walgreen Co.;
  • Ronald A. Williams, chairman and chief executive officer, Aetna, Inc.

"The gathering comes at a crucial moment in the evolution of the global economy and just after an election likely to redefine the political landscape of the United States," said Robert Thomson, editor in chief of Dow Jones & Company and managing editor of The Wall Street Journal.

The 2010 CEO Council members will focus their action plan on five key topics including: next steps for health care; fresh approaches to energy and the environment; the future of global finance; creating sustainable jobs; and restoring confidence in business. Leading subject-matter experts will provide perspectives and information in each of these areas as the CEOs work together to identify the most pressing priorities for business and government. 

A select group of Wall Street Journal editors will moderate the discussions throughout the two-day meeting, including: Gerard Baker, deputy editor in chief; Jeffrey Ball, energy and environment columnist and editor; Rebecca Blumenstein, deputy managing editor and international editor; John Bussey, Washington bureau chief; Paul Gigot, editorial page editor and vice president; Laura Landro, assistant managing editor; Alan Murray, deputy managing editor and executive editor, online; Matt Murray, deputy managing editor and national editor; Gerald F. Seib, assistant managing editor and executive Washington editor; Robert Thomson, managing editor; and David Wessel, economics editor.

The results of the CEO Council annual meeting will be published in a special Journal Report on November 22 available in the U.S., Europe and Asia editions of the Wall Street Journal and on WSJ.com. For more information about The Wall Street Journal CEO Council, please visit http://ceocouncil.wsj.com.

The Wall Street Journal CEO Council logo is available at http://www.globenewswire.com/newsroom/prs/?pkgid=8213



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