The nomination committee's proposal to the Board of Proffice AB

The nomination committee's proposal to the Board of Proffice AB


Proffice's nomination committee proposes election of Katarina Mellström
as a new member of the board of Proffice AB (publ) at the 2011 AGM.

The committee also proposes re-election of board members Lars Murman,
who is also proposed to be appointed Chairman of the Board, Karin
Eliasson, Christer Hägglund, Joakim Rubin and Cecilia Daun Wennborg.
Gunilla Wikman has declined re-election.

Katarina Mellström is 48 years old, holds an MBA, and works as a
management consultant at her own company, IMM Consulting. Katarina
Mellström is the former managing director and Sweden country manager at
Fujitsu Services AB Sweden and the President and CEO of Mandator AB.
Previously, she held several leading positions during ten years at
Ericsson AB, including the last four years as Vice President of Service
Business Area Advise. Katarina Mellström is a board member of Gunnebo

The nomination committee's reasoned opinion and other proposals will be
presented in the notice for the AGM and on the company's website.

For more information, please contact

Karl Åberg, chairman of the nomination committee, phone: +46 70-605 52

This is a translation from Swedish. In the event of any discrepancies
between the Swedish and the translation, the former shall have

Proffice is the specialised flexible staffing company with more than
10,000 employees in the Nordic region. We provide temporary staffing,
recruitment services, and outplacement. Proffice is listed on the NASDAQ
OMX Stockholm, Mid Cap.

