VINX Index Information: Adjustment of VINX Benchmark Index due to a share distribution procedure in Investment AB Öresund (16/11)

The following information is based on a press release from Investment AB Öresund (ORES) (SE0000115610) published on April 7, 2011 and may be subject to change.

The Board of Directors has proposed that the Extra General Meeting (EGM) scheduled for April 29, 2011, decides upon a share distribution whereby every seven (7) shares held in ORES entitles to one (1) share in HQ AB (ATORG:HQ). The Ex-date has been set to May 2, 2011.

Provided that the EGM approves the proposal, NASDAQ OMX Global Index Group will act and adjust ORES in accordance to the “Rules for the Construction and Maintenance of the NASDAQ OMX and Oslo Børs All-Share, Benchmark, Tradable and Sector Indexes”, rule 5.7.1 (valuation method).

The valuation considers the terms of the distribution and will use the closing price of HQ as quoted on Aktietorget. The start price for ORES in the index calculation on the ex-date May 2, 2011 will be the closing price of April 29, 2011 less the value of the distribution.

For further information concerning this notice please contact Michael Olsson or Lukas Wäsström, telephone + 46 8 405 62 96, e-mail

