New assignment for Sweco's environmental consultants in Russia

New assignment for Sweco's environmental consultants in Russia

The wastewater treatment in the Russian city of Ivanovo, 300 km east of
Moscow, was built more than 30 years ago. Now the city's municipal water
supply utility is taking ambitious measures to modernise the facility
with the help of environmental consultants from Sweco. 

“Sweco has longstanding experience of successful export projects in the
Russian market. Our first international assignment more than 100 years
ago was aimed at developing a system for wastewater treatment in St.
Petersburg. Since 2005 we are also established with 100 employees of our
own in Russia,” says Eva Nygren, President of Sweco Sweden.

Sweco's services include both development of a plan for rehabilitating
the plant in the best possible way and efforts to achieve energy
optimisation. Among other things, construction documents will be
prepared for a new biogas plant that can be connected to the wastewater
treatment plant in order to reduce energy consumption. The assignment
also includes helping the city to find continued financing solutions for
the measures proposed by Sweco.

Ivanovo is a city of roughly the same size as Gothenburg, Sweden.
470,000 of the city's residents are connected to the wastewater
treatment plant. The area contains many textile mills.

Sweco's services will be financed by the Swedish Ministry for Foreign
Affairs and the city of Ivanovo's municipal water supply utility. The
contract is worth nearly EUR 908,000 for Sweco.

For additional information contact:
Bernt Norén, Assignment Manager at Sweco, (

