Quaterly Report Q 3 2010

vestjyskBANK's Quarterly Report for Q1-Q3 2010                                  
(at www.vestjyskBANK.dk )                                                       
Profit for Q3 amounts to DKK 101m before tax and expenses for the Private       
Contingency Association.                                                        
Core earnings before impairment and expenses for the Private Contingency        
Association amount to DKK 130m for Q3. The satisfactory level from Q2 has thus  
been maintained.                                                                
Impairment of loans and advances and guarantees for Q3 amounts to DKK 48m.      
Expenses for the Private Contingency Association amount to DKK 66m for Q3, of   
which DKK38m constitute provisions, which cover vestjyskBANK's maximum share of 
the DKK 10bn loss limit related to the Private Contingency Association (Banking 
Package I).                                                                     
A deficit of DKK40m after tax has been realised for the period 1 January to 30  
September 2010.                                                                 
The solvency ratio equals 13.5.                                                 
The solvency need equals 9.8%.                                                  
Excess coverage in compliance with statutory liquidity requirements is          
calculated at 128%.                                                             
Expectations for 2010 for core earnings before impairment and expenses for the  
Private Contingency Association are maintained at DKK 500m.                     
Due to larger than expected impairments relating to the Private Contingency     
Association, expectations for the impairment percentage for 2010 are adjusted   
from 1-1.25 to the level 1.35.                                                  

Frank Kristensen                                                                
Chief Executive Officer                                                         

Management's Report                                                             
Development of Activities and the Economic Situation                            
In the third quarter of 2010, vestjyskBANK rea­lised core earnings of DKK 130m, 
which is 41% more than the same period last year and on a par with core earnings
for the second quarter of 2010 despite lower net fee income as a result of      
seasonal fluctuations. This favourable growth in core earnings, which is a      
consequence of the efforts the Bank has made to optimise revenue, means that the
revenue backlog following the first quarter has now been recouped and that      
overall, for the first nine months of the year the Bank has realised core       
earnings of DKK 357m.                                                           

Costs in the third quarter of 2010 remained on a par with the second quarter and
therefore, the cost percentage for the quarter is still a satisfactory 53.7. The
overall cost percentage for the period 1 January to 30 September 2010 is 56.6   
and has been impacted by the lower income in the first quarter of 2010.         
As of 30 September 2010, vestjyskBANK's total business volume amounts to DKK    
44.3bn, which is DKK 2.9bn less than at the end of June 2010. This fall in      
business volume can be attributed to a decrease of DKK 1.8bn in depo­sits, DKK  
0.2bn less in loans and advances and DKK 0.8bn less in guarantees over the      
quarter. The lower level of deposits is primarily due to a decrease in deposits 
with agreed maturity resulting from the expiry of Banking Package I.            

Impairment on loans and advances in the third quarter of 2010 amounts to DKK 48m
and has thus, as expected, been reduced considerably in comparison with the     
previous quarter. On top of this, there are impairments totalling DKK 37.7m     
relating to the Private Contingency Association (Det Private Beredskab), also   
called Banking Package I. Total impairments for the period 1 January to 30      
September 2010 amount to DKK 325m net, which includes impairments relating to   
the Private Contingency Association, and cor­responds to 1.5% of loans and      
advances and guarantees when converted to an annual basis.                      

vestjyskBANK's profit for the third quarter of 2010 shows a surplus of DKK 25m  
after tax, compared with a loss of DKK 89m for the pre­vious quarter. Overall,  
for the period 1 January to 30 September 2010 the Bank has realised a deficit of
DKK 40m after tax.                                                              

As at 30 September 2010, the solvency ratio is calculated at 13.5% compared with
14.7% at the end of 2009.                                                       

On the basis of the improvement in core ear­nings and core earnings over the    
quarter and the continued expectation that the underlying market situation and  
conditions are heading towards normalisation, vestjyskBANK main­tains its       
previously reported expectation of core earnings of DKK 500m and a cost         
percentage of 54.5 for the 2010 financial year.                                 

Despite a considerable decline in impairment on loans and advances and          
guarantees in the third quarter of 2010, greater impairment than originally     
estimated on, e.g. the Private Contingency Association, means that expec­tations
for this item have had to be revised. Consequently, total impairments for the   
2010 financial year are expected to amount to ap­proximately 1.35% of loans and 
advances and guarantees compared with the previous figure of 1.0-1.25%.         

Frank Kristensen     Preben Knudsgaard                                          
CEO                  Managing Director                                          

Management's Report                                                             
Financial Highlights                                                            
| Financial highlights                  | Q1-Q3     | Q1-Q3     | Full year    |
|                                       | 2010      | 2009      | 2009         |
| Income statement (DKK m)              |           |           |              |
| Net interest income                   |       604 |       602 |          789 |
| Net fee income                        |       171 |       165 |          225 |
| Dividends from shares, etc.           |         3 |         7 |            7 |
| Market value adjustment of foreign    |           |           |              |
| exchange and sector shares            |        36 |        40 |           57 |
| Other operating income                |         8 |        65 |           66 |
| Core income                           |       822 |       878 |        1.144 |
| Operating expenses and operating      |      -465 |      -487 |         -641 |
| depreciation                          |           |           |              |
| Core earnings before impairment       |       357 |       391 |          503 |
| Impairment of loans and advances and  |           |           |              |
| accounts                              |           |           |              |
| receivable etc. excl. the Private     |           |           |              |
| Contingency                           |           |           |              |
| Association                           |      -262 |      -288 |         -464 |
| Core earnings after impairment        |        95 |       103 |           39 |
| Other market value adjustments        |         2 |        64 |           84 |
| Profit after market value adjustments |        97 |       166 |          123 |
| The Private Contingency Association   |      -148 |      -136 |         -182 |
| Profit before tax                     |       -51 |        31 |          -59 |
| Tax                                   |        11 |        -7 |           18 |
| Profit for the period                 |       -40 |        24 |          -41 |
| Balance sheet (DKK m)                 |           |           |              |
| Total assets                          |    34,088 |    33,837 |       32,838 |
| Loans and advances                    |    23,711 |    23,579 |       23,874 |
| Deposits including pooled funds       |    15,506 |    18,299 |       18,635 |
| schemes                               |           |           |              |
| Contingent liabilities                |     5,107 |     5,188 |        5,715 |
| Business volume                       |    44,324 |    47,066 |       48,224 |
| Shareholders' equity                  |     2,125 |     2,224 |        2,149 |

| Key figures                           | Q1-Q3     | Q1-Q3     | Full year    |
|                                       | 2010      | 2009      | 2009         |
| Solvency                              |           |           |              |
| Solvency ratio                        | 13.5%     | 15.5%     | 14.7%        |
| Core capital ratio                    | 11.0%     | 12.2%     | 11.4%        |
| Earnings                              |           |           |              |
| Return on equity before tax p.a. 1    | -3.2%     | 1.9%      | -2.7%        |
| Return on equity after tax p.a. 1     | -2.5%     | 1.5%      | -1.9%        |
| Earnings/costs 2                      | 0.94      | 1.03      | 0.95         |
| Cost percentage 3                     | 56.6%     | 55.5%     | 56.0%        |
| Employees calculated as full-time     | 645.3     | 662.8     | 658.9        |
| staff                                 |           |           |              |
| (average)                             |           |           |              |
| Market risk                           |           |           |              |
| Interest rate risk 4                  | -2.7%     | -1.8%     | -1.6%        |
| Foreign exchange position 5           | 4.7%      | 6.3%      | 3.9%         |
| Foreign exchange risk                 | 0.1%      | 0.1%      | 0.1%         |
| Excess coverage in compliance with    |           |           |              |
| statutory liquidity requirements 6    | 128.1%    | 150.2%    | 125.8%       |
| Credit risk                           |           |           |              |
| Loans and advances plus impairment of |           |           |              |
| these relative to deposits            | 163.6%    | 135.3%    | 135.0%       |
| Loans and advances relative to        |           |           |              |
| shareholders' equity                  | 11.2      | 10.6      | 11.1         |
| Growth in loans and advances for the  | -0.7%     | -2.0%     | -0.8%        |
| period 8                              |           |           |              |
| Sum of large commitments 7            | 40.2%     | 36.9%     | 38.1%        |
| Accumulated impairment percentage     | 5.9%      | 4.9%      | 5.1%         |
| Impairment percentage for the period  | 1.1%      | 1.1%      | 1.7%         |
| The vestjyskBANK share                |           |           |              |
| Profit for the period, per share      | -3.2      | 2.0       | -3.4         |
| (unit size DKK 10)                    |           |           |              |
| Equity value, per share (unit size    | 171.4     | 180.3     | 175.8        |
| DKK 10)                               |           |           |              |
| Price of vestjyskBANK shares at the   |           |           |              |
| end                                   |           |           |              |
| of the period                         | 68.0      | 108.0     | 87.0         |
| Market price/profit for the period,   | -21.2     | 55.0      | -25.7        |
| per share                             |           |           |              |
| Market price/equity value, per share  | 0.4       | 0.6       | 0.5          |

