Management changes at Handelsbanken

Lars Kahnlund has been appointed head of Handelsbanken's Central Credit
Department. Since 2002, he has been a member of the Bank's senior management
team and is currently chief executive of Stadshypotek.

He takes up his new position on 1 April 2011. No new chief executive of
Stadshypotek has yet been appointed.

Johan Lagerström has been appointed head of Corporate Communications at
Handelsbanken. He will also be a member of the Bank's senior management team.
Johan Lagerström is currently press officer at Corporate Communications.

He takes up his new position on 1 December.

For further information, please contact:

Pär Boman, Group Chief Executive, +46 8 22 92 20

Bengt Carlsson, Press Contact, +46 8 701 26 30, mobile: +4670 508 96 92

For more information about Handelsbanken:



Press release PDF.pdf