Report of transactions of shares and related securities of Bavarian Nordic by persons holding managerial responsibilities and/or persons/companies closely associated with such

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Kvistgaard, Denmark, May 26, 2011 - Pursuant to Section § 28a of the Danish Act
on Securities Trading, Bavarian Nordic A/S reports the following transactions of
shares and related securities of Bavarian Nordic A/S by persons holding
managerial responsibilities and/or persons/companies closely associated with

Name                   A.J. Aamund A/S

Reason for transaction Closely related to Asger Aamund, Chairman of the Board of
                       Bavarian Nordic A/S

Issuer                 Bavarian Nordic A/S

ID code/ISIN           DK0060308070

Description            New shares

Transaction            Subscription of new shares

Trading date           25 May 2011

Market                 NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen

Number                 348,389

Market value (DKK)     18,813,006.00

Name                   Reiner Laus

Reason for transaction Member of the Group Management of Bavarian Nordic A/S

Issuer                 Bavarian Nordic A/S

ID code/ISIN           DK0060308070

Description            New shares

Transaction            Subscription of new shares

Trading date           25 May 2011

Market                 NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen

Number                 22,996

Market value (DKK)     1,241,784.00

Name                   Erik G. Hansen

Reason for transaction Member of the Board of Directors of Bavarian Nordic A/S

Issuer                 Bavarian Nordic A/S

ID code/ISIN           DK0060308070

Description            New shares

Transaction            Subscription of new shares

Trading date           25 May 2011

Market                 NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen

Number                 14,000

Market value (DKK)     756,000.00

Name                   Paul Chaplin

Reason for transaction Member of the Group Management of Bavarian Nordic A/S

Issuer                 Bavarian Nordic A/S

ID code/ISIN           DK0060308070

Description            New shares

Transaction            Subscription of new shares

Trading date           25 May 2011

Market                 NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen

Number                 11,500

Market value (DKK)     621,000.00

Name                   Qvinta Invest ApS

Reason for transaction Closely related to Erik G. Hansen, member of the Board of
                       Bavarian Nordic A/S

Issuer                 Bavarian Nordic A/S

ID code/ISIN           DK0060308070

Description            New shares

Transaction            Subscription of new shares

Trading date           25 May 2011

Market                 NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen

Number                 6,000

Market value (DKK)     324,000.00

Name                   Sirius Holding ApS

Reason for transaction Closely related to Erik G. Hansen, member of the Board of
                       Bavarian Nordic A/S

Issuer                 Bavarian Nordic A/S

ID code/ISIN           DK0060308070

Description            New shares

Transaction            Subscription of new shares

Trading date           25 May 2011

Market                 NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen

Number                 5,000

Market value (DKK)     270,000.00

Asger Aamund
Chairman of the Board

Anders Hedegaard, President & CEO. Phone +45 23 20 30 64

About Bavarian Nordic
Bavarian Nordic is a vaccine-focused biotechnology company developing and
producing novel vaccines for the treatment and prevention of life-threatening
diseases with a large unmet medical need. The company's clinical pipeline
targets cancer and infectious diseases, and includes seven development
programmes. Two programmes are under preparation for Phase III: PROSTVAC(®), a
therapeutic vaccine for advanced prostate cancer is being developed under a
collaboration agreement with the National Cancer Institute, and IMVAMUNE(®), a
third-generation smallpox vaccine is being developed under a contract with the
US government.

Bavarian Nordic is listed on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen under the symbol BAVA.

For more information please visit

PROSTVAC(®) is a registered trademark in the U.S.

Forward-looking statements
This announcement includes "forward-looking statements" that involve risks,
uncertainties and other factors, many of which are outside of our control that
could cause actual results to differ materially from the results discussed in
the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements include statements
concerning our plans, objectives, goals, future events, performance and/or other
information that is not historical information. We undertake no obligation to
publicly update or revise forward-looking statements to reflect subsequent
events or circumstances after the date made, except as required by law.


