IT - INET Production - Reminder new functionality March 21 (44/11)


IT - INET Production – Reminder new functionality March 21
NASDAQ OMX Nordic Order Routing launch of additional “STGY” routing strategy (IT notice 36/11)
NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchanges offer easy access to trading Nordic shares at other venues by means of the new NASDAQ OMX Nordic Smart Order Router. The initial service is now in production from February 21, 2011. 
In a second wave we are now introducing an additional strategy in production 2011-03-21. The additional strategies are reactive strategy,called STGY, where the order can route out again based on a change in the EBBO.

Additional “GTC” support
From Monday March 21, 2011 Time In Force “GTC” will be allowed at order entry for both “SCAN” and “STGY” orders. Any remaining volume of the order will be carried forward to the next trading day. The order will however not be routed out again the next trading day.
Full support of “GTC” will be offered from May 23, 2011, where the “STGY” order can route out again the following trading day (s). 

Market Access - US & Canada (IT notice 27/11) The NASDAQ OMX exchanges in Copenhagen, Helsinki and Stockholm from Monday March 21 offer easy access for members to route orders to the US market for execution. The service will be based on members utilizing existing FIX communication to the trading platform INET for Nordic equities. 

For more information
Protocol specifications:


Questions and feedback
For further information and feedback concerning this information please contact Tech Support at: +46 8 405 64 10,
Best regards,




it_exchange_notice_Reminder_march 21_4411.pdf