1 On the basis of average shareholders' equity                                  
2 Ordinary income relative to ordinary costs                                    
Ordinary income = net interest and fee income + market value adjustments + other
operating income                                                                
Ordinary costs = staff costs and administrative expenses + depreciation and     
impairment of intangible and tangible assets + other operating expenses +       
impairment of loans and advances and accounts receivable, etc.                  
3 Operating expenses incl. depreciation and impairment of assets / core income  
4 Interest rate risk relative to core capital after deductions                  
5 Foreign Exchange Indicator 1 relative to core capital after deductions        
6 Excess coverage in compliance with the 10% requirement of Section 152 of the  
Danish Financial Business Act                                                   
7 Commitments larger than 10% of the capital base relative to the capital base  
8 Growth in loans and advances relative to vestjyskBANKs loans and advances at  
the begin­ning of the period.                                                   

Management's Report                                                             
Financial Highlights Distributed by Quarter                                     
| Financial highlights        | Q3     | Q2 2010 | Q1 2010 | Q4 2009 | Q3 2009 |
|                             | 2010   |         |         |         |         |
| Income statement (DKK m)    |        |         |         |         |         |
| Net interest income         |    210 |     203 |     191 |     187 |     196 |
| Net fee income              |     51 |      64 |      56 |      61 |      50 |
| Dividends from shares, etc. |      0 |       3 |       0 |       0 |       0 |
| Market value adjustment of  |        |         |         |         |         |
| foreign                     |        |         |         |         |         |
| exchange and sector shares  |     17 |      12 |       7 |      17 |      15 |
| Other operating income      |      3 |       3 |       2 |       0 |     -15 |
| Core income                 |    281 |     285 |     256 |     265 |     246 |
| Operating expenses and      |   -151 |    -152 |    -162 |    -154 |    -154 |
| operating depreciation      |        |         |         |         |         |
| Core earnings before        |    130 |     133 |      94 |     111 |      92 |
| impairment                  |        |         |         |         |         |
| Impairment of loans and     |        |         |         |         |         |
| advances and accounts       |        |         |         |         |         |
| receivable etc. excl. the   |        |         |         |         |         |
| Private Contingency         |        |         |         |         |         |
| Association                 |    -48 |    -163 |     -51 |    -176 |     -84 |
| Core earnings after         |     82 |     -30 |      43 |     -65 |       8 |
| impairment                  |        |         |         |         |         |
| Other market value          |     19 |     -35 |      18 |      21 |      32 |
| adjustments                 |        |         |         |         |         |
| Profit after market value   |    101 |     -65 |      61 |     -44 |      40 |
| adjustments                 |        |         |         |         |         |
| The Private Contingency     |    -66 |     -54 |     -28 |     -46 |     -45 |
| Association                 |        |         |         |         |         |
| Profit before tax           |     35 |    -119 |      33 |     -90 |      -5 |
| Tax                         |    -10 |      30 |      -9 |      25 |       2 |
| Profit for the period       |     25 |     -89 |      24 |     -65 |      -3 |
| Balance sheet (DKK m)       |        |         |         |         |         |
| Total assets                | 34,088 |  39,658 |  34,077 |  32,838 |  33,837 |
| Loans and advances          | 23,711 |  23,954 |  23,798 |  23,874 |  23,579 |
| Deposits including pooled   | 15,506 |  17,353 |   18,43 |  18,635 |  18,299 |
| funds schemes               |        |         |         |         |         |
| Contingent liabilities      |  5,107 |   5,933 |   5,958 |   5,715 |   5,188 |
| Business volume             | 44,324 |   47,24 |  48,186 |  48,224 |  47,066 |
| Shareholders' equity        |  2,125 |   2,099 |    2,19 |   2,149 |   2,224 |

| Key figures                 | Q3     | Q2     | Q1 2010  | Q4 2009 | Q3 2009 |
|                             | 2010   | 2010   |          |         |         |
| Solvency                    |        |        |          |         |         |
| Solvency ratio              | 13.5%  | 13.9%  | 14.6%    | 14.7%   | 15.5%   |
| Core capital ratio          | 11.0%  | 10.4%  | 11.3%    | 11.4%   | 12.2%   |
| Earnings                    |        |        |          |         |         |
| Return on equity before tax | 6.6%   | -22.3% | 6.2%     | -16.3%  | -1.1%   |
| p.a. 1                      |        |        |          |         |         |
| Return on equity after tax  | 4.9%   | -16.8% | 4.5%     | -11.9%  | -0.5%   |
| p.a. 1                      |        |        |          |         |         |
| Earnings/costs 2            | 1.13   | 0.68   | 1.14     | 0.76    | 0.98    |
| Cost percentage 3           | 53.7%  | 53.5%  | 63.3%    | 57.9%   | 62.9%   |
| Employees calculated as     |        |        |          |         |         |
| full-time staff             |        |        |          |         |         |
| (average)                   | 643.2  | 643.2  | 647.8    | 647.4   | 646.3   |
| Market risk                 |        |        |          |         |         |
| Interest rate risk 4        | -2.7%  | -2.6%  | -2.9%    | -1.6%   | -1.8%   |
| Foreign exchange position 5 | 4.7%   | 10.9%  | 9.5%     | 3.9%    | 6.3%    |
| Foreign exchange risk       | 0.1%   | 0.1%   | 0.1%     | 0.1%    | 0.1%    |
| Excess coverage in          |        |        |          |         |         |
| compliance with             |        |        |          |         |         |
| statutory liquidity         | 128.1% | 219.9% | 139.3%   | 125.8%  | 150.2%  |
| requirements 6              |        |        |          |         |         |
| Credit risk                 |        |        |          |         |         |
| Loans and advances plus     |        |        |          |         |         |
| impairment of               |        |        |          |         |         |
| these relative to deposits  | 163.6% | 147.5% | 136.4%   | 135.0%  | 135.3%  |
| Loans and advances relative |        |        |          |         |         |
| to                          |        |        |          |         |         |
| shareholders' equity        | 11.2   | 11.4   | 10.9     | 11.1    | 10.6    |
| Growth in loans and         | -1.0%  | 0.7%   | -0.3%    | 1.3%    | -0.9%   |
| advances for the period 8   |        |        |          |         |         |
| Sum of large commitments 7  | 40.2%  | 53.3%  | 37.5%    | 38.1%   | 36.9%   |
| Accumulated impairment      | 5.9%   | 5.6%   | 5.3%     | 5.1%    | 4.8%    |
| percentage                  |        |        |          |         |         |
| Impairment percentage for   | 0.3%   | 0.6%   | 0.2%     | 0.6%    | 0.3%    |
| the period                  |        |        |          |         |         |
| The vestjyskBANK share      |        |        |          |         |         |
| Profit for the period, per  | 2.1    | -7.2   | 2.0      | -5.3    | -0.2    |
| share (unit size DKK 10)    |        |        |          |         |         |
| Equity value, per share     | 171.4  | 169.3  | 176.4    | 175.8   | 180.3   |
| (unit size DKK 10)          |        |        |          |         |         |
| Price of vestjyskBANK       |        |        |          |         |         |
| shares at the end           |        |        |          |         |         |
| of the period               | 68.0   | 79.5   | 83.0     | 87.0    | 108.0   |
| Market price/profit for the | 32.5   | -11.0  |     42,2 | -16.3   | -440.7  |
| period, per share           |        |        |          |         |         |
| Market price/equity value,  | 0.4    | 0.5    | 0.5      | 0.5     | 0.6     |
| per share                   |        |        |          |         |         |

1 On the basis of average shareholders' equity                                  
2 Ordinary income relative to ordinary costs                                    
Ordinary income = net interest and fee income + market value adjustments + other
operating income                                                                
Ordinary costs = staff costs and administrative expenses + depreciation and     
impairment of intangible and tangible assets + other operating expenses +       
impairment of loans and advances and accounts receivable, etc.                  
3 Operating expenses incl. depreciation and impairment of assets / core income  
4 Interest rate risk relative to core capital after deductions                  
5 Foreign Exchange Indicator 1 relative to core capital after deductions        
6 Excess coverage in compliance with the 10% requirement of Section 152 of the  
Danish Financial Business Act                                                   
7 Commitments larger than 10% of the capital base relative to the capital base  
8 Growth in loans and advances relative to vestjyskBANKs loans and advances at  
the begin­ning of the period.                                                   

