
Report of transactions in Danisco A/S shares and other related financial instruments of managerial staff and connected persons

Pursuant to section 28(a) of the Danish Securities Trading Act Danisco must report the transactions in Danisco A/S shares and other related financial instruments of managerial staff and connected persons.

Danisco A/S has been notified of the following transaction:


Name:                                                             Søren Skou

Reason:                                                           Board Member

Issuer:                                                             Danisco A/S

ISIN code:                                                       DK0010207497

Type:                                                               Shares

Transaction:                                                    Acceptance of the offer from DuPont

Trading date:                                                   10 February 2011

Market:                                                            NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S

Number:                                                          1381

Market price:                                                   DKK 918,365.00



Yours sincerely                             

Christel Crone Nielsen



For further information, please contact:

Christel Crone Nielsen, tel. +45 32 66 29 33, e-mail:

Michael von Bülow, Communications, tel. +45 32 66 29 20, e-mail:


Sren Skou UK.pdf