Capital increase due to exercise of warrants

NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen                                                                       30.03.2011
Nikolaj Plads 6
1067 København K                                                                                       No. 04/11 



Capital increase due to exercise of warrants

Referring to stock exchange announcements of 25 May 2009 (No. 12/09) and 26 August 2010 (No. 24/10) the Management and managerial employees were offered a warrant programme.

Today, the Management and the managerial employees exercised 7,524,507 warrants, and the number of outstanding warrants from 2009 is now 17,795,565.

As each warrant gives the holder right to subscribe for one share of nom. DKK 0.25, the company’s share capital will be increased by nom. DKK 1,881,126.75 from nom. DKK 130,022,412.50 to DKK 131,903,539.25. The warrants were exercised at a subscription price of DKK 0.73 per share, and the proceeds to Topsil total DKK 5,492,890.11.


Topsil Semiconductor Materials A/S

Jens Borelli-Kjær                                                                                  Keld Lindegaard Andersen
Chairman                                                                                              CEO
+45 40 16 14 82                                                                                   +45 21 70 87 72


Please note that this translation is provided for convenience only. The Danish version shall prevail in case of discrepancies. 


04-11 Capital increase.pdf