SinterCast Results January - March 2011

  * Revenue for period: SEK 9.1 million (SEK 8.0 million)
  * Operating Result: SEK 0.7 million (SEK 0.7 million)
  * Earning/share: SEK 0.2 per share (SEK 0.2 per share)
  * Cashflow: SEK 1.5 million (SEK -2.1 million)
  * Dividend: The Board of Directors proposes an ordinary dividend of SEK 0.5
    per share (SEK 0.0 per share)
  * Scania 16.4 litre V8 cylinder block awarded Casting of the Year honours
  * Field trial activities continue to increase, with five trials scheduled
    during May

  Full-year outlook remains optimistic, building on recordseries production of
        1.3 million Engine Equivalents and positive installation outlook

Current Production and Outlook
Series production established a new all-time high during March, with an
annualised production rate of 1.3 million Engine Equivalents.  The current
series production programmes have the potential to grow to an annual volume of
approximately 1.55 million Engine Equivalents when all programmes reach mature
volume.  Further growth requires the launch of new series production programmes.
 SinterCast continues to support product development programmes for passenger
vehicle, commercial vehicle and industrial power applications and it is
estimated that these programmes could provide approximately 2.8 million
additional Engine Equivalents per year within SinterCast's five year planning
horizon, providing a current market opportunity of approximately 4.35 million
Engine Equivalents per year.

During the period, the CGI cylinder block of the Scania 16.4 litre V8 commercial
vehicle  engine was awarded Casting  of the Year honours  by the Swedish Foundry
Association.  The CGI cylinder block began production during 2010 at the Halberg
foundry  in Leipzig, Germany,  using the SinterCast  process control technology.
 The  CGI cylinder block forms the basis of the most powerful commercial vehicle
engine  on the road today, with 730 horsepower  (537 kW) and 3,500 Nm of torque,
further  reinforcing the trend  toward CGI for  commercial vehicle engines.  The
16.4 litre  engine satisfies Euro 5 emissions, is 100% biodiesel compatible, and
meets EEV (Enhanced Environmentally Friendly Vehicle) standards.

The  demand for field trials has begun  to increase and SinterCast has committed
to  conduct  five  trials  during  May.   In  addition  to  the  increased trial
activities,  installation  discussions  are  also  at  an advanced stage and the
outlook  for new installations during  the remainder of 2011 remains optimistic.
 While  the  current  series  production  and development activities provide the
basis  for  a  positive  outlook  for  the full-year result, the availability of
components  required  for  the  production  of  some  SinterCast vehicles may be
affected  by  the  Japanese  earthquake  and  tsunami,  potentially resulting in
reduced  growth  during  the  second  half  of  2011.  It is not yet possible to
quantify the effect that this may have on SinterCast volumes.

Financial Summary

The  January-March 2011 revenue  amounted to  SEK 9.1 million (SEK 8.0 million).
 The revenue increase of 14% represents the combined effect of a 40% increase in
Engine  Equivalent production,  an 18% increase  in the  number of Sampling Cups
shipped,  and a 10% depreciation of both the  US dollar and the Euro against the
Swedish  krona,  compared  to  the  same  period  last year. The revenue for the
SinterCast  Group relates primarily to income from equipment (sales and leases),
series production and engineering service, as shown in the following table:

Revenue Breakdown                                January-March January-December

                                                   2011   2010    2010     2009
Number of Sampling Cups shipped                  27,400 23,250 102,650   54,600

Equipment[1]                                        0.9    0.9     6.8      2.6

Series Production[2]                                8.1    7.0    30.9     15.6

Engineering Service[3]                              0.1    0.1     1.3      1.7

Other                                               0.0    0.0     0.4      0.1
Total                                               9.1    8.0    39.4     20.0
(Amounts in SEK million if not otherwise stated)

Notes: 1. Includes revenue from system sales and leases and sales of spare parts

       2. Includes revenue from production fees, consumables and software
          licence fees

       3. Includes revenue from technical support, on-site trials and sales of
          test pieces

The  January-March 2011 operating result was  SEK 0.7 million (SEK 0.7 million).
The  cost of goods  sold increased by  approximately SEK 0.6 million compared to
the   same   period   2010 and   the  operating  costs  increased  similarly  by
approximately  SEK 0.6 million compared to the same period 2010 due to increased
R&D  activity  and  additional  personnel  costs.  The  result after tax for the
January-March  2011 period amounted  to SEK  1.1 million (SEK  1.0 million). The
deferred tax asset was unchanged during the period.