Management's Report                                                             
Income Statement                                                                
Core income amounts to DKK 281m for the third quarter of 2010 and is thus on a  
par with the previous quarter. For the period 1 January to 30 September 2010,   
core income totals DKK 822m. This level reflects original expec­tations now that
the income backlog from the first quarter of the year has been recouped.        
In the third quarter of 2010, net interest income increased by 3% compared with 
the second quarter of 2010 and by 7% compared with the same period last year.   
Consequently, the increa­sing tendency from the second quarter of 2010 is       
continued as a result of, for instance, the Bank's focus on marginal increases. 
Since the beginning of the financial year, the Bank has realised net in­terest  
income of DKK 604m, which corresponds to the level for the same period last     

For the third quarter, net fee and commission income amounts to DKK 51m, which  
is on a par with the same period last year and DKK 13m less than in the second  
quarter of 2010. The growth over the quarter reflects the fact that fee income  
in the first and third quarters is normally below the level it is in the second 
and fourth quarter of the year. For the entire period 1 January to 30 September,
net fee income amounts to DKK 171m, which is 4% higher than the same period in  
2009. This growth reflects the highly satisfactory result stemming from         
increased focus on vestjyskVÆRDIPLEJE, vestjyskPENSIONSPULJE and other balance  
II products which has led to an increase of 20% in fee incomes from securities  
trading compared to the same period last year.                                  
For the period 1 January to 30 September, market value adjustment of foreign    
exchange and sector shares shows a positive result of DKK 36m, distributed over 
DKK 22m on foreign exchange and DKK 14m on sector shares.                       

Operating expenses and operating depre­ciation in the third quarter of 2010 were
rea­lised at DKK 151m, which is on a par with the second quarter of 2010, and   
cost reductions of DKK 10m from the first to the second quarter have thus been  
maintained in the third quarter. In the period since the beginning of the       
finan­cial year, operating expenses and operating depreciation total DKK 465m,  
or approximately 5% less than the same period last year, which is marginally    
better than expected.                                                           

In the third quarter, the cost percentage amounted to 53.7, and for the period 1
January to 30 September 2010 has been calculated at 56.6%. Thus, the cost       
percentage for the year to date is above the Bank's target of 54.5%, which can  
essentially be attributed to lower core income than expected in the first       
quarter of the year.                                                            

Core earnings before impairment in the third quarter were realised at DKK 130m, 
which is 41% more than the same period last year and on a par with the second   
quarter of 2010, despite lower net fee income. This being the case, the positive
growth shown by core earnings continues. For the period 1 January to 30         
September, the Bank's core earnings before impairment total DKK 357m, which is  
in keeping with expectations.                                                   

Impairment of loans and advances and ac­counts receivable etc. in the third     
quarter amounts to DKK 48m and as such has been reduced considerably in         
comparison with im­pairments made in the second quarter of 2010. Overall, since 
the beginning of the year, the Bank has made impairments on loans and ad­vances 
and accounts receivable totalling DKK 262m, compared with DKK 288m in the same  
period last year.                                                               

Impairments relating to the Private Contingency Association amount to DKK 63m   
for the period 1 January to 30 September 2010. Of this amount, in the third     
quarter, DKK 37.7m was charged to expenditure.                                  

Converted to annual basis, total impairments for the period 1 January 2010 to 30
September 2010 correspond to 1.5% of loans, advances and guarantees which       
continues to exceed ex­pectations. The impairments account reflects the fact    
that despite nascent social growth, there continues to be corporate customers   
with economic difficulties, primarily within agricul­ture and property.         
The need for impairment cannot be attributed to any individual major commitments
and the level of impairment relating to retail customers is relatively low.     
Accumulated impairments and provisions amount to DKK 1.8bn, which corresponds to
5.9% of loans, advances and guarantees. Loans and advances for which the        
interest rate has been set at zero amount to DKK 1.2bn.                         

The industry distribution of accumulated impair­ments and provisions is shown in
the diagram on page 8.                                                          

Other market value adjustments in the third quarter show a positive market value
adjust­ment of DKK 19m, whereas the item amounts to DKK 2m after the first three
quarters of the financial year. From 1 January 2010 to 30 September 2010,       
positive market value ad­justments amounting to DKK 64.7m for bonds, positive   
market value adjustments to shares amounting to DKK 2.4m, negative market va­lue
adjustments amounting to DKK 67.2m for financial instruments and positive market
value adjustments amounting to DKK 2.5m for other assets and liabilities have   
been made.                                                                      
vestjyskBANK has maintained a negative interest risk since the Bank continues to
expect interest rates to increase. Financial contracts have been concluded on   
the strength of this expectation. These contracts have led to unrealised        
exchange rate losses as interest rates have fallen.                             

As mentioned previously, the Private Contin­gency Association has, in the third 
quarter, been charged to expenditure amounting to DKK 37.7m in inpairments,     
which is the remaining amount that is permissable for vestjyskBANK within the   
initial loss limit of DKK 10bn which the sector may incur on losses relating to 
ailing financial institutions. This has been done in consideration of the       
particular uncertainty surrounding EIK Bank. For the period 1 Ja­nuary 2010 to  
30 September 2010, the Private Contingency Association has been charged as      
expenditure amounting to DKK 148m which comprises DKK 85m in guarantee          
commission and DKK 63m in impairments relating to sector assignments involving  
banks under administra­tion in Financial Stability.                             
Pre-tax profit in the third quarter shows a surplus of DKK 35m, compared with an
unsa­tisfactory deficit of DKK 119m for the second quarter. For the period 1    
January to 30 Sep­tember overall, the Bank realised a deficit of DKK 51m before 
tax and DKK 40m after tax compared with a surplus of DKK 31m and DKK 24m        
respectively for the same period last year.                                     

Balance Sheet                                                                   
At the end of September 2010, the Bank's ba­lance sheet amounts to DKK 34.1bn   
compared with DKK 32.8bn at the end of 2009.                                    

Since the beginning of the financial year, total loans and advances have been   
reduced by DKK 163m to DKK 23.7bn, which is in line with ex­pectations. From the
end of 2009 to the end of September 2010, deposits have been re­duced by DKK    
3.1bn to DKK 15.5bn. Taken in isolation, in the third quarter of 2010 deposits  
have decreased by DKK 1.8bn, primarily due to withdrawn fixed-term deposits.    
This amount ex­ceeds the Bank's previous estimate for transient deposits of DKK 
1.5bn relating to the expiry of Banking Package I.                              

Since the end of 2009, guarantees have decreased from DKK 5.7bn to DKK 5.1bn as 
a result of decreasing financial guarantees.                                    

Thus, as at 30 September 2010, the total busi­ness volume, i.e. total deposits, 
loans and advan­ces and guarantees, amounts to DKK 44.3bn.                      

On the whole, the industry distribution of loans and advances and guarantees is 
unchanged com­pared with the end of 2009 and the Bank does not believe that the 
risk picture for the individual industries has changed to any significant extent
since the beginning of the current financial year.                              

The sum of “large commitments”, i.e. commit­ments representing 10% or more of   
the capital base, amounts to 40.2% at the end of September 2010 and comprises   
three commitments. Thus, the sum of large commitments has been reduced over the 
quarter, as the commitment with one mortgage lender, which, as a result of the  
Bank's temporary high holding of mortgage bonds ex­ceeded the 10% limit on 30   
June 2010, has re­turned to a normal level after the bonds were sold and the    
proceeds used for the repayment of loans.                                       
Securities held in custody have increased from DKK 9.1bn at the end of 2009 to  
DKK 9.5bn as at 30 September 2010. This amount includes DKK 2bn in              

vestjyskBANK's excess coverage in compli­ance with statutory liquidity          
requirements is 128.1% as at 30 September 2010 compared with 125.8% at the end  
of 2009. vestjysk­BANK's long-term liquidity target is a minimum excess coverage
of 50%. Consequently, the Bank's liquidity requirement has been entirely        
fulfilled and liquidity is good.                                                
In the third quarter of 2010 vestjyskBANK has repaid a total of DKK 3.7bn in    
issued bonds and debts to credit institutions. Subsequently, liquidity is at a  
normal level.                                                                   
Of vestjyskBANK's total deposits amounting to DKK 15.5bn, DKK 10.9bn is covered 
by the depositor guarantee scheme.                                              
vestjyskBANK's liquidity policy states that loans shall be financed by deposits,
bonds issued and loans with a maturity date of > 1 year, subor­dinated loans and
shareholder's equity minus property. As the schedule on the following page      
shows, this policy has been fully complied with.                                
Solvency and Shareholders' Equity                                               
Management has set a solvency target of 12%. At the end of the third quarter of 
2010, vest­jyskBANK had a solvency ratio of 13.5%.                              
After deduction of the profit for the period, after tax, shareholders' equity at
the end of Septem­ber 2010, has been calculated at DKK 2.1bn.                   
The capital base after deductions amounts to DKK 3.8bn as at 30 September 2010, 
and weighted assets amount to DKK 28.3bn as of the same date. The weighted      
assets are thus comprised of:                                                   
Credit risks DKK 25.0bn                                                         
Market risks DKK 1.8bn                                                          
Operational risks DKK 1.5bn                                                     

