Derivatives - Product Information 56/11


Change of Settlement Propagation for Premiums and Fees
As communicated on January 19, NASDAQ OMX, in co-operation with market participants, has decided to change the settlement propagation of premiums and fees from trading accounts to position accounts. This means that all premiums and fees will be payable by the position account holder and no payments will be made by the trading account holder. Integrated Trading and Clearing Accounts (TCA) will not be affected by this change.
The implementation of the changes, previously scheduled for mid June, 2011, has been rescheduled to October 10, 2011.
The change has already been implemented in External Test System 1.
For further information concerning this exchange notice please contact Joakim Norbäck or Anders Bergström, telephone +46 8 405 73 60, or
NASDAQ OMX Derivatives Markets



56_Exchange Notice - Settlement Propagation_4.pdf