Report from Orexo AB's extraordinary shareholders' meeting, 16 February 2011

Report from Orexo AB's extraordinary shareholders' meeting, 16 February

The extraordinary general meeting resolved on February 16 to adopt a
performance-based, long-term incentive program 2011/2021 for senior
executives of Orexo. For more information about the incentive program,
reference is made to the complete proposal which is attached to this


For further information, contact:
Anders Lundström, President & CEO
Tel: +46 (0)706-67 22 66
Email: ( 

Robin Wright, EVP and CFO
Tel: +44 7720 300025
Email: (

This is information that Orexo AB (publ.) is required to disclose
pursuant to the Swedish Securities Markets Act. The information was
provided for public release on February 17, 2011 at 07:00 a.m. CET.


02172002.pdf BOD_proposal_EGM_2011.pdf