Re the lawsuit by the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania to investigate the activities of AB Lietuvos Dujos

Vilnius, Lithuania, 2011-04-05 10:11 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AB Lietuvos Dujos informs the public that on 4 April 2011 a notification from the Vilnius Regional Court was received together with the Plaintiff's the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania’s (that is acting on behalf of the Republic of Lithuania which is a shareholder of AB Lietuvos Dujos) lawsuit of 25 March 2011 regarding the investigation of the activities of the legal person. In the lawsuit, the Ministry of Energy requests the Court to appoint experts to investigate whether or not the governing bodies of the Company have been acting properly and, if the Court ascertains that the actions have been improper, to apply measures stipulated in the Art. 2.131 Part 1 Paragraphs 2, 3 and 7 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania.



Authorized person:

Justinas Stasinskas

Senior Lawyer of the Legal Division

Tel.: +370 5 236 01 45