Results Summary                                  January-March January-December

                                                 2011     2010 2010        2009
Operating Result                                  0.7      0.7  7.2        -6.3

Result for the period                             1.1      1.0 16.5        -2.7

Result after tax per share (SEK)                  0.2      0.2  2.5        -0.5
(Amounts in SEK million if not otherwise stated)

Employee Stock Option Programme
As  of 31 March 2011, the cost of the employee stock option programme 2009-2013
was  calculated at a total amount of SEK 3.2 million (SEK 3.2 million), based on
a  closing share  price of  SEK 56.5 (SEK  48.1). Thus far during 2011, SEK 0.3
million  (SEK 0.3 million) has been accounted for as costs related to the option

Cashflow, Liquidity and Investments
The January-March 2011 cashflow result was SEK 1.5 million (SEK -2.1 million).
The improved cashflow reflects payment received for the December 2010 System
2000 activation at the Dashiang foundry in China and the January 2011 System
3000 installation at the Daedong foundry in Korea. The increased liquidity from
SEK 40.3 million on 31 December 2010 to SEK 41.8 million on 31 March 2011 is a
combined result of the positive cashflow less the repayment of the Sörmland
Sparbank loan in the amount of SEK 3.0 million.  Investments during the period
amounted to SEK 0.6 million (SEK 0.1 million).

Cashflow Summary                    January-March January-December

                                    2011     2010 2010        2009
Cashflow from operating activities   1.5      1.3 10.4        -3.2

Cashflow from working capital        3.1     -3.3 -7.4        -1.7

Cashflow from investment activities -0.1     -0.1 -0.5        -0.6
Cashflow from financing activities  -3.0      0.0 13.0        21.3
Cashflow total                       1.5     -2.1 15.5        15.8

Liquidity                           41.8     22.7 40.3        24.8

Investments                          0.6      0.1  0.7         1.3
(Amounts in SEK million if not otherwise stated)

SinterCast  has  historically  been  financed  by  risk  capital provided by its
shareholders  and  has  managed  its  expenses  according  to  market forecasts,
resource  requirements, and regular  reviews of expenditures  in relation to the
annual  budget.  Following  positive  cashflow  from operations during 2010, the
Board judges that the long-term financing of the Company is secure, allowing the
Company to be more pro-active in its operations.

Risks and Uncertainty Factors
Despite   the   positive   increase   in  series  production,  and  the  renewed
opportunities  for  installations,  the  main  uncertainty factor for SinterCast
continues  to be the overall  timing of the CGI  market ramp-up.  This primarily
depends  on OEM decisions for  new CGI engines and  other components, the global
economy  for  new  vehicle  sales  and  the individual sales success of vehicles
equipped with SinterCast-CGI components.

The  global economic  downturn caused  some automotive  OEMs to delay production
launches  and this  has directly  affected SinterCast.   Although the automotive
market  is enjoying a  recovery, volumes in  SinterCast's core markets are still
significantly  below pre-downturn levels and  the SinterCast-CGI programmes that
started production before 3Q08 have still not fully recovered.  While SinterCast
continues  to support  new product  development activities,  and anticipates new
production  launches and new  opportunities for installation  revenue, the Board
believes  that it is still not possible  to determine the ultimate effect of the
economic  downturn.   More  recently,  the  earthquake  and tsunami in Japan may
affect  the supply of components to  vehicle manufacturers around the world, and
this  could  also  affect  the  near-term development of SinterCast's production

Business Model
SinterCast  sells or leases the System 3000 hardware, leases the process control
software,  sells the sampling consumables, and  charges a running Production Fee
for  each  tonne  of  CGI  castings  produced  using  the SinterCast technology.
 Revenue  is also derived  from spare parts,  customer service, field trials and
sales  of  test  pieces.   The  total  running  fees  (sampling consumables plus
Production  Fee) depend on the ladle size and the casting yield for each foundry
and  each product.  For a  typical cylinder  block production,  the running fees
provide   a   revenue   of   approximately  EUR  40~50 per  tonne  of  castings,
equivalently,  EUR 2.00~2.50 for  each 50 kg  Engine Equivalent.  The SinterCast
business  model  is  highly  scalable  and  gross  margins  are  high,  allowing
profitability  to rise as  the installed base  grows and as  more products enter
series production.

