Skjern Bank ”Nabovaluta 2011”

The above bond (ISIN DK0030164637) will be redeemed on 6 April 2011 as scheduled.

In accordance with the published prospectus of 27 February 2009, the calculation agent has calculated the redemption price at 121.16, equivalent to a redemption amount of DKK 1,211.60 per bond of DKK 1,000. 

The calculation of the redemption price is based on the inception value and an average of the four end values, see below: These prices are listed below. 

30-03-2009 0.9291 10.9662 8.951
30-12-2010 0.8602 9.0133 7.819
31-01-2011 0.8609 8.867 7.927
28-02-2011 0.8528 8.7445 7.709
30-03-2011 0.8789 8.9185 7.8675
Average End value 0.8632 8.8858 7.8306
Increase since inception 7.63% 23.41% 14.31%
Average increase     15.12%
Participation rate     140%
Redemption price     121.16

The 121.16 redemption price is calculated by multiplying the average increase of the three currency crosses from inception to end by a participation rate of 140%. The bonds have given a positive return of 7,94% p.a. Repayment will be made to the bondholders' account controllers via VP Securities A/S with 6 April 2011 as the value date.

Please contact Director Per Munck in case of questions.


09_ 2011 Obligationsindfrielse 06.04.2011 Nabovaluta UK.pdf