The individual solvency need for vestjysk­BANK which, among other things, is    
based on Management's expectations for the future, is calculated at 8.8% to     
which can be added a precautionary supplement of DKK 1%, bringing the total to  
9.8%. Refer to the Bank's website for a more in-depth explanation of the        
solvency need at the end of September 2010.                                     
In the third quarter of 2010, vestjyskBANK has terminated subordinated loans    
totalling DKK 362m due for repayment at the end of October/ beginning of        
November 2010. This has had a negative impact on solvency by 1.0 percentage     
points. To resolve this, the Bank is working on raising new subordinated loan   
capital totalling DKK 300-500m which will have a positive im­pact on solvency by
1-1.7 percentage points.                                                        

As of 30 September 2010 there are 41,542 shareholders listed by name. Together, 
they own 96.1% of the share capital. The share­holding structure is             
characterised by the fact that, together, the 10 largest shareholders own 19.1% 
of the share capital.                                                           
70% of the share capital is held by 3,877 shareholders. Thus, vestjyskBANK has a
large number of shareholders with small sharehol­dings.                         
In accordance with Article 55 of the Danish Companies Act, no shareholder has   
informed the Bank that they own more than 5% of the share capital or the        
associated voting rights.                                                       
The closing rate of vestjyskBANK shares decreased from a closing rate of 87.0 at
the end of 2009 to a closing rate of 68.0 on 30 September 2010. The number of   
shareholders listed by name during the same period was reduced by 1,585.        
The Supervision Diamond (Tilsynsdiamanten)                                      
In a letter to financial institutions in June 2010, the Danish Financial        
Supervisory Authority in­formed them of five indicators of risk which the       
financial institutions should adhere to by the end of 2012.                     

The table below shows the limits, which the Danish Financial Supervisory        
Authority has de­termined, and vestjyskBANK's placing within the individual     
areas as of 30 September 2010.                                                  

As the table shows, vestjyskBANK exceeds the Danish Financial Supervisory       
Authority's limit for funding ratio since the Bank's ratio amounts to 1.53      
compared with the limit of 1.25. In its comments to this key figure, the Danish 
Financial Supervisory Authority has stated that the intention should be to      
achieve a secure and long-term funding structure rather than eliminating any    
potential deposit deficit. Therefore, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority
will initiate a dialogue with the Danish Bankers Association in order to set a  
more appropriate liquidity target.                                              

Indeed, vestjyskBANK's funding is based on a long-term structure which appears  
in the schedule above.                                                          

Expectations for 2010                                                           
On the basis of the improvement in core income and core earnings over the       
quarter and conti­nued expectations that the underlying market situation and    
conditions are heading towards normalisation, vestjyskBANK maintains its        
previously reported expectations for the 2010 financial year of core earnings of
DKK 500m before impairments and expenses relating to the Private Contingency    
Association. Similarly, the Bank maintains its expectation that its cost        
percentage for the 2010 financial year can be realised at the previously        
reported level of 54.5.                                                         
The Bank focuses intensely on the credit-worthiness of its credit commitments   
and the­refore expects that the decrease in impairments on loans and advances   
and accounts receivable from the second to the third quarter of 2010 will       
continue, provided that conditions in market remain unchanged. Nevertheless,    
impairments on the Private Contingency Association, among other things, have    
been greater than originally estimated so therefore expectations for this item  
must be revised. Consequently, total impairments for the 2010 financial year are
expected to amount to approximately 1.35% of loans and advances and guarantees  
compared with the previous figure of 1.0-1.25%.                                 
Apart from the decline in deposits which oc- curred in connection with the      
expiry of Banking Package I, the business volume is expected to remain unchanged
compared to 2009.                                                               
For the remainder of 2010, vestjyskBANK will continue to focus on improving     
revenue, mana- ging costs, maintaining credit management and increasing         
Related Parties vestjyskBANK's related parties with significant influence       
include the Bank's Board of Directors, Executive Management and executive staff,
as well as their family members. During the period there have been normal       
business transactions, under market conditions, with master butcher Peter       
Mortensen and with the company which is 100% owned by Director Anders Bech, Kaj 
Bech A/S. Otherwise, no transactions besides regular executive emoluments have  
taken place with the Bank's related parties during the ac- counting period.     
Uncertainty Regarding Recognition and Measuring The most significant source of  
uncertainty re- garding recognition and measurement relates to the impairment of
loans and advances where the future outlook for the agriculture sector in       
particular is uncertain. The Bank continually strives to improve methods of     
recognition and measuring.                                                      

Financial Calendar 2011                                                         
22 February 2011 Annual Report for 2010                                         
16 March 2011 General Meeting                                                   
3 May 2011 Quarterly Report for Q1 2011                                         
11 August 2011 Half-year report for 2011                                        
27 October 2011 Quarterly Report for Q1-Q3 2011                                 

The Board of Directors and the Executive Ma­nagement have today reviewed and    
approved the Report for the period 1 January - 30 Sep­tember 2010 for           
The Report has been presented in accordance with IAS 34 ”Interim Financial      
Reporting”, as approved by the EU, and further Danish di­sclosure requirements  
for listed financial companies.                                                 
The accounting policy used is considered ap­propriate, inasmuch as the Report   
provides a fair view of the Bank's assets, liabilities and financial position as
at 30 September 2010 and of the result of the Bank's activities and cashflow for
the accounting period 1 January to 30 September 2010.                           

The Management's Report is considered to contain a fair account of the          
development in the Bank's activities and financial issues as well as a fair     
description of the significant risks and elements of uncertainty by which the   
Bank can be affected.                                                           

The Quarterly Report has not been audited or reviewed.                          

Lemvig, 28 October 2010                                                         

                             Executive Management                               
                      Frank Kristensen  Preben Knudsgaard                       

                              Board of Directors                                

                             Anders Kristian Bech                               
                                Peter Mortensen                                 
                             Carl Olav Birk Jensen                              
                           Peter Bækkelund Rasmussen                            
                                 Poul Hjulmand                                  
                          Kirsten Lundgaard-Karlshøj                            
                                 Bjørn Albinus                                  
                             Peder Hesselaa Nielsen                             

