IT - Power maintenance on the co-location cabinets at NASDAQ OMX Data Center Lunda(171-10)

As previously announced in IT Notice 153/10, 
On Saturday Dec 4th from 8:00 to 18:00 CET NASDAQ OMX will perform maintenance
work on the co-location cabinets at NASDAQ OMX Data Center at Lunda. 

The maintenance affects only the colo cabinets, regardless of the trading
system. The task implies the installation of power meters for power monitoring
reason and therefore every power cord needs to be replaced. 
The affected co-location customers will experience down-time on their cabinets
during that day. Each affected co-location customer is responsible to take down
their own equipment before and bring it up when the work is done. 

Further, all affected co-location customers need to contact their
network/Extranet provider to inform them of the event. 

Please get back to NASDAQ OMX with a reply no later than Monday Nov 9th, to
confirm if you are comfortable or if you have any issue with the installation
date and to appoint a contact person for cooperation during the maintenance. 

Please email your reply to

Special note! To be able to plan the work properly and to not cause any issue
for the Customers NASDAQ OMX needs to have your reply. If you do not answer
until November 9th NASDAQ OMX will consider as you have admitted that NASDAQ
OMX has the right to switch off your equipment and restart your servers after
the maintenance work is completed according to this IT-Notice. 

For question or further information:

Afsaneh Rezaie:, +46 8 405 71 75
Richard Gaudy:, +46 8 405 61 03
Per Fröling, Head of Member IT Services, +46 8 405 64 34 

Best regards,

