Share subscription price with options 2009 C and market value of the option serie

Comptel Corporation          Stock exchange release, 4 May 2011 at 10.00 am

Share subscription price with options 2009 C and market value of the option serie

The share subscription price for Comptel Corporation share option 2009 C is EUR 0.67 per share, which corresponds to the trade volume weighted average quotation of the share on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd during 1 April - 30 April 2011. A total of 1,400,000 new shares or existing shares held by the Company can be subscribed for with share options 2009 C. The share subscription period for share options 2009 C will be 1 November 2013 - 30 November 2015.

The theoretical market value of share options 2009 C is EUR 0.27 per share option and the theoretical market value of the entire share option series is thus EUR 378,000. The theoretical market value of one share option has been calculated by using Black & Scholes share option pricing model with the following input factors: share price EUR 0.70, share subscription price EUR 0.67, risk free interest rate 3.13%, validity of share options 4.6 years and volatility 39%.

The terms and conditions of the Share Option Scheme 2009 are available on Comptel's website at

Juhani Hintikka
President and CEO

Major media

Comptel software enables telecom operators to deliver services flexibly and charge them effectively. Comptel's wide expertise in service fulfillment, mediation and charging empowers customers to focus on delivering innovative services. Comptel has provided solutions to 280 service providers with 800 million subscribers in 85 countries. The Group has about 600 employees worldwide, and net sales were EUR 78 million in 2010.