PKC Group Oyj  Interim Report  4 November 2010 11.35 a.m.                       

CORRECTION TO THE INTERIM REPORT 1-9/2010                                       

The English language version of PKC Group Oyj's Interim Report 1-9/2010         
published 4 November 2010 8.15 a.m. contained an error in the outlook for the   
future section. In the third paragraph the sentence “We also estimate that net  
sales and operating profit before non-recurring items during the latter part of 
the year shall further improve from the level of the first half of the year.”   
should be “We also estimate that net sales level and operating profit level     
before non-recurring items during the latter part of the year shall further     
improve from the average level of the first nine months of the year.”           

Enclosed herein is the corrected Interim Report in its entirety.                

Kempele, 4 November 2010                                                        

PKC Group Oyj                                                                   

Harri Suutari                                                                   
President & CEO                                                                 

Interim Report 1-9/2010                                                         


NASDAQ OMX                                                                      
Main media                                                                                                                             

The PKC Group offers design and contract manufacturing services for wiring      
harnesses, cabling and electronics. The Group has production facilities in      
Finland, Brazil, China, Mexico, Poland, Estonia and Russia. The Group's net     
sales in 2009 totalled EUR 201.8 million. PKC Group Oyj is listed on NASDAQ OMX 
Helsinki Ltd.


pkc interim report q32010 corrected.pdf