Offering at Nykredit and Totalkredit's refinancing auctions

The total bond offering at the Nykredit Group's refinancing auctions at
end-2010 amounts to DKK 153.0bn, of which the total bond offering covers DKK
77.1bn in DKK-denominated fixed-rate bullet bonds, DKK 43.4bn in
EUR-denominated fixed-rate bullet bonds and DKK 32.5bn in floating-rate bonds. 

The updated amounts offered and the auction schedule appear from Appendix 1.

For further information about the auction terms, please refer to the stock
exchange announcement dated 8 November and 

Questions regarding the bond sale as well as technical matters may be addressed
to Nykredit Realkredit A/S, Group Treasury, Lars Mossing Madsen, tel +45 44 55
11 66, Christian Mauritzen, tel +45 44 55 10 14, Pernille Bach Ladevig, tel +45
44 55 10 63 or Theis Ingerslev, tel +45 44 55 20 21. 

Other enquiries may be addressed to Henrik Hjortshøj-Nielsen, Executive Vice
President, Group Treasury, tel +45 44 55 10 40, or Nels Petersen, Head of
Corporate Communications, tel +45 44 55 14 70/+45 20 22 22 72.


offering at nykredit and totalkredits refinancing auctions - 01 12 2010.pdf