KIF Håndbold Elite A/S - still on the observation list - the company has no longer assigned a Certified Adviser

KIF Håndbold Elite A/S – still on the observation list due to the fact that the company no longer has assigned a Certified Adviser


KIF Håndbold Elite A/S was transferred to the observation list as per 26 February 2010 due to the fact that the company has lost more than half of the share capital.


ISIN       Name
DK0060091155       KIF Håndbold Elite B

KIF Håndbold Elite has today announced that the company has not assigned a Certified Adviser.

According to First North Rulebook section 2.2.3, companies admitted to trading on First North are required have signed an agreement with a Certified Adviser.

Since the company does not meet this requirement, the company will also be transferred to the observation list due to this reason, cf. First North Rulebook section 7.2.2(c)(i).


 For further information, please contact: Jakob Kaule, Surveillance, tel. +45 33 93 33 66




KIF - fortsat overfrsel pga CA - UK.pdf