Bulletin from the Annual General Meeting 2011

Gothenburg, Sweden, 2011-05-26 08:45 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  

On May 25, 2011, the Annual General Meeting was held in Opus Prodox AB (publ), 556390-6063.

Below follows a summary of the decisions taken.

• The income statement and balance sheet, as well as the group consolidated income statement and balance sheet, were adopted.

• The company’s profits were appropriated in accordance with the Board’s proposal, meaning that no dividend shall be paid for 2010.

• The Board of Directors and the President/CEO were discharged from liability for the financial year 2010.

• The Board shall, in accordance with the Nomination Committee’s proposal, consist of five members and no deputies until the end of the next AGM (unchanged). Furthermore, the AGM decided to elect one registered auditing company as auditor.

• Remuneration to the Board shall, in accordance with the Nomination Committee’s proposal, amount to SEK 120,000 to the Chairman of the Board and SEK 80,000 to each of the other non-employed Board members. The remuneration levels are unchanged compared to 2010. Furthermore, the AGM decided that, subject to it being cost-neutral for the company, a member of the Board may invoice their fee.

• Compensation to the company’s auditor shall, in accordance with the Nomination Committee’s proposal, be paid according to approved invoices by the company.

• The Board shall, in accordance with the Nomination Committee’s proposal, consist of:

o Göran Nordlund, Chairman (re-election)

o Bertil Engman (re-election)

o Jan-Crister Persson (re-election)

o Lothar Geilen (re-election), and

o Eva-Lotta Kraft (new election)

Furthermore, the AGM decided to appoint the Authorised Public Accountants Deloitte AB as auditor, with authorized public accountant Harald Jagner as the main responsible auditor, for the period until the end of the AGM 2012.

• The Nomination Committee’s proposal for instruction for the next Nomination Committee was adopted.

• The Board’s proposed guidelines for remuneration to senior executives was adopted.

• The Board was, in accordance with the Board’s proposal, authorized to decide on the issue of new shares of up to 10 percent of the existing share capital.

• The AGM decided, in accordance with the Board’s proposal, on a new issue of 1,750,000 share options, that with deviation from the shareholders preferential rights, are aimed at Opus Bima AB, a wholly-owned subsidiary and with the condition that the share options, under the proposed conditions, are to be transferred to the employees and other key members in the Group.

The company’s President and CEO Magnus Greko outlined the company’s development during the financial year 2010 and the first quarter of 2011 and significant events during the periods.

Minutes from the Annual General Meeting will be published within two weeks on the company’s website where also other material from the meeting can be found.

Gothenburg, Sweden, May 25, 2011
The Board of Directors

This press info is available in Swedish at www.opus.se

For additional information, please contact
Göran Nordlund
Chairman of the Board
Phone: +46 704 33 13 20

Magnus Greko
President and CEO
Phone: +46 31 748 34 91
E-mail: magnus@opus.se

Opus’ Certified Adviser
Thenberg & Kinde Fondkommission AB
Box 2108
SE-403 12 Gothenburg
Phone: +46 31 745 50 00

The Opus Group is in the business of developing, producing and selling products and services within Automotive Test Equipment, Vehicle Inspection Systems and Fleet Management for the global market. The Group’s products include emission analyzers, diagnostic equipment and automatic test lines. Services include management of mandatory vehicle inspection programs. The Group sells its products and services in more than 50 countries all over the world and currently employs around 170 persons. The turnover for 2010 was approx. SEK 230 million. Opus’ share is listed on First North Premier (NASDAQ OMX) under the ticker OPUS.


Bulletin from the Annual General Meeting 2011.pdf