Report on dealing with Dantherm A/S' shares and affiliated securities by executive employees and closely related parties

Skive, 2011-04-08 14:19 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In accordance with Section 28a of the Danish Securities Trading Act, Dantherm A/S is required to publish the dealing with Dantherm A/S’ shares and affiliated securities by executive employees and closely related parties.

Name Anni Frank
Cause Closely related to the managing director for the Telecom business area cf. Section 28a, item 4, no. 1
Issuer Dantherm A/S
Stock code DK0010223692
Description Shares
Transaction Purchase
Dates of trading 7 April 2011
Market NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S
Number, pcs 2,200
Market value in DKK 44,220