Income Statement                                                                
| Note no.                                                                     |
|                            |   Q1-Q3 |   Q1-Q3 |     Q3 |     Q3 | Full year |
|                            |    2010 |    2009 |   2010 |   2009 |  2009 DKK |
|                            |   DKK t |   DKK t |  DKK t |  DKK t |         t |
| 2 Interest income          | 1,153,7 | 1,350,8 | 394,33 | 404,72 | 1,733,853 |
|                            |      69 |      35 |      4 |      3 |           |
| 3 Interest expenses        | 549,547 | 749,318 | 184,17 | 209,36 |   944,733 |
|                            |         |         |      4 |      7 |           |
| Net interest income        | 604,222 | 601,517 | 210,16 | 195,35 |    789,12 |
|                            |         |         |        |      6 |           |
| Dividends of shares, etc.  |   3,358 |   6,969 |    126 |    139 |     7,058 |
| 4 Fees and commission      | 188,822 | 180,728 | 56,465 | 55,876 |   247,973 |
| income                     |         |         |        |        |           |
| Paid fees and commission   |  18,772 |  16,227 |  6,259 |  5,809 |    22,854 |
| expenses                   |         |         |        |        |           |
| Net interest and fee       |  777,63 | 772,987 | 260,49 | 245,56 | 1,021,297 |
| income                     |         |         |      2 |      2 |           |
| 5 Market value adjustments |  38,025 | 103,475 | 36,477 | 47,137 |   140,803 |
| Total other operating      |   7,696 |   64,83 |  2,965 | -15,36 |    65,684 |
| income                     |         |         |        |        |           |
| 6 Staff costs and          | 451,172 | 474,077 | 146,49 | 149,49 |   622,901 |
| administrative expenses    |         |         |      5 |      6 |           |
| Depreciation and           |         |         |        |        |           |
| impairment of              |         |         |        |        |           |
| intangible and tangible    |  12,221 |  12,398 |  4,053 |  4,076 |    17,657 |
| assets                     |         |         |        |        |           |
| Other operating income     |  86,159 |  81,244 | 28,469 | 28,497 |   109,562 |
| 7 Impairment of loans and  |         |         |        |        |           |
| advances and               |         |         |        |        |           |
| accounts receivable, etc.  | 324,973 | 342,883 |  85,95 | 101,18 |    536,69 |
|                            |         |         |        |      3 |           |
| Pre-tax profit             | -51,174 |   30,69 | 34,967 | -5,913 |   -59,026 |
| Tax                        | -11,612 |   6,596 |  9,046 | -2,892 |   -17,734 |
| Profit                     | -39,562 |  24,094 | 25,921 | -3,021 |   -41,292 |
| Earnings per share         |         |         |        |        |           |
| Earnings per share         |    -3.2 |     2.0 |    2.1 |   -0.2 |      -3.4 |
| Watered-down earnings per  |    -3.2 |     2.0 |    2.1 |   -0.2 |      -3.4 |
| share                      |         |         |        |        |           |
| Total income statement     |         |         |        |        |           |
| Profit for the period      | -39,562 |  24,094 | 25,921 | -3,021 |   -41,292 |
| Other total income after   |       0 |       0 |      0 |      0 |         0 |
| tax                        |         |         |        |        |           |
| Total income overall       | -39,562 |  24,094 | 25,921 | -3,021 |   -41,292 |

Balance Sheet                                                                   
| Note no.                                                                     |
|                                     |  30/9 2010 |   30/9 2009 |   Full year |
|                                     |      DKK t |       DKK t |  2009 DKK t |
| Assets                              |            |             |             |
| Cash in hand and demand deposits at |            |             |             |
| central banks                       |    297,421 |     619,354 |     485,386 |
| Accounts receivable at credit       |            |             |             |
| institutions                        |            |             |             |
| and central banks                   |    968,441 |   2,472,951 |   1,445,186 |
| 8 Loans and advances and other      |            |             |             |
| accounts                            |            |             |             |
| receivable at amortised cost price  | 23,710,918 |  23,578,758 |  23,874,057 |
| Bonds carried at current value      |  5,718,890 |   4,568,554 |   4,297,370 |
| Shares, etc.                        |    731,988 |     676,815 |     706,871 |
| Assets relating to pooled funds     |  1,034,315 |     779,217 |     835,012 |
| schemes                             |            |             |             |
| Intangible assets                   |    108,936 |     110,432 |     110,058 |
| Total land and buildings            |    374,501 |     352,574 |     384,798 |
| Investment properties               |     10,806 |       9,251 |      18,401 |
| Domicile properties                 |    363,695 |     343,323 |     366,397 |
| Other tangible assets               |     12,369 |        15,7 |      17,375 |
| Current tax assets                  |      1,650 |      54,583 |       1,036 |
| Deferred tax assets                 |    177,978 |     140,432 |     166,366 |
| 9 Other assets                      |    950,685 |     467,323 |     514,863 |
| Total assets                        | 34,088,092 |  33,836,693 |  32,838,378 |
| Liabilities                         |            |             |             |
| Debt to credit institutions and     |            |             |             |
| central                             |            |             |             |
| banks                               | 4,104,255  |   4,785,956 |   3,608,321 |
| 10 Deposits and other amounts due   | 14,471,807 |  17,520,116 |  17,799,809 |
| Deposits in pooled funds schemes    |  1,034,315 |     779,217 |     835,012 |
| Issued bonds carried at amortised   |            |             |             |
| cost price                          |  8,575,544 |   5,043,420 |   5,079,836 |
| 11 Other liabilities                |  1,152,424 |     834,939 |     769,431 |
| 12 Subordinated debt                |  2,624,718 |   2,648,737 |   2,596,553 |
| Total liabilities                   | 31,963,063 |  31,612,385 |  30,688,962 |
| Shareholders' equity                |            |             |             |
| 13 Share capital                    |    125,000 |     125,000 |     125,000 |
| Revaluation reserves                |     30,848 |      30,848 |      30,848 |
| Earnings retained / loss brought    |  1,969,181 |   2,068,460 |   1,993,568 |
| forward                             |            |             |             |
| 14 Total shareholders' equity       |  2,125,029 |   2,224,308 |   2,149,416 |
| Total liabilities and shareholders' | 34,088,092 |  33,836,693 |  32,838,378 |
| equity                              |            |             |             |
| 15 Contingent liabilities           |            |             |             |
| Contingent liabilities              |  5,107,232 |   5,187,777 |   5,715,388 |
| Other binding agreements            |    205,596 |       5,181 |       7,781 |
| Total contingent liabilities        |  5,312,828 |   5,192,958 |   5,723,169 |

Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity                                    
|                       |     Share |  Revaluation |   Earnings |        Total |
|                       |   capital |     reserves |   retained | shareholders |
|                       |           |              |            |            ' |
|                       |     DKK t |        DKK t |      DKK t | equity DKK t |
| Shareholders' equity, |   125,000 |       30,848 |  1,993,568 |              |
| 1 January 2010        |           |              |            |              |
| Total income for the  |           |              |    -39,562 |      -39,562 |
| period                |           |              |            |              |
| Additions, sale of    |           |              |     78,669 |       78,669 |
| own shares            |           |              |            |              |
| Outflow, acquisition  |           |              |    -63,494 |      -63,494 |
| of own shares         |           |              |            |              |
| Shareholders' equity  |   125,000 |       30,848 |  1,969,181 |    2,125,029 |
| end of Q3 2010        |           |              |            |              |

|                       |     Share |  Revaluation |   Earnings |        Total |
|                       |   capital |     reserves |   retained | shareholders |
|                       |           |              |            |            ' |
|                       |     DKK t |        DKK t |      DKK t | equity DKK t |
| Shareholders' equity, |   125,000 |       30,848 |  2,040,073 |    2,195,921 |
| 1 January 2009        |           |              |            |              |
| Total income for the  |           |              |     24,094 |       24,094 |
| period                |           |              |            |              |
| Additions, sale of    |           |              |    132,073 |      132,073 |
| own shares            |           |              |            |              |
| Outflow, acquisition  |           |              |   -124,771 |     -124,771 |
| of own shares         |           |              |            |              |
| Tax relating to own   |           |              |     -3,009 |       -3,009 |
| shares                |           |              |            |              |
| Shareholders' equity  |   125,000 |       30,848 |  2,068,460 |    2,224,308 |
| end of Q3 2009        |           |              |            |              |

|                       |     Share |  Revaluation |   Earnings |        Total |
|                       |   capital |     reserves |   retained | shareholders |
|                       |           |              |            |            ' |
|                       |     DKK t |        DKK t |      DKK t | equity DKK t |
| Shareholders' equity, |   125,000 |       30,848 |  2,040,073 |    2,195,921 |
| 1 January 2009        |           |              |            |              |
| Total income for the  |           |              |    .41,292 |      -41,292 |
| period                |           |              |            |              |
| Additions, sale of    |           |              |    151,643 |      151,643 |
| own shares            |           |              |            |              |
| Outflow, acquisition  |           |              |   -155,851 |     -155,851 |
| of own shares         |           |              |            |              |
| Tax relating to own   |           |              |     -1,005 |       -1,005 |
| shares                |           |              |            |              |
| Shareholders' equity  |   125,000 |       30,848 |  1,993,568 |    2,149,416 |
| end of 2009           |           |              |            |              |

