On submitting audited financial statement of Latvian Shipping Company for 2010

JSC Latvian Shipping Company (LSC) informs that it will not be able to publish audited financial statement for 2010 within the time-limit set by Latvian legislation, i.e., till 30 April 2010.

LSC is actively carrying out negotiations regarding restructuring company loans with the crediting banks, taking into account the actual financial situation of the company. Taking into account that completion of the restructuring process is a precondition for receiving auditor’s opinion on the financial statement for 2010, LSC informs that the company is not able to publish the statement timely.

LSC will work hard to publish the audited financial statement for 2010 as soon as possible, but no later that 31 July 2011.

         Additional information:
         Elīna Dobulāne
         Press secretary
         Latvian Shipping Company
         Phone: +371 25959447
         E-mail: Elina.Dobulane@lscgroup.lv