BE Group transfers own shares

BE Group transfers own shares

The Board of Directors of BE Group AB (publ) has decided, by virtue of
the authorization by the Annual General Meeting on 27 April 2010, to
transfer 60,842 own shares as partial payment for BE Group's acquisition
of the RTS Group, which has been executed as per today.

A transfer of own shares with this purpose is according to the Board of
Directors' assessment a cost-effective partial financing of the
acquisition. The price per share is equal to the average value of the
highest buying price and the lowest selling price at NASDAQ OMX
Stockholm for shares in BE Group AB (publ) at the time of transfer.

Prior to the transfer BE Group AB holds 495,448 own shares,
corresponding to approximately 1 percent of the total shares in the
company. The total number of shares in BE Group AB amounts to

For further information, please contact: 

Roger Johansson, President

tel.: +46 (0)733 188 758                        e-mail: (

Torbjörn Clementz, CFO and Executive Vice President

tel.: +46 (0)70 869 07 88 e-mail: (


The information disclosed here is such that BE Group AB (publ) is
required to disclose pursuant to the Swedish Securities Exchange and
Clearing Operations Act and/or the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading
Act. This information was submitted for publication on February 10, 2011
at noon CET.

BE Group, listed on the Nasdaq OMX Stockholm exchange, is one of
Europe's leading trading and service companies for steel and other
metals. The Group has about 10,000 customers, primarily in the
construction and engineering industries. BE Group provides various forms
of service for steel, stainless steel and aluminium applications. In
2010, the Group reported sales of SEK 5.1 Bn. BE Group has slightly more
than 900 employees in nine countries in northern Europe, where Sweden
and Finland are its largest markets. The head office is located in
Malmö, Sweden.
Read more about BE Group at