Cash Flow Statement                                                             
|                                         |     Q1-Q3 |     Q1-Q3 |  Full year |
|                                         |  2010 DKK |  2009 DKK | 2009 DKK t |
|                                         |         t |         t |            |
| Operations                              |           |           |            |
| Profit for the period after tax         |   -39,562 |    24,094 |    -41,292 |
| Adjustment for non-cash operational     |           |           |            |
| items etc.                              |           |           |            |
| Adjustment of impairments on loans and  |   327,032 |   342,883 |     536,69 |
| advances etc.                           |           |           |            |
| Depreciation and impairment of tangible |    15,577 |    14,233 |     17,657 |
| and intangible assets                   |           |           |            |
| Other unpaid operational items          |   -51,866 |  -102,434 |   -300,293 |
| Charged tax                             |   -11,612 |     6,596 |    -17,734 |
| Corporation tax paid                    |      -614 |      -726 |     53,383 |
| Total operational items                 |   238,955 |   284,646 |    248,411 |
| Working capital                         |           |           |            |
| Change in credit institutions and       |   491,879 | -2,560,58 | -3,725,458 |
| central banks, net                      |           |         2 |            |
| Change in loans, advances and other     |           |           |            |
| accounts receivable at amortised cost   |  -163,893 |   147,596 |    -341,51 |
| price                                   |           |           |            |
| Change in bonds at current value        | -1,421,52 |   -33,097 |    238,087 |
|                                         |         0 |           |            |
| Change in shareholding                  |   -25,117 |   -56,841 |    -86,897 |
| Change in issued bonds at amortised     | 3,495,708 | 1,245,097 |  1,281,513 |
| cost price                              |           |           |            |
| Change in other assets and other        |      -964 |   -68,517 |     12,262 |
| liabilities, net                        |           |           |            |
| Change in deposits and other debt       | -3,328,00 | 1,528,453 |  1,808,146 |
|                                         |         2 |           |            |
| Total working capital                   |  -951,909 |   202,109 |   -813,857 |
| Total working cash flow                 |  -712,954 |   486,755 |   -565,446 |
| Investments                             |           |           |            |
| Net investment in tangible fixed assets |       848 |   -39,384 |    -76,333 |
| Net investment in own equity            |    15,102 |     4,272 |     -4,208 |
| investments                             |           |           |            |
| Total investments                       |     15,95 |   -35,112 |    -80,541 |
| Financing:                              |           |           |            |
| Subordinated debt                       |    28,164 | 1,476,275 |  1,424,091 |
| Total financing                         |    28,164 | 1,476,275 |  1,424,091 |
| Change in liquidity for the period      |   -668,84 | 1,927,918 |    778,104 |
| Liquid assets beginning of year         | 1,821,474 | 1,043,370 |  1,043,370 |
| Change in liquidity for the period      |   -668,84 | 1,927,918 |    778,104 |
| Liquid assets end of period             | 1,152,634 | 2,971,288 |  1,821,474 |
| Liquid assets end of period             |           |           |            |
| Cash in hand and demand deposits at     |           |           |            |
| central banks                           |   297,421 |   619,354 |    485,386 |
| Accounts receivable at credit           |                                    |
| institutions and central banks due for  |                                    |
| payment within 3 months                 |  855.288  | 2,351,094 |  1.336,088 
| Total                                   | 1,152,709 | 2,970,448 |  1,821,47|


