Wordsmith Media, Inc. Improves Market Positioning as E-Books Begin to Top Hardcover Sales Industry-Wide

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif., March 25, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Wordsmith Media, Inc. (Pink Sheets:WDIS) has begun to solidify its positioning in the e-book marketplace. Publishers Weekly, one of the leading trade publications for publishers, has reported "…the surge of e-book buying expected to take place in January following a round of holiday e-reader gift-giving did in fact materialize." The e-book vehicle for publishing seems to have established its hold in the market. In addition, according to preliminary estimates from the Association of American Publishers, "e-book sales from 16 reporting companies jumped 115.8%, to $69.9 million in January. No other trade segment posted a sales increase in the month…. e-book sales also topped $49.1 million in adult hardcover sales reported by 17 publishers; hardcover sales fell 11.3% in January."

Further encouraging news for Wordsmith, religion was the only print segment to post an increase in January with sales up 6.8%. "This is a key indicator for Wordsmith and our publication genre with Sacred History Magazine," stated James Griffith, CEO Wordsmith Media, Inc. "The continuation of print and digital product development remains a strategic part of the business plan for Wordsmith Media, Inc," Griffith continued. In its first report on 2011 sales, it was the AAP numbers showing that e-book sales jumped 115.8%, to $69.9 million. "Big gains in e-books were expected following the strong sales of e-reading devices over the holidays, but the combination of soaring e-book sales and declining sales of print put e-book revenue ahead of both adult hardcover and mass market paperback sales in January," according to Publishers Weekly.

Rider Circulation Services (RCS), an L.A. based newsstand distributor that specializes in cutting edge publications, has been Wordsmith's distributor to major retailers since 2006. RCS is now leading the way for Wordsmith products in e-distribution. Both print and digital distribution for Sacred History is handled by RCS. Through RCS, major newsstands and bookstores throughout North America receive Sacred History. Additionally, RCS' Digital Services division is handling the initial digitizing and e-commerce for Sacred History's digital editions, which can soon be found at RCS's digital newsstand, www.IndieMag.com.  More information on RCS can be found at www.RCSMagazines.com

Additionally, according to Publishers Weekly, "With independent and smaller publishers not generating the e-book volume of the largest houses, sales of adult hardcover are certainly larger than e-books across the entire industry. A year ago, when PW asked mass market executives when they thought e-book sales would surpass mass market, the earliest date was 2012…it still appears that e-books will become the third largest trade format in 2011, much quicker than anyone anticipated."

Wordsmith Media, Inc. has also established a global network throughout the U.S. and Europe for both digital and hardcover publishing. Following recent meetings in London and Malta, Wordsmith has engaged a key advertising sales team for closed circulation distribution through its U.K. media brand, Pub Media Group, for distribution of Pub and Ale Magazine to the tens of thousands of pubs throughout the U.K., offering advertising rates up to 75% below similar circulated products. This strategically places Wordsmith in a unique competitive advantage among other publications in the U.K. and Europe.

"What we are seeing in both hardcover publishing and e-book publishing is that both are vital to the marketplace into the future depending on the genre and market niche. Wordsmith will continue to place itself strategically in these markets throughout the world with the unique ability to adjust to any market changes as they are presented. These are exciting days to be in publishing," Griffith concluded.

About Rider Circulation Services

Rider Circulation Services (RCS) is a progressive international distribution and marketing company for quality publications. Since its inception in 1989, RCS has earned a solid reputation for adapting to today's complex and rapidly evolving magazine marketplace. RCS strives to distribute each of its titles, mainstream and specialty, into a network which is designed and refined as the titles' needs change to achieve maximum circulation and sales efficiency. For mainstream titles, RCS utilizes every viable wholesaler, specialty wholesaler, and direct distributor available. Selecting from its broad network, RCS is able to provide targeted marketing and distribution services geared to the individual needs of the publication.

About Wordsmith Media, Inc.

Wordsmith Media, Inc. is a brand-driven company specializing in non-fiction, historical and cultural media, operating a global content network throughout the U.S. and Europe for television broadcasting, DVDs, books, e-books, enhanced e-books and more traditional magazines. Over the past five years, the company has partnered with other key media companies such as The History Channel, A&E Network, National Geographic and Walt Disney Pictures.

Wordsmith Media: www.wordsmithmedia.co

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