Market Penetration and Competition
SinterCast  enjoys global  brand recognition  and respect  as the CGI technology
leader  and is welcomed by  the industry as a  reliable and trustworthy partner.
 However,  virtually every company encounters  competition, and SinterCast is no
exception.   As the CGI market has developed, some foundry supply companies have
proposed  alternative CGI  technologies.  To  SinterCast's knowledge, these have
included  Hereaus-Electronite, OxyCast, OCC  and NovaCast.  It  is also possible
that  some  foundries  may  opt  to  produce  CGI  using  in-house  control  and
discipline,  but it  is generally  judged that  this will  become less likely as
product  complexity  and  production  volumes  increase,  and  as  specification
requirements  become more rigidly enforced  by the end-users.  SinterCast judges
that  its technology  and engineering  know-how provides  the most  reliable and
cost-effective  solution for the  production of high  quality CGI.  Based on its
proven  technology,  production  experience  and engineering service, SinterCast
will  continue to support new CGI development activities to further increase its
share  of the world CGI production capacity.  With respect to the development of
alternative  automotive technologies such  as biofuels, hybrids  and fuel cells,
SinterCast  does not expect these to have  a significant effect on the Company's
competitive position for the foreseeable future.

As  of 31 March 2011, the Group had 15 (13) employees, three (two) of which were
female.  The  core  technical  staff  has  the necessary skills and resources to
support  ongoing  customer  activities  and  to  support the market development.
Further  recruitment will  be phased  with the  development of field activities,
particularly  the  need  to  support  new  installations  and  series production

Accounting Principles
The  information provided on behalf of the Group in this interim report has been
prepared  in accordance  with Sweden's  Annual Accounts  Act and  IAS 34 Interim
Financial  Reporting. The reporting for the  Parent Company has been prepared in
accordance with Sweden's Annual Accounts Act and RFR 2.  The accounting policies
that have been applied for the Group and for the Parent Company are in agreement
with  the accounting  policies used  in the  preparation of the Company's latest
annual report.

No  material transactions have  taken place between  SinterCast and the Board or
the Management during the period.

Events after the Balance Sheet Date
There  have been no significant events since  the balance sheet date of 31 March
2011 that could materially change these financial statements.

Parent Company
SinterCast  AB  (publ)  is  the  Parent  Company  of  the SinterCast Group, with
registered  office located in Stockholm, Sweden.  The Parent Company has 11 (10)
employees.   The majority of the operations are conducted by the Parent Company,
including  responsibility  for  the  representative  office  in  China and sales
representatives  in Australia, India, Japan and  Korea. Operations in the UK and
the USA are managed by the local companies.  The information given for the Group
in this report corresponds in all material respects to the Parent Company.

The Interim Report April-June 2011 will be published on 24 August 2011
The Interim Report July-September 2011 will be published on 2 November 2011
The  Interim  Report  October-  December  and  Full  Year  Results  2011 will be
published on 22 February 2012
The Interim Report January-March 2012 will be published on 25 April 2012

Annual General Meeting
The  Annual General  Meeting 2011 will  be held  at 15:00 on  19 May 2011 at The
Royal  Swedish  Academy  of  Engineering  Sciences  (IVA),  Grev  Turegatan 16,
Stockholm.   The notice to the Annual  General Meeting was published on 18 April
2011 and is available on the Company's website.

Annual Report 2010
The  Annual  Report  2010 was  published  on  the SinterCast website on 20 April
2011. In  consideration of cost efficiency and environmental concern, the Annual
Report  2010 will be issued in electronic format, as a PDF file, and will not be
generally distributed as a printed document.

This report has not been reviewed by the Company's Auditors.

For further information please contact:

Dr. Steve Dawson

President & CEO

SinterCast AB (publ)

Office:  +46 8  660 7750

Mobile:  +44 771 002 6342



SinterCast is the world's leading supplier of process control technology for the
reliable  high volume production of Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI). With at least
75% higher  tensile strength, 45% higher stiffness  and approximately double the
fatigue strength of conventional grey cast iron and aluminium, CGI allows engine
designers  to improve  performance, fuel  economy and  durability while reducing
engine  weight, noise and  emissions. The SinterCast  technology is used for the
production  of more than 46 CGI components,  ranging from 2 kg to 17 tonnes, all
using  the same proven process control technology.  The end-users of SinterCast-
CGI  components include Aston  Martin, Audi, Caterpillar,  Chrysler, DAF Trucks,
Ford,  Ford-Otosan,  General  Electric  Transportation  Systems, General Motors,
Hyundai,  Jaguar, Kia, Land Rover,  MAN, Navistar, Porsche, PSA Peugeot-Citroën,
Renault, Rolls-Royce Power Engineering, Toyota, VM Motori, Volkswagen, Volvo and
Waukesha  Engine. The SinterCast share is quoted on the Small Cap segment of the
NASDAQ OMX stock exchange (Stockholmsbörsen: SINT).

                                     - END-

The full report with tables can be downloaded from the following link:



SinterCast Results January - March 2011.pdf