Notes to the Quarterly Report                                                   
| Note no.                                                                     |
|                                         |     Q1-Q3 |     Q1-Q3 |  Full year |
|                                         |  2010 DKK |  2009 DKK | 2009 DKK t |
|                                         |         t |         t |            |
| 1 Accounting Policy                     |           |           |            |
| At the end of the first half of 2010,   |           |           |            |
| vestjyskBANK                            |           |           |            |
| decided to start preparing its          |           |           |            |
| annual, half-yearly and quarterly       |           |           |            |
| reports                                 |           |           |            |
| in accordance with the International    |           |           |            |
| Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)    |           |           |            |
| which have been approved by the EU.     |           |           |            |
| Furthermore, the annual, half-yearly    |           |           |            |
| and quarterly reports are presented in  |           |           |            |
| accordance with the IFRS as issued by   |           |           |            |
| the International Accounting Standards  |           |           |            |
| Board (IASB). For the purposes of       |           |           |            |
| presenting                              |           |           |            |
| its accounts, the Bank uses the         |           |           |            |
| standards and interpretations           |           |           |            |
| applicable                              |           |           |            |
| to the financial year beginning on 1    |           |           |            |
| January 2010.                           |           |           |            |
| The accounting policy has not changed   |           |           |            |
| in                                      |           |           |            |
| relation to the Half Year Report        |           |           |            |
| covering                                |           |           |            |
| the period up to 30 June 2010. Refer to |           |           |            |
| this for a comprehensive description of |           |           |            |
| the accounting policy applied.          |           |           |            |
| 2 Interest income                       |           |           |            |
| Accounts receivable at credit           |           |           |            |
| institutions                            |           |           |            |
| and central banks                       |    14,656 |    47,171 |     53,602 |
| Loans and advances and other            |           |           |            |
| accounts receivable                     | 1,020,159 | 1,134,021 |  1,477,024 |
| Bonds                                   |   100,487 |   132,372 |    163,325 |
| Derivative financial instruments        |           |           |            |
| Foreign exchange contracts              |    15,162 |    38,551 |      44,93 |
| Interest rate contracts                 |     3,172 |    -1,281 |     -5,048 |
| Total derivate financial instruments    |    18,334 |     37,27 |     39,882 |
| Other interest income                   |       133 |         1 |         20 |
| Total interest income                   | 1,153,769 | 1,350,835 |  1,733,853 |
| 3 Interest expenses                     |           |           |            |
| Credit institutions and central banks   |    37,694 |   141,877 |    160,117 |
| Deposits and other amounts due          |   205,273 |   390,163 |    477,112 |
| Issued bonds                            |   165,016 |   159,144 |    201,035 |
| Subordinated debt                       |   141,546 |    57,693 |    106,025 |
| Other interest expenses                 |        18 |       441 |        444 |
| Total interest expenses                 |   549,547 |   749,318 |    944,733 |
| 4 Fees and commission income            |           |           |            |
| Securities trading and custody          |    45,951 |    38,438 |     58,457 |
| Money transmission services             |    28,924 |    27,474 |     40,718 |
| Loan processing fees                    |    54,535 |    40,231 |     59,801 |
| Guarantee commission                    |    45,834 |    59,766 |     69,708 |
| Other fees and commissions              |    13,578 |    14,819 |     19,289 |
| Total fees and commission income        |   188,822 |   180,728 |    247,973 |
| 5 Market value adjustments              |           |           |            |
| Bonds                                   |    64,675 |     77,55 |      84,07 |
| Shares, etc.                            |    16,517 |    43,700 |     56,767 |
| Foreign exchange                        |    21,530 |    32,772 |     39,221 |
| Currency, interest, shares, raw         |           |           |            |
| materials and other contracts and other |           |           |            |
| derivative financial instruments        |   -67,166 |   -51,084 |    -38,285 |
| Assets relating to pooled funds schemes |   120,885 |   141,665 |    148,826 |
| Deposits in pooled funds schemes        |  -120,885 |  -141,665 |   -148,826 |
| Other assets                            |     6,086 |     6,285 |      5,289 |
| Other liabilities                       |    -3,617 |    -5,748 |     -6,259 |
| Total market value adjustments          |    38,025 |   103,475 |    140,803 |
| 6 Staff costs and administrative        |           |           |            |
| expenses                                |           |           |            |
| Salaries and remuneration to the        |           |           |            |
| Board of Directors and Executive        |           |           |            |
| Management                              |           |           |            |
| Board of Directors                      |     1,125 |       937 |      1,321 |
| Executive Management:                   |           |           |            |
| Salaries                                |     4,438 |     4,336 |      5,797 |
| Pensions                                |     2,759 |     1,998 |      3,145 |
| Total Executive Management              |     7,197 |     6,334 |      8,942 |
| Total                                   |     8,322 |     7,271 |     10,263 |
| Staff costs                             |           |           |            |
| Salaries                                |   214,082 |    208,42 |    286,497 |
| Pensions                                |    28,163 |    27,658 |     37,439 |
| Expenses for social security,           |           |           |            |
| Payroll Tax etc.                        |     23,45 |    24,097 |     30,355 |
| Total                                   |   265,695 |   260,175 |    354,291 |
| Other administrative expenses           |   177,155 |   206,631 |    258,347 |
| Total staff costs and administrative    |           |           |            |
| expenses                                |   451,172 |   474,077 |    622,901 |
| Other Executive Management items        |           |           |            |
| Value of employee benefits              |       210 |       191 |        262 |
| No agreements have been concluded       |     3,703 |     6,525 |      4,602 |
| regarding bonus schemes, incentive      |           |           |            |
| programmes                              |           |           |            |
| or similar remuneration schemes.        |           |           |            |
| The Bank has been exempted from         |           |           |            |
| any pension liability with regard to    |           |           |            |
| Executive Management's resignation,     |           |           |            |
| whether this be on the grounds of age,  |           |           |            |
| illness, invalidity or any other        |           |           |            |
| reason.                                 |           |           |            |
| With regard to the conditions for       |           |           |            |
| Banking                                 |           |           |            |
| Package II, it should be pointed        |           |           |            |
| out that when calculating taxable       |           |           |            |
| income, tax deducted remuneration to    |           |           |            |
| Executive Management is included        |           |           |            |
| Number of employees                     |     645.3 |     662.8 |      658.9 |
| The average number of employees         |           |           |            |
| during the financial period has been    |           |           |            |
| converted to full-time employees        |           |           |            |
| 7 Impairment of loans, advances and     |           |           |            |
| accounts receivable etc.                |           |           |            |
| Loans and advances                      |   261,068 |   289,989 |    465,142 |
| The Private Contingency Association     |    63,009 |    54,656 |     73,046 |
| Guarantees and credit agreements        |       896 |    -1,762 |     -1,498 |
| Total impairment of loans, advances     |           |           |            |
| and accounts receivable                 |   324,973 |   342,883 |     536,69 |
| 8 Impairment of loans and advances      | 1,382,857 | 1,193,773 |  1,193,773 |
| and provisions for guarantees etc.      |           |           |            |
| Individual impairments of loans         |           |           |            |
| and advances and other accounts         |           |           |            |
| receivable at beginning of year         |           |           |            |
| Individual impairments of loans and     |           |           |            |
| advances and other accounts receivable  |           |           |            |
| at beginning of year                    |           |           |            |
| Impairment during period                |   391,599 |   351,109 |    452,642 |
| Reversal of impairment made during      |           |           |            |
| previous financial years                |  -110,702 |  -144,838 |    -85,339 |
| Other movements                         |    13,828 |   -51,521 |    -51,521 |
| Previous individual impairment finally  |  -101,397 |   -52,427 |   -126,698 |
| lost                                    |           |           |            |
| Induvidual impairment of loans and      |           |           |            |
| advances and other accounts receivable  |           |           |            |
| at the end of period                    | 1,576,185 | 1,296,096 |  1,382,857 |
| Collective impairment of loans and      |   103,822 |     18,02 |      18,02 |
| advances                                |           |           |            |
| Collective impairment of loans and      |           |           |            |
| advances and other accounts receivable  |           |           |            |
| at beginning of year                    |           |           |            |
| Impairments during the period           |    37,796 |    79,387 |     87,886 |
| Reversal of impairments made in         |           |           |            |
| previous financial years                |   -61,341 |    -3,877 |     -2,147 |
| Other movements                         |     1,014 |        63 |         63 |
| Collective impairment of loans and      |           |           |            |
| advances                                |           |           |            |
| and other accounts receivable at end of |    81,291 |    93,593 |    103,822 |
| period                                  |           |           |            |
| Total impairment of loans and advances  |           |           |            |
| Impairment of loans and advances and    |           |           |            |
| other                                   |           |           |            |
| accounts receivable at beginning of     | 1,486,679 | 1,211,793 |  1,211,793 |
| year                                    |           |           |            |
| Impairments during the period           |   429,395 |   430,496 |    540,528 |
| Reversal of impairments made in         |           |           |            |
| previous financial years                |  -172,043 |  -148,715 |    -87,486 |
| Other movements                         |    14,842 |   -51,458 |    -51,458 |
| Previous individual impairments now     |           |           |            |
| finally classed as lost                 |  -101,397 |   -52,427 |   -126,698 |
| Impairment of loans and advances and    |           |           |            |
| other accounts receivable at end of     | 1,657,476 | 1,389,689 |  1,486,679 |
| period                                  |           |           |            |
| Provisions for losses on guarantees     |   101,081 |    29,533 |     29,533 |
| and unutilised credit agreements        |           |           |            |
| Provisions for losses on guarantees     |           |           |            |
| and unutilised credit agreements at     |           |           |            |
| beginning of year                       |           |           |            |
| 8 Provisions during the period          |    72,411 |    64,121 |     84,273 |
| Reversal of provisions made in previous |           |           |            |
| financial years                         |    -8,505 |    -9,007 |    -12,725 |
| Provisions for losses on guarantees and |           |           |            |
| unutilised credit agreements at end of  |   164,987 |    84,647 |    101,081 |
| period                                  |           |           |            |
| Accumulated impairment percentage       |      5.9% |      4.9% |       5.1% |
| 9 Other assets                          |           |           |            |
| Positive market value of derivative     |           |           |            |
| financial instruments                   |   797,854 |   306,643 |     354,04 |
| Various debtors                         |    45,907 |    36,842 |     26,927 |
| Interest receivable and commissions     |    75,103 |    85,065 |     94,355 |
| Acquired properties                     |     6,041 |     7,339 |      9,255 |
| Other assets                            |    25,780 |    31,434 |     30,286 |
| Total other assets                      |   950,685 |   467,323 |    514,863 |
| 10 Deposits and other amounts due       |           |           |            |
| On demand                               | 9,027,492 | 9,477,211 |  9,779,596 |
| At notice                               |    26,399 |   107,635 |     79,202 |
| Time deposits                           | 3,200,181 | 5,778,632 |  5,623,003 |
| Special deposits                        | 2,217,735 | 2,156,638 |  2,318,008 |
| Total deposits                          | 14,471,80 | 17,520,11 | 17,799,809 |
|                                         |         7 |         6 |            |
| 11 Other liabilities                    |           |           |            |
| Negative market value of derivative     |           |           |            |
| financial instruments                   |   618,592 |   312,654 |    344,567 |
