New share for trading, Kopparberg Mineral AB (53/11)

At the request of Kopparberg Mineral AB (publ), 556704-4168, Kopparberg Mineral AB shares will be traded on First North as from May 5, 2011.

Short name: KMIN B
Number of shares: 6 402 540
ISIN code: SE0001915190
Round lot: 1
Order book ID: 38904
ADT Value in SEK: 4 000 000
Company Organization Number: 556704-4168
Submarket: First North STO

GICS Classification

Sub Industry code Sub Industry
15104020 Diversified Metals & Mining


Index code Index name
15 Materials
1510 Materials
151040 Metals & Mining

This information is distributed at the request of the Certified Adviser, Erik Penser Bankaktiebolag. For further information, please call Erik Penser Bankaktiebolag on
+46 8 463 80 00.