| Various creditors                       |    102,86 |    94,456 |    152,318 |
| Interest and commissions payable        |   240,133 |   321,329 |    148,311 |
| Provisions for pensions and similar     |    22,785 |    20,677 |      22,73 |
| liabilities                             |           |           |            |
| Provisions for losses on guarantees     |   162,953 |    77,936 |     95,593 |
| Provisions for other liabilities        |     2,034 |     6,711 |      5,489 |
| Other liabilities                       |     3,067 |     1,176 |        423 |
| Total Other liabilities                 | 1,152,424 |   834,939 |    769,431 |
| 12 Subordinated debt                    |           |           |            |
| Supplementary capital of EUR 15m        |   111,779 |   111,665 |    111,623 |
| Current interest rate                   |    2.014% |    2.629% |     2.058% |
| Date of maturity 31/10/2015             |           |           |            |
| The Danish Financial Supervisory        |           |           |            |
| Authority has approved prepayment       |           |           |            |
| as of 31/10/2010                        |           |           |            |
| Supplementary capital of DKK 100m       |       100 |       100 |        100 |
| Current interest rate                   |    2.145% |    3.005% |     2.564% |
| Date of maturity 01/11/2013             |           |           |            |
| The Danish Financial Supervisory        |           |           |            |
| Authority has approved prepayment       |           |           |            |
| as of 01/11/2010                        |           |           |            |
| Supplementary capital of NOK 135m       |   126,252 |   118,787 |    120,717 |
| Current interest rate                   |    3.370% |    2.630% |     2.820% |
| Date of maturity 16/05/2014             |           |           |            |
| The loan may, with the approval of the  |           |           |            |
| Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, |           |           |            |
| be prepaid on 16/05/2011                |           |           |            |
| 12 Supplementary capital of DKK 100m    |   100,000 |   100,000 |    100,000 |
| Current interest rate                   |    2.095% |    2.955% |     2.514% |
| Date of maturity 01/05/2015             |           |           |            |
| The loan may, with the approval of the  |           |           |            |
| Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, |           |           |            |
| be prepaid on 01/05/2012                |           |           |            |
| Supplementary capital of DKK 100m       |   100,000 |   100,000 |    100,000 |
| Current interest rate                   |    2.898% |    3.448% |     3.300% |
| Date of maturity 18/02/2016             |           |           |            |
| The loan may, with the approval of the  |           |           |            |
| Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, |           |           |            |
| be prepaid on 18/02/2013                |           |           |            |
| Supplementary capital of DKK 100m       |   100,000 |   100,000 |    100,000 |
| Current interest rate                   |    2.898% |    3.448% |     3.300% |
| Date of maturity 22/02/2016             |           |           |            |
| The loan may, with the approval of the  |           |           |            |
| Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, |           |           |            |
| be prepaid on 22/02/2013                |           |           |            |
| Supplementary capital of DKK 25m        |    25,000 |    25,000 |     25,000 |
| Current interest rate                   |    2.873% |    3.943% |     3.377% |
| Date of maturity 03/03/2014             |           |           |            |
| The loan may, with the approval of the  |           |           |            |
| Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, |           |           |            |
| be prepaid on 03/03/2011                |           |           |            |
| Supplementary capital of DKK 25m        |    25,000 |    25,000 |     25,000 |
| Current interest rate                   |    2.123% |    3.193% |     2.627% |
| Date of maturity 03/03/2016             |           |           |            |
| The loan may, with the approval of the  |           |           |            |
| Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, |           |           |            |
| be prepaid on 03/03/2013                |           |           |            |
| Supplementary capital of DKK 50m        |    50,000 |    50,000 |     50,000 |
| Current interest rate                   |    2.295% |    3.155% |     2.714% |
| Date of maturity 01/11/2013             |           |           |            |
| The Danish Financial Supervisory        |           |           |            |
| Authority has approved prepayment       |           |           |            |
| as of 01/11/2010                        |           |           |            |
| Supplementary capital of DKK 60m        |         0 |    60,000 |          0 |
| Current interest rate                   |           |     4,72% |            |
| The loan was prepaid with the approval  |           |           |            |
| of the Danish Financial Supervisory     |           |           |            |
| Authority on 26/11/2009                 |           |           |            |
| Supplementary capital of DKK 100m       |   100,000 |   100,000 |    100,000 |
| Current interest rate                   |    2.145% |    3.005% |     2.564% |
| Date of maturity 01/11/2013             |           |           |            |
| The loan may, with the approval of the  |           |           |            |
| Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, |           |           |            |
| be prepaid on 01/11/2010                |           |           |            |
| 12 Supplementary capital of NOK 200m    |   187,040 |   175,980 |    178,840 |
| Current interest rate                   |    3.470% |    2.790% |     2.810% |
| Date of maturity 01/09/2014             |           |           |            |
| The Danish Financial Supervisory        |           |           |            |
| Authority has approved prepayment       |           |           |            |
| as of 01/09/2011                        |           |           |            |
| Supplementary capital of DKK 50m        |    50,000 |    50,000 |     50,000 |
| Current interest rate                   |    1.973% |    3.043% |     2.477% |
| Date of maturity 31/10/2015             |           |           |            |
| The loan may, with the approval of the  |           |           |            |
| Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, |           |           |            |
| be prepaid on 31/10/2012                |           |           |            |
| Hybrid core capital of DKK 100m         |   104,753 |    99,302 |     99,397 |
| Current interest rate                   |    4.765% |    4.765% |     4.765% |
| No date of maturity                     |           |           |            |
| The loan may, with the approval of the  |           |           |            |
| Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, |           |           |            |
| be prepaid on 15/11/2015                |           |           |            |
| Hybrid core capital of DKK 1,438m       | 1,444,894 | 1,433,003 |  1,435,976 |
| As far as DKK 322m are concerned,       |           |           |            |
| the Bank is subject to an obligation of |           |           |            |
| conversion, if the Bank does not meet   |           |           |            |
| the solvency requirement, or the Danish |           |           |            |
| Financial Supervisory                   |           |           |            |
| Authority deems                         |           |           |            |
| that there is reasonable risk that the  |           |           |            |
| Bank                                    |           |           |            |
| cannot meet the solvency requirement.   |           |           |            |
| Current interest rate                   |    9.943% |    9.943% |     9.943% |
| No date of maturity                     |           |           |            |
| The loan may, with the approval of the  |           |           |            |
| Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, |           |           |            |
| be prepaid at the following price:      |           |           |            |
| During the period 25/08/2012 -          |           |           |            |
| 24/08/2014 at the price of 100          |           |           |            |
| During the period 25/08/2014 -          |           |           |            |
| 24/08/2015 at the price of 105          |           |           |            |
| During the period 25/08/2015 and        |           |           |            |
| onward at the price of 110              |           |           |            |
| The premium has been recognised         |           |           |            |
| and amortised according to expected     |           |           |            |
| maturity date                           |           |           |            |
| Total subordinated debt                 | 2,624,718 | 2,648,737 |  2,596,553 |
| Subordinated debt to be stated as part  |           |           |            |
| of the capital base                     | 2,253,384 | 2,488,737 |  2,496,553 |
| Costs in connection with raising loans  |         0 |     5,988 |      5,988 |
| Interest relating to subordinated debt  |           |           |            |
| included in the income statement        |   141,546 |    57,693 |    106,025 |
| 13 Holding of own shares                |           |           |            |
| Number of shares at DKK 10 (each)       |       102 |       166 |        271 |
| Percentage of share capital             |      0.8% |      1.3% |       2.2% |
| 14 Difference between presentation of   |           |           |            |
| accounts in accordance with IFRS        |           |           |            |
| and the Danish Financial Supervisory    |           |           |            |
| Authority's (FSA) rules                 |           |           |            |
| Result for the period                   |           |           |            |
| (according to IFRS rules)               |   -39,562 |    24,094 |    -41,292 |
| Owner-occupied properties               |     3,356 |     1,835 |     24,283 |
| Result for the period                   |           |           |            |
| (according to the Danish FSA's rules)   |   -42,918 |    22,259 |    -65,575 |
| Shareholders equity in accordance with  | 2,125,029 | 2,224,308 |  2,149,416 |
| IFRS                                    |           |           |            |
| Investment properties                   |    27,639 |     1,835 |     24,283 |
| Shareholders equity in accordance with  | 2,097,390 | 2,222,473 |  2,125,133 |
| Danish Financial Supervisory            |           |           |            |
| Authority's                             |           |           |            |
| (FSA) rules                             |           |           |            |
| 15 Contingent liabilities               |           |           |            |
| Financial guarantees                    | 1,584,265 | 2,076,312 |  2,502,476 |
| Loss guarantees for mortgage credit     | 1,025,049 |    908,69 |    958,528 |
| loans                                   |           |           |            |
| Land registration and conversion        |           |           |            |
| guarantees                              | 1,039,127 |   380,652 |    605,155 |
| Other contingent liabilities            | 1,458,791 | 1,822,123 |  1,649,229 |
| Total                                   | 5,107,232 | 5,187,777 |  5,715,388 |
| Other contingent liabilities            |           |           |            |
| Committed credit agreements of less     |   200,000 |         0 |          0 |
| than 1 year                             |           |           |            |
| Other liabilities                       |     5,596 |     5,181 |      7,781 |
| Total                                   |   205,596 |     5,181 |      7,781 |
| 16 Capital requirement                  |           |           |            |
| Shareholders' equity excl. result for   | 2,140,308 | 2,200,214 |  2,190,708 |
| the                                     |           |           |            |
| period cf. the Danish FSA's rules       |           |           |            |
| Recognised result cf. the Danish FSA's  |   -42,918 |         0 |    -65,575 |
| rules                                   |           |           |            |
| Revaluation reserves                    |   -30,848 |   -30,848 |    -30,848 |
| Intangible assets                       |  -108,936 |  -110,432 |   -110,058 |
| Deferred capitalised tax assets         |  -177,978 |  -138,999 |   -164,793 |
| Other deductions in core capital        |  -128,556 |   -78,578 |   -105,947 |
| Hybrid core capital                     | 1,452,425 | 1,532,305 |  1,476,090 |
| Core capital after deductions           | 3,103,497 | 3,373,662 |  3,189,577 |
| Subordinated loan capital               |   703,737 |   956,432 |     961,18 |
| Revaluation reserves                    |    30,848 |    30,848 |     30,848 |
| Hybrid core capital                     |    97,222 |         0 |     59,283 |
| Capital base before deductions          | 3,935,304 | 4,360,942 |  4,240,888 |
| Deductions in capital base              |  -128,556 |   -78,578 |   -105,947 |
| Capital base after reductions           | 3,806,748 | 4,282,364 |  4,134,941 |
| Total weighted items                    | 28,299,23 | 27,635,62 | 28,079,546 |
|                                         |         4 |         4 |            |
| Core capital after deductions in        |           |           |            |
| percent                                 |           |           |            |
| of total weighted items                 |     11.0% |     12.2% |      11.4% |
| Solvency ratio according to section     |           |           |            |
| 124(2)                                  |           |           |            |
| of the Danish Financial Business Act    |     13.5% |     15.5% |     14.7%  |
| 17 Pledging of security                 |           |           |            |
| Bonds:                                  |           |           |            |
| Pledged as security for drawing right   |           |           |            |
| at                                      |           |           |            |
| Danmarks Nationalbank                   |           |           |            |
| Total nominal value                     | 1,037,301 |   764,327 |    876,518 |
| Total market value                      | 1,036,449 |   761,092 |    874,666 |
| Of which charged                        |         0 |   421,674 |          0 |
| Credit institutes:                      |   309,126 |     3,825 |     92,402 |
| Margin accounts pledged as security in  |           |           |            |
| relation to financial instruments       |           |